From 16bad2532611e57c96adf48c2b141e355f7806e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anweshi Anavadya <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2021 21:39:40 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] added further testing to ncbi

 tests/ | 127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 7bb2737..23d0206 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def test_safe_request():
 def test_get_eutil_records():
     eutil = "efetch"
     _id = "9887103"
-    expected_response = [
+    expected = [
             "<?xm": ['version="1.0" ?>'],
             "<!DO": [
@@ -2033,18 +2033,129 @@ def test_get_eutil_records():
         {"</Pu": ["edArticleSet>"]},
-    actual_response = _get_eutil_records(eutil, _id)
-    assert isinstance(actual_response, types.GeneratorType)
-    assert list(actual_response) == expected_response
+    actual = _get_eutil_records(eutil, _id)
+    assert isinstance(actual, types.GeneratorType)
+    assert list(actual) == expected
 def test_parse_medline():
     text = "\nPMID- 9887103\nOWN - NLM\nSTAT- MEDLINE\nDCOM- 19990225\nLR  - 20190516\nIS  - 0890-9369 (Print)\nIS  - 0890-9369 (Linking)\nVI  - 13\nIP  - 1\nDP  - 1999 Jan 1\nTI  - The Drosophila activin receptor baboon signals through dSmad2 and controls cell\n      proliferation but not patterning during larval development.\nPG  - 98-111\nAB  - The TGF-beta superfamily of growth and differentiation factors, including\n      TGF-beta, Activins and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play critical roles in \n      regulating the development of many organisms. These factors signal through a\n      heteromeric complex of type I and II serine/threonine kinase receptors that\n      phosphorylate members of the Smad family of transcription factors, thereby\n      promoting their nuclear localization. Although components of TGF-beta/Activin\n      signaling pathways are well defined in vertebrates, no such pathway has been\n      clearly defined in invertebrates. In this study we describe the role of Baboon\n      (Babo), a type I Activin receptor previously called Atr-I, in Drosophila\n      development and characterize aspects of the Babo intracellular\n      signal-transduction pathway. Genetic analysis of babo loss-of-function mutants\n      and ectopic activation studies indicate that Babo signaling plays a role in\n      regulating cell proliferation. In mammalian cells, activated Babo specifically\n      stimulates Smad2-dependent pathways to induce TGF-beta/Activin-responsive\n      promoters but not BMP-responsive elements. Furthermore, we identify a new\n      Drosophila Smad, termed dSmad2, that is most closely related to vertebrate Smads \n      2 and 3. Activated Babo associates with dSmad2 but not Mad, phosphorylates the\n      carboxy-terminal SSXS motif and induces heteromeric complex formation with Medea,\n      the Drosophila Smad4 homolog. Our results define a novel Drosophila\n      Activin/TGF-beta pathway that is analogous to its vertebrate counterpart and show\n      that this pathway functions to promote cellular growth with minimal effects on\n      patterning.\nFAU - Brummel, T\nAU  - Brummel T\nAD  - Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of California,\n      Irvine, California 92697, USA.\nFAU - Abdollah, S\nAU  - Abdollah S\nFAU - Haerry, T E\nAU  - Haerry TE\nFAU - Shimell, M J\nAU  - Shimell MJ\nFAU - Merriam, J\nAU  - Merriam J\nFAU - Raftery, L\nAU  - Raftery L\nFAU - Wrana, J L\nAU  - Wrana JL\nFAU - O'Connor, M B\nAU  - O'Connor MB\nLA  - eng\nSI  - GENBANK/AF101386\nGR  - GM47462/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States\nPT  - Journal Article\nPT  - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't\nPT  - Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.\nPL  - United States\nTA  - Genes Dev\nJT  - Genes & development\nJID - 8711660\nRN  - 0 (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins)\nRN  - 0 (DNA-Binding Proteins)\nRN  - 0 (Drosophila Proteins)\nRN  - 0 (RNA, Messenger)\nRN  - 0 (Receptors, Growth Factor)\nRN  - 0 (Smad2 Protein)\nRN  - 0 (Trans-Activators)\nRN  - EC (Activin Receptors)\nRN  - EC (Activin Receptors, Type I)\nRN  - EC (Babo protein, Drosophila)\nSB  - IM\nMH  - Activin Receptors\nMH  - Activin Receptors, Type I\nMH  - Amino Acid Sequence\nMH  - Animals\nMH  - Bone Morphogenetic Proteins/genetics\nMH  - Cell Division\nMH  - Cloning, Molecular\nMH  - DNA-Binding Proteins/chemistry/*genetics\nMH  - Drosophila/*embryology\nMH  - Drosophila Proteins\nMH  - Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental\nMH  - In Situ Hybridization\nMH  - Larva/genetics/*growth & development\nMH  - Molecular Sequence Data\nMH  - Phosphorylation\nMH  - RNA, Messenger/genetics\nMH  - Receptors, Growth Factor/*genetics/metabolism\nMH  - Sequence Alignment\nMH  - Sequence Analysis, DNA\nMH  - Signal Transduction/*physiology\nMH  - Smad2 Protein\nMH  - Trans-Activators/chemistry/*genetics\nMH  - Wings, Animal/growth & development\nPMC - PMC316373\nEDAT- 1999/01/14 00:00\nMHDA- 1999/01/14 00:01\nCRDT- 1999/01/14 00:00\nPHST- 1999/01/14 00:00 [pubmed]\nPHST- 1999/01/14 00:01 [medline]\nPHST- 1999/01/14 00:00 [entrez]\nAID - 10.1101/gad.13.1.98 [doi]\nPST - ppublish\nSO  - Genes Dev. 1999 Jan 1;13(1):98-111. doi: 10.1101/gad.13.1.98.\n"
-    # checking if generator is returned, need to check integrity of the returned value
-    assert isinstance(_parse_medline(text), types.GeneratorType)
+    expected = [
+        {
+            "PMID": "9887103",
+            "OWN": "NLM",
+            "STAT": "MEDLINE",
+            "DCOM": "19990225",
+            "LR": "20190516",
+            "IS": "0890-9369 (Print) 0890-9369 (Linking)",
+            "VI": "13",
+            "IP": "1",
+            "DP": "1999 Jan 1",
+            "TI": "The Drosophila activin receptor baboon signals through dSmad2 and controls cell proliferation but not patterning during larval development.",
+            "PG": "98-111",
+            "AB": "The TGF-beta superfamily of growth and differentiation factors, including TGF-beta, Activins and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play critical roles in regulating the development of many organisms. These factors signal through a heteromeric complex of type I and II serine/threonine kinase receptors that phosphorylate members of the Smad family of transcription factors, thereby promoting their nuclear localization. Although components of TGF-beta/Activin signaling pathways are well defined in vertebrates, no such pathway has been clearly defined in invertebrates. In this study we describe the role of Baboon (Babo), a type I Activin receptor previously called Atr-I, in Drosophila development and characterize aspects of the Babo intracellular signal-transduction pathway. Genetic analysis of babo loss-of-function mutants and ectopic activation studies indicate that Babo signaling plays a role in regulating cell proliferation. In mammalian cells, activated Babo specifically stimulates Smad2-dependent pathways to induce TGF-beta/Activin-responsive promoters but not BMP-responsive elements. Furthermore, we identify a new Drosophila Smad, termed dSmad2, that is most closely related to vertebrate Smads 2 and 3. Activated Babo associates with dSmad2 but not Mad, phosphorylates the carboxy-terminal SSXS motif and induces heteromeric complex formation with Medea, the Drosophila Smad4 homolog. Our results define a novel Drosophila Activin/TGF-beta pathway that is analogous to its vertebrate counterpart and show that this pathway functions to promote cellular growth with minimal effects on patterning.",
+            "FAU": [
+                "Brummel, T",
+                "Abdollah, S",
+                "Haerry, T E",
+                "Shimell, M J",
+                "Merriam, J",
+                "Raftery, L",
+                "Wrana, J L",
+                "O'Connor, M B",
+            ],
+            "AU": [
+                "Brummel T",
+                "Abdollah S",
+                "Haerry TE",
+                "Shimell MJ",
+                "Merriam J",
+                "Raftery L",
+                "Wrana JL",
+                "O'Connor MB",
+            ],
+            "AD": [
+                "Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of California, Irvine, California 92697, USA."
+            ],
+            "LA": ["eng"],
+            "SI": ["GENBANK/AF101386"],
+            "GR": ["GM47462/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States"],
+            "PT": [
+                "Journal Article",
+                "Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't",
+                "Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.",
+            ],
+            "PL": "United States",
+            "TA": "Genes Dev",
+            "JT": "Genes & development",
+            "JID": "8711660",
+            "RN": [
+                "0 (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins)",
+                "0 (DNA-Binding Proteins)",
+                "0 (Drosophila Proteins)",
+                "0 (RNA, Messenger)",
+                "0 (Receptors, Growth Factor)",
+                "0 (Smad2 Protein)",
+                "0 (Trans-Activators)",
+                "EC (Activin Receptors)",
+                "EC (Activin Receptors, Type I)",
+                "EC (Babo protein, Drosophila)",
+            ],
+            "SB": "IM",
+            "MH": [
+                "Activin Receptors",
+                "Activin Receptors, Type I",
+                "Amino Acid Sequence",
+                "Animals",
+                "Bone Morphogenetic Proteins/genetics",
+                "Cell Division",
+                "Cloning, Molecular",
+                "DNA-Binding Proteins/chemistry/*genetics",
+                "Drosophila/*embryology",
+                "Drosophila Proteins",
+                "Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental",
+                "In Situ Hybridization",
+                "Larva/genetics/*growth & development",
+                "Molecular Sequence Data",
+                "Phosphorylation",
+                "RNA, Messenger/genetics",
+                "Receptors, Growth Factor/*genetics/metabolism",
+                "Sequence Alignment",
+                "Sequence Analysis, DNA",
+                "Signal Transduction/*physiology",
+                "Smad2 Protein",
+                "Trans-Activators/chemistry/*genetics",
+                "Wings, Animal/growth & development",
+            ],
+            "PMC": "PMC316373",
+            "EDAT": "1999/01/14 00:00",
+            "MHDA": "1999/01/14 00:01",
+            "CRDT": ["1999/01/14 00:00"],
+            "PHST": [
+                "1999/01/14 00:00 [pubmed]",
+                "1999/01/14 00:01 [medline]",
+                "1999/01/14 00:00 [entrez]",
+            ],
+            "AID": ["10.1101/gad.13.1.98 [doi]"],
+            "PST": "ppublish",
+            "SO": "Genes Dev. 1999 Jan 1;13(1):98-111. doi: 10.1101/gad.13.1.98.",
+        }
+    ]
+    actual = _parse_medline(text)
+    assert isinstance(actual, types.GeneratorType)
+    assert list(actual) == expected
 def test_uids_to_docs():
     uids = ["9887103"]
-    # checking if generator is returned, need to check integrity of the returned value
-    assert isinstance(uids_to_docs(uids), types.GeneratorType)
+    expected = [
+        [
+            {
+                "uid": "9887103",
+                "text": "The Drosophila activin receptor baboon signals through dSmad2 and controls cell proliferation but not patterning during larval development. The TGF-beta superfamily of growth and differentiation factors, including TGF-beta, Activins and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play critical roles in regulating the development of many organisms. These factors signal through a heteromeric complex of type I and II serine/threonine kinase receptors that phosphorylate members of the Smad family of transcription factors, thereby promoting their nuclear localization. Although components of TGF-beta/Activin signaling pathways are well defined in vertebrates, no such pathway has been clearly defined in invertebrates. In this study we describe the role of Baboon (Babo), a type I Activin receptor previously called Atr-I, in Drosophila development and characterize aspects of the Babo intracellular signal-transduction pathway. Genetic analysis of babo loss-of-function mutants and ectopic activation studies indicate that Babo signaling plays a role in regulating cell proliferation. In mammalian cells, activated Babo specifically stimulates Smad2-dependent pathways to induce TGF-beta/Activin-responsive promoters but not BMP-responsive elements. Furthermore, we identify a new Drosophila Smad, termed dSmad2, that is most closely related to vertebrate Smads 2 and 3. Activated Babo associates with dSmad2 but not Mad, phosphorylates the carboxy-terminal SSXS motif and induces heteromeric complex formation with Medea, the Drosophila Smad4 homolog. Our results define a novel Drosophila Activin/TGF-beta pathway that is analogous to its vertebrate counterpart and show that this pathway functions to promote cellular growth with minimal effects on patterning.",
+            }
+        ]
+    ]
+    actual = uids_to_docs(uids)
+    assert isinstance(actual, types.GeneratorType)
+    assert list(actual) == expected