diff --git a/apps/client/components/ListTodo/index.js b/apps/client/components/ListTodo/index.js
index c203f9b4b..2dc15cb04 100644
--- a/apps/client/components/ListTodo/index.js
+++ b/apps/client/components/ListTodo/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { TrashIcon } from "@heroicons/react/20/solid";
import { getCookie } from "cookies-next";
+import useTranslation from "next-translate/useTranslation";
import { useState } from "react";
import { useQuery } from "react-query";
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ async function getTodos(token) {
export default function ListTodo() {
const token = getCookie("session");
+ const { t } = useTranslation("peppermint");
const { status, data, refetch } = useQuery("repoData", () => getTodos(token));
const [minValue, setMinValue] = useState(0);
@@ -50,8 +52,6 @@ export default function ListTodo() {
- console.log(data);
async function deleteTodo(id) {
await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/v1/todo/${id}/delete`, {
method: "DELETE",
@@ -62,12 +62,6 @@ export default function ListTodo() {
}).then(() => refetch());
- // async function markDone(id) {
- // await fetch(`api/v1/todo/mark-done/${id}`, {
- // method: "POST",
- // }).then(() => refetch());
- // }
const handleKeyDown = (event) => {
if (event.key === "Enter") {
@@ -83,7 +77,7 @@ export default function ListTodo() {
className="w-full shadow-sm text-gray-900 bg-gray-100 rounded-lg font-semibold border-none focus:outline-none "
- placeholder="Enter todo here..."
+ placeholder={t("enter_todo")}
onChange={(e) => {
diff --git a/apps/client/i18n.js b/apps/client/i18n.js
index 9266f943e..e584e0bd9 100644
--- a/apps/client/i18n.js
+++ b/apps/client/i18n.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module.exports = {
- locales: ['en', 'de', 'se'],
- defaultLocale: 'en',
+ locales: ["en", "da", "de", "es", "fr", "no", "pt", "se", "tl"],
+ defaultLocale: "en",
pages: {
- '*': ['peppermint'],
+ "*": ["peppermint"],
localeDetection: false,
diff --git a/apps/client/layouts/newLayout.tsx b/apps/client/layouts/newLayout.tsx
index b4ad0847f..fd9bd0055 100644
--- a/apps/client/layouts/newLayout.tsx
+++ b/apps/client/layouts/newLayout.tsx
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export default function NewLayout({ children }: any) {
const navigation = [
- name: "Create a ticket",
+ name: t("create_ticket"),
href: `/${locale}/new`,
icon: PlusIcon,
current: location.pathname === "/new" ? true : false,
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ export default function NewLayout({ children }: any) {
async function logout() {
- // clears session on server
const res = await fetch(
@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ export default function NewLayout({ children }: any) {
).then((res) => res.json());
- // delete session cookie
if (res.success) {
@@ -111,9 +109,9 @@ export default function NewLayout({ children }: any) {
}, [user]);
- useEffect(() => {
- // location.push(`${locale}/${location.pathname}`);
- }, []);
+ // useEffect(() => {
+ // location.push(`${locale}/${location.pathname}`);
+ // }, [user, location]);
const handleKeyPress = useCallback((event: any) => {
if (
@@ -458,7 +456,9 @@ export default function NewLayout({ children }: any) {
className="h-6 w-6 shrink-0 text-white group-hover:text-white"
- Admin Settings
+ {t("admin_settings")}
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ export default function NewLayout({ children }: any) {
"block px-3 text-sm font-bold h-full p-2 w-full rounded-md text-gray-900"
- Profile
+ {t("profile")}
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ export default function NewLayout({ children }: any) {
"block px-3 text-left text-sm font-bold h-full p-2 w-full rounded-md text-gray-900"
- Sign Out
+ {t("logout")}
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/da/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/da/peppermint.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a10a4501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/client/locales/da/peppermint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ "hello_good": "Godt",
+ "hello_morning": "Morgen",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Eftermiddag",
+ "sl_dashboard": "Instrumentbræt",
+ "sl_tickets": "Billetter",
+ "sl_history": "Historie",
+ "sl_notebook": "Personlig notesbog",
+ "sl_users": "Brugere",
+ "sl_clients": "Kunder",
+ "sl_settings": "Indstillinger",
+ "open_tickets": "Åbne billetter",
+ "completed_tickets": "Afsluttede billetter",
+ "account_status": "Kontostatus",
+ "todo_list": "Opgaveliste",
+ "personal_files": "Personlige filer",
+ "create_ticket": "Opret billet",
+ "ticket_new": "Ny billet",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Navn",
+ "ticket_email_here": "Email",
+ "ticket_details": "Titel",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Vælg en klient",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Vælg en ingeniør",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Indtast ekstra detaljer her.... understøtter markdown",
+ "cancel": "Annuller",
+ "create": "Opret",
+ "low": "Lav",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Høj",
+ "edit-btn": "Rediger",
+ "reset_password": "Nulstil adgangskode",
+ "internal_users": "Interne brugere",
+ "clients": "Kunder",
+ "new_user": "Ny bruger",
+ "new_client": "Ny klient",
+ "previous": "Forrige",
+ "next": "Næste",
+ "show": "Vis",
+ "name": "Navn",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "settings": "Indstillinger",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Version",
+ "v_profile": "Se profil",
+ "reminders": "Påmindelser",
+ "title": "Titel",
+ "priority": "Prioritet",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "created": "Oprettet",
+ "assigned_to": "Tildelt til",
+ "enter_todo": "Indtast opgave",
+ "notebooks": "Notesbøger",
+ "notebooks_description": "Dette er en personlig notesbog, du kan bruge den til at gemme noter, links, kodeeksempler osv.",
+ "create_notebook": "Opret notesbog",
+ "open": "Åben",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Tildelt til mig",
+ "unassigned": "Ikke tildelt",
+ "closed": "Lukket",
+ "description": "Beskrivelse",
+ "comments": "Kommentarer",
+ "leave_comment": "Efterlad en kommentar",
+ "close_issue": "Luk problem",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
+ "save": "Gem",
+ "labels": "Mærker",
+ "created_at": "Oprettet den",
+ "updated_at": "Opdateret den",
+ "hide_ticket": "Skjul billet",
+ "show_ticket": "Vis globalt",
+ "open_issue": "Åbn problem",
+ "closed_issue": "Lukket problem",
+ "recent_tickets": "Seneste billetter",
+ "notebook_title": "Notesbogstitel",
+ "admin_settings": "Administratorindstillinger",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "logout": "Log ud",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Ikke tildelte billetter"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/de/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/de/peppermint.json
index d132d1162..9a2254306 100644
--- a/apps/client/locales/de/peppermint.json
+++ b/apps/client/locales/de/peppermint.json
@@ -1,46 +1,78 @@
- "hello_good": "Wunderschönen",
+ "hello_good": "Gut",
"hello_morning": "Morgen",
- "hello_afternoon": "Tag",
- "Account status": "Kontostatus",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Nachmittag",
"sl_dashboard": "Armaturenbrett",
- "sl_tickets": "Eintrittskarten",
+ "sl_tickets": "Tickets",
"sl_history": "Verlauf",
- "sl_notebook": "Persönliche Notizen",
+ "sl_notebook": "Persönliches Notizbuch",
"sl_users": "Benutzer",
"sl_clients": "Kunden",
"sl_settings": "Einstellungen",
"open_tickets": "Offene Tickets",
- "completed_tickets": "Geschlossene Tickets",
- "account_status": "Account status",
- "todo_list": "Todo Liste",
+ "completed_tickets": "Abgeschlossene Tickets",
+ "account_status": "Kontostatus",
+ "todo_list": "Aufgabenliste",
"personal_files": "Persönliche Dateien",
"create_ticket": "Ticket erstellen",
"ticket_new": "Neues Ticket",
- "ticket_name_here": "Namen hier eingeben",
- "ticket_email_here": "E-Mail hier eingeben",
- "ticket_details": "Tickettitel",
- "ticket_select_client": "Bitte Auftraggeber auswählen",
- "ticket_select_eng": "Bitte Ingenieur auswählen",
- "ticket_extra_details": "Geben Sie hier zusätzliche Details ein.... Markdown wird unterstützt",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Name",
+ "ticket_email_here": "E-Mail",
+ "ticket_details": "Titel",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Kunde auswählen",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Techniker auswählen",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Weitere Details hier eingeben... Markdown wird unterstützt",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
- "create": "schaffen",
- "low": "niedrig",
- "normal": "normal",
- "high": "hoch",
- "edit": "",
- "reset_password": "",
- "internal_users": "",
- "clients": "",
- "new_user": "",
- "new_client": "",
- "previous": "",
- "next": "",
- "show": "",
- "name": "",
- "email": "",
- "settings": "",
- "webhooks": "",
- "version": "",
- "v_profile": ""
+ "create": "Erstellen",
+ "low": "Niedrig",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Hoch",
+ "edit-btn": "Bearbeiten",
+ "reset_password": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
+ "internal_users": "Interne Benutzer",
+ "clients": "Kunden",
+ "new_user": "Neuer Benutzer",
+ "new_client": "Neuer Kunde",
+ "previous": "Vorherige",
+ "next": "Nächste",
+ "show": "Anzeigen",
+ "name": "Name",
+ "email": "E-Mail",
+ "settings": "Einstellungen",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Version",
+ "v_profile": "Profil anzeigen",
+ "reminders": "Erinnerungen",
+ "title": "Titel",
+ "priority": "Priorität",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "created": "Erstellt",
+ "assigned_to": "Zugewiesen an",
+ "enter_todo": "Aufgabe eingeben",
+ "notebooks": "Notizbücher",
+ "notebooks_description": "Dies ist ein persönliches Notizbuch. Hier können Sie Notizen, Links, Code-Snippets usw. speichern.",
+ "create_notebook": "Notizbuch erstellen",
+ "open": "Öffnen",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Mir zugewiesen",
+ "unassigned": "Nicht zugewiesen",
+ "closed": "Geschlossen",
+ "description": "Beschreibung",
+ "comments": "Kommentare",
+ "leave_comment": "Kommentar hinterlassen",
+ "close_issue": "Problem schließen",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
+ "save": "Speichern",
+ "labels": "Labels",
+ "created_at": "Erstellt am",
+ "updated_at": "Aktualisiert am",
+ "hide_ticket": "Ticket ausblenden",
+ "show_ticket": "Global anzeigen",
+ "open_issue": "Problem öffnen",
+ "closed_issue": "Geschlossenes Problem",
+ "recent_tickets": "Aktuelle Tickets",
+ "notebook_title": "Notizbuchtitel",
+ "admin_settings": "Admin-Einstellungen",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "logout": "Abmelden",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Nicht zugewiesene Tickets"
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/en/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/en/peppermint.json
index c659fddf9..fe594a5d5 100644
--- a/apps/client/locales/en/peppermint.json
+++ b/apps/client/locales/en/peppermint.json
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"low": "low",
"normal": "normal",
"high": "high",
- "edit": "edit",
+ "edit-btn": "edit",
"reset_password": "reset password",
"internal_users": "Internal Users",
"clients": "Clients",
@@ -41,5 +41,38 @@
"settings": "Settings",
"webhooks": "Webhooks",
"version": "Version",
- "v_profile": "View Profile"
+ "v_profile": "View Profile",
+ "reminders": "Reminders",
+ "title": "Title",
+ "priority": "Priority",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "created": "Created",
+ "assigned_to": "Assigned To",
+ "enter_todo": "Enter Todo",
+ "notebooks": "Notebooks",
+ "notebooks_description": "This is a personal notebook, you can use it to store notes, links, code snippets, etc.",
+ "create_notebook": "Create Notebook",
+ "open": "open",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Assigned to me",
+ "unassigned": "Unassigned",
+ "closed": "Closed",
+ "description": "description",
+ "comments": "comments",
+ "leave_comment": "Leave a comment",
+ "close_issue": "Close Issue",
+ "comment": "comment",
+ "save": "save",
+ "labels": "labels",
+ "created_at": "created at",
+ "updated_at": "updated at",
+ "hide_ticket": "Hide Ticket",
+ "show_ticket": "Show Global",
+ "open_issue": "Open Issue",
+ "closed_issue": "Closed Issue",
+ "recent_tickets": "Recent Tickets",
+ "notebook_title": "Notebook Title",
+ "admin_settings": "Admin Settings",
+ "profile": "Profile",
+ "logout": "Logout",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Unassigned Tickets"
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/es/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/es/peppermint.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70ffc4fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/client/locales/es/peppermint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ "hello_good": "Bien",
+ "hello_morning": "Mañana",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Tarde",
+ "sl_dashboard": "Tablero",
+ "sl_tickets": "Tickets",
+ "sl_history": "Historial",
+ "sl_notebook": "Cuaderno Personal",
+ "sl_users": "Usuarios",
+ "sl_clients": "Clientes",
+ "sl_settings": "Configuración",
+ "open_tickets": "Tickets Abiertos",
+ "completed_tickets": "Tickets Completados",
+ "account_status": "Estado de la Cuenta",
+ "todo_list": "Lista de Tareas",
+ "personal_files": "Archivos Personales",
+ "create_ticket": "Crear Ticket",
+ "ticket_new": "Nuevo Ticket",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Nombre",
+ "ticket_email_here": "Correo Electrónico",
+ "ticket_details": "Título",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Seleccionar un cliente",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Seleccionar un ingeniero",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Ingrese detalles adicionales aquí.... se admite markdown",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "create": "Crear",
+ "low": "Baja",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Alta",
+ "edit-btn": "Editar",
+ "reset_password": "Restablecer Contraseña",
+ "internal_users": "Usuarios Internos",
+ "clients": "Clientes",
+ "new_user": "Nuevo Usuario",
+ "new_client": "Nuevo Cliente",
+ "previous": "Anterior",
+ "next": "Siguiente",
+ "show": "Mostrar",
+ "name": "Nombre",
+ "email": "Correo Electrónico",
+ "settings": "Configuración",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Versión",
+ "v_profile": "Ver Perfil",
+ "reminders": "Recordatorios",
+ "title": "Título",
+ "priority": "Prioridad",
+ "status": "Estado",
+ "created": "Creado",
+ "assigned_to": "Asignado A",
+ "enter_todo": "Ingresar Tarea",
+ "notebooks": "Cuadernos",
+ "notebooks_description": "Este es un cuaderno personal, puedes usarlo para almacenar notas, enlaces, fragmentos de código, etc.",
+ "create_notebook": "Crear Cuaderno",
+ "open": "Abrir",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Asignado a mí",
+ "unassigned": "No Asignado",
+ "closed": "Cerrado",
+ "description": "Descripción",
+ "comments": "Comentarios",
+ "leave_comment": "Dejar un Comentario",
+ "close_issue": "Cerrar Problema",
+ "comment": "Comentario",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "labels": "Etiquetas",
+ "created_at": "Creado en",
+ "updated_at": "Actualizado en",
+ "hide_ticket": "Ocultar Ticket",
+ "show_ticket": "Mostrar Global",
+ "open_issue": "Abrir Problema",
+ "closed_issue": "Problema Cerrado",
+ "recent_tickets": "Tickets Recientes",
+ "notebook_title": "Título del Cuaderno",
+ "admin_settings": "Configuración de Administrador",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "logout": "Cerrar sesión",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Tickets no asignados"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/fr/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/fr/peppermint.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da93d8e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/client/locales/fr/peppermint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ "hello_good": "Bien",
+ "hello_morning": "Matin",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Après-midi",
+ "sl_dashboard": "Tableau de bord",
+ "sl_tickets": "Tickets",
+ "sl_history": "Historique",
+ "sl_notebook": "Carnet personnel",
+ "sl_users": "Utilisateurs",
+ "sl_clients": "Clients",
+ "sl_settings": "Paramètres",
+ "open_tickets": "Tickets ouverts",
+ "completed_tickets": "Tickets terminés",
+ "account_status": "Statut du compte",
+ "todo_list": "Liste de tâches",
+ "personal_files": "Fichiers personnels",
+ "create_ticket": "Créer un ticket",
+ "ticket_new": "Nouveau ticket",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Nom",
+ "ticket_email_here": "Email",
+ "ticket_details": "Titre",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Sélectionner un client",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Sélectionner un ingénieur",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Entrez des détails supplémentaires ici.... le markdown est pris en charge",
+ "cancel": "Annuler",
+ "create": "Créer",
+ "low": "Faible",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Élevé",
+ "edit-btn": "Modifier",
+ "reset_password": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe",
+ "internal_users": "Utilisateurs internes",
+ "clients": "Clients",
+ "new_user": "Nouvel utilisateur",
+ "new_client": "Nouveau client",
+ "previous": "Précédent",
+ "next": "Suivant",
+ "show": "Afficher",
+ "name": "Nom",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "settings": "Paramètres",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Version",
+ "v_profile": "Voir le profil",
+ "reminders": "Rappels",
+ "title": "Titre",
+ "priority": "Priorité",
+ "status": "Statut",
+ "created": "Créé",
+ "assigned_to": "Assigné à",
+ "enter_todo": "Entrer une tâche",
+ "notebooks": "Cahiers",
+ "notebooks_description": "Il s'agit d'un carnet personnel, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour stocker des notes, des liens, des extraits de code, etc.",
+ "create_notebook": "Créer un carnet",
+ "open": "Ouvrir",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Assigné à moi",
+ "unassigned": "Non assigné",
+ "closed": "Fermé",
+ "description": "Description",
+ "comments": "Commentaires",
+ "leave_comment": "Laisser un commentaire",
+ "close_issue": "Fermer l'issue",
+ "comment": "Commentaire",
+ "save": "Enregistrer",
+ "labels": "Étiquettes",
+ "created_at": "Créé le",
+ "updated_at": "Mis à jour le",
+ "hide_ticket": "Masquer le ticket",
+ "show_ticket": "Afficher globalement",
+ "open_issue": "Ouvrir l'issue",
+ "closed_issue": "Issue fermée",
+ "recent_tickets": "Tickets récents",
+ "notebook_title": "Titre du carnet",
+ "admin_settings": "Paramètres administrateur",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "logout": "Déconnexion",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Tickets non attribués"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/no/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/no/peppermint.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..063c3e3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/client/locales/no/peppermint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ "hello_good": "God",
+ "hello_morning": "Morgen",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Ettermiddag",
+ "sl_dashboard": "Instrumentpanel",
+ "sl_tickets": "Billetter",
+ "sl_history": "Historikk",
+ "sl_notebook": "Personlig notatbok",
+ "sl_users": "Brukere",
+ "sl_clients": "Klienter",
+ "sl_settings": "Innstillinger",
+ "open_tickets": "Åpne billetter",
+ "completed_tickets": "Fullførte billetter",
+ "account_status": "Kontostatus",
+ "todo_list": "Oppgaveliste",
+ "personal_files": "Personlige filer",
+ "create_ticket": "Opprett billett",
+ "ticket_new": "Ny billett",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Navn",
+ "ticket_email_here": "E-post",
+ "ticket_details": "Tittel",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Velg en kunde",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Velg en ingeniør",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Legg til ekstra detaljer her.... støtter markdown",
+ "cancel": "Avbryt",
+ "create": "Opprett",
+ "low": "Lav",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Høy",
+ "edit-btn": "Rediger",
+ "reset_password": "Nullstill passord",
+ "internal_users": "Interne brukere",
+ "clients": "Klienter",
+ "new_user": "Ny bruker",
+ "new_client": "Ny klient",
+ "previous": "Forrige",
+ "next": "Neste",
+ "show": "Vis",
+ "name": "Navn",
+ "email": "E-post",
+ "settings": "Innstillinger",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Versjon",
+ "v_profile": "Vis profil",
+ "reminders": "Påminnelser",
+ "title": "Tittel",
+ "priority": "Prioritet",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "created": "Opprettet",
+ "assigned_to": "Tildelt til",
+ "enter_todo": "Legg til oppgave",
+ "notebooks": "Notatbøker",
+ "notebooks_description": "Dette er en personlig notatbok, du kan bruke den til å lagre notater, lenker, kodesnutter, osv.",
+ "create_notebook": "Opprett notatbok",
+ "open": "Åpne",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Tildelt til meg",
+ "unassigned": "Ikke tildelt",
+ "closed": "Lukket",
+ "description": "Beskrivelse",
+ "comments": "Kommentarer",
+ "leave_comment": "Legg igjen en kommentar",
+ "close_issue": "Lukk problem",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
+ "save": "Lagre",
+ "labels": "Etiketter",
+ "created_at": "Opprettet den",
+ "updated_at": "Oppdatert den",
+ "hide_ticket": "Skjul billett",
+ "show_ticket": "Vis globalt",
+ "open_issue": "Åpne problem",
+ "closed_issue": "Lukket problem",
+ "recent_tickets": "Nylige billetter",
+ "notebook_title": "Notatbok tittel",
+ "admin_settings": "Admininnstillinger",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "logout": "Logg ut",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Ikke tildelte billetter"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/pt/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/pt/peppermint.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2186f10bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/client/locales/pt/peppermint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "hello_good": "Bom",
+ "hello_morning": "Manhã",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Tarde",
+ "sl_dashboard": "Painel",
+ "sl_tickets": "Tickets",
+ "sl_history": "Histórico",
+ "sl_notebook": "Caderno Pessoal",
+ "sl_users": "Usuários",
+ "sl_clients": "Clientes",
+ "sl_settings": "Configurações",
+ "open_tickets": "Tickets Abertos",
+ "completed_tickets": "Tickets Concluídos",
+ "account_status": "Status da Conta",
+ "todo_list": "Lista de Tarefas",
+ "personal_files": "Arquivos Pessoais",
+ "create_ticket": "Criar Ticket",
+ "ticket_new": "Novo Ticket",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Nome",
+ "ticket_email_here": "E-mail",
+ "ticket_details": "Título",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Selecionar um cliente",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Selecionar um engenheiro",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Insira detalhes adicionais aqui.... suporte para markdown",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "create": "Criar",
+ "low": "Baixa",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Alta",
+ "edit-btn": "Editar",
+ "reset_password": "Redefinir Senha",
+ "internal_users": "Usuários Internos",
+ "clients": "Clientes",
+ "new_user": "Novo usuário",
+ "new_client": "Novo cliente",
+ "previous": "Anterior",
+ "next": "Próximo",
+ "show": "Mostrar",
+ "name": "Nome",
+ "email": "E-mail",
+ "settings": "Configurações",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Versão",
+ "v_profile": "Ver Perfil",
+ "reminders": "Lembretes",
+ "title": "Título",
+ "priority": "Prioridade",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "created": "Criado",
+ "assigned_to": "Atribuído a",
+ "enter_todo": "Inserir Tarefa",
+ "notebooks": "Cadernos",
+ "notebooks_description": "Este é um caderno pessoal, você pode usá-lo para armazenar notas, links, trechos de código, etc.",
+ "create_notebook": "Criar Caderno",
+ "open": "Abrir",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Atribuído a mim",
+ "unassigned": "Não atribuído",
+ "closed": "Fechado",
+ "description": "Descrição",
+ "comments": "Comentários",
+ "leave_comment": "Deixar um comentário",
+ "close_issue": "Fechar Problema",
+ "comment": "Comentário",
+ "save": "Salvar",
+ "labels": "Etiquetas",
+ "created_at": "Criado em",
+ "updated_at": "Atualizado em",
+ "hide_ticket": "Ocultar Ticket",
+ "show_ticket": "Mostrar Global",
+ "open_issue": "Abrir Problema",
+ "closed_issue": "Problema Fechado",
+ "recent_tickets": "Tickets Recentes",
+ "notebook_title": "Título do Caderno",
+ "admin_settings": "Configurações de Admin"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/se/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/se/peppermint.json
index 3c5d08f38..f9d38dd58 100644
--- a/apps/client/locales/se/peppermint.json
+++ b/apps/client/locales/se/peppermint.json
@@ -1,45 +1,78 @@
- "hello_good": "God",
- "hello_morning": "morgon",
- "hello_afternoon": "eftermiddag",
- "sl_dashboard": "Kontrollpanel",
- "sl_tickets": "Ärenden",
- "sl_history": "Historik",
- "sl_notebook": "Anteckningar",
- "sl_users": "Användare",
- "sl_clients": "Kunder",
- "sl_settings": "Inställningar",
- "open_tickets": "Öppna ärenden",
- "completed_tickets": "Avslutade ärenden",
- "account_status": "Kontostatus",
- "todo_list": "Att göra-lista",
- "personal_files": "Personliga filer",
- "create_ticket": "Skapa ärende",
- "ticket_new": "Nytt ärende",
- "ticket_name_here": "Ange namn här...",
- "ticket_email_here": "Ange e-post här...",
- "ticket_details": "Biljetttitel",
- "ticket_select_client": "Välj kund",
- "ticket_select_eng": "Välj tekniker",
- "ticket_extra_details": "Ange extra detaljer här, markdown är möjligt...",
- "cancel": "avsluta",
- "create": "skapa",
- "low": "låg",
- "normal": "normal",
- "high": "hög",
- "edit": "redigera",
- "reset_password": "återställ lösenord",
- "internal_users": "Interna användare",
- "clients": "Kunder",
- "new_user": "ny användare",
- "new_client": "ny kund",
- "previous": "föregående",
- "next": "nästa",
- "show": "Visa",
- "name": "namn",
- "email": "e-post",
- "settings": "Inställningar",
- "webhooks": "Webhooks",
- "version": "Version",
- "v_profile": "Visa profil"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "hello_good": "Bra",
+ "hello_morning": "Morgon",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Eftermiddag",
+ "sl_dashboard": "Instrumentpanel",
+ "sl_tickets": "Biljetter",
+ "sl_history": "Historik",
+ "sl_notebook": "Personlig anteckningsbok",
+ "sl_users": "Användare",
+ "sl_clients": "Kunder",
+ "sl_settings": "Inställningar",
+ "open_tickets": "Öppna biljetter",
+ "completed_tickets": "Avslutade biljetter",
+ "account_status": "Kontostatus",
+ "todo_list": "Att göra-lista",
+ "personal_files": "Personliga filer",
+ "create_ticket": "Skapa biljett",
+ "ticket_new": "Ny biljett",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Namn",
+ "ticket_email_here": "E-post",
+ "ticket_details": "Rubrik",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Välj en kund",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Välj en ingenjör",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Ange extra detaljer här.... markdown stöds",
+ "cancel": "Avbryt",
+ "create": "Skapa",
+ "low": "Låg",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Hög",
+ "edit-btn": "Redigera",
+ "reset_password": "Återställ lösenord",
+ "internal_users": "Intern användare",
+ "clients": "Kunder",
+ "new_user": "Ny användare",
+ "new_client": "Ny kund",
+ "previous": "Föregående",
+ "next": "Nästa",
+ "show": "Visa",
+ "name": "Namn",
+ "email": "E-post",
+ "settings": "Inställningar",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Version",
+ "v_profile": "Visa profil",
+ "reminders": "Påminnelser",
+ "title": "Rubrik",
+ "priority": "Prioritet",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "created": "Skapad",
+ "assigned_to": "Tilldelad till",
+ "enter_todo": "Ange att göra",
+ "notebooks": "Anteckningsböcker",
+ "notebooks_description": "Det här är en personlig anteckningsbok, du kan använda den för att lagra anteckningar, länkar, kodsnuttar, osv.",
+ "create_notebook": "Skapa anteckningsbok",
+ "open": "Öppna",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Tilldelad till mig",
+ "unassigned": "Ej tilldelad",
+ "closed": "Stängd",
+ "description": "Beskrivning",
+ "comments": "Kommentarer",
+ "leave_comment": "Lämna en kommentar",
+ "close_issue": "Stäng ärende",
+ "comment": "Kommentar",
+ "save": "Spara",
+ "labels": "Etiketter",
+ "created_at": "Skapad den",
+ "updated_at": "Uppdaterad den",
+ "hide_ticket": "Dölj biljett",
+ "show_ticket": "Visa globalt",
+ "open_issue": "Öppet ärende",
+ "closed_issue": "Stängt ärende",
+ "recent_tickets": "Senaste biljetter",
+ "notebook_title": "Anteckningsboks titel",
+ "admin_settings": "Admininställningar",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "logout": "Logga ut",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Oattribuerade biljetter"
diff --git a/apps/client/locales/tl/peppermint.json b/apps/client/locales/tl/peppermint.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c4a35f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/client/locales/tl/peppermint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ "hello_good": "Magandang",
+ "hello_morning": "Umaga",
+ "hello_afternoon": "Hapon",
+ "sl_dashboard": "Dashboard",
+ "sl_tickets": "Mga Tiket",
+ "sl_history": "Kasaysayan",
+ "sl_notebook": "Personal na Notebook",
+ "sl_users": "Mga User",
+ "sl_clients": "Mga Kliyente",
+ "sl_settings": "Mga Setting",
+ "open_tickets": "Buksang Tiket",
+ "completed_tickets": "Natapos na Tiket",
+ "account_status": "Katayuan ng Account",
+ "todo_list": "Listahan ng Gawain",
+ "personal_files": "Personal na Mga File",
+ "create_ticket": "Lumikha ng Tiket",
+ "ticket_new": "Bagong Tiket",
+ "ticket_name_here": "Pangalan",
+ "ticket_email_here": "Email",
+ "ticket_details": "Detalye",
+ "ticket_select_client": "Pumili ng isang kliyente",
+ "ticket_select_eng": "Pumili ng isang inhinyero",
+ "ticket_extra_details": "Magdagdag ng karagdagang detalye dito.... suportado ang markdown",
+ "cancel": "Kanselahin",
+ "create": "Lumikha",
+ "low": "Mababa",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "high": "Mataas",
+ "edit-btn": "I-edit",
+ "reset_password": "I-reset ang Password",
+ "internal_users": "Internal na Mga User",
+ "clients": "Mga Kliyente",
+ "new_user": "Bagong User",
+ "new_client": "Bagong Kliyente",
+ "previous": "Naunang",
+ "next": "Susunod",
+ "show": "Ipakita",
+ "name": "Pangalan",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "settings": "Mga Setting",
+ "webhooks": "Webhooks",
+ "version": "Bersyon",
+ "v_profile": "Tingnan ang Profile",
+ "reminders": "Paalala",
+ "title": "Pamagat",
+ "priority": "Pangunahing Layunin",
+ "status": "Katayuan",
+ "created": "Nilikha",
+ "assigned_to": "Itinalaga sa",
+ "enter_todo": "Maglagay ng Gawain",
+ "notebooks": "Mga Notebook",
+ "notebooks_description": "Ito ay isang personal na notebook, maaari mong gamitin ito para magtago ng mga tala, mga link, mga code snippet, atbp.",
+ "create_notebook": "Lumikha ng Notebook",
+ "open": "Buksan",
+ "assigned_to_me": "Itinalaga sa akin",
+ "unassigned": "Hindi Itinalaga",
+ "closed": "Isara",
+ "description": "Deskripsyon",
+ "comments": "Mga Komento",
+ "leave_comment": "Mag-iwan ng Komento",
+ "close_issue": "Isara ang Isyu",
+ "comment": "Komento",
+ "save": "I-save",
+ "labels": "Mga Label",
+ "created_at": "Nilikha noong",
+ "updated_at": "Na-update noong",
+ "hide_ticket": "Itago ang Tiket",
+ "show_ticket": "Ipakita nang Global",
+ "open_issue": "Buksang Isyu",
+ "closed_issue": "Isyu na Isinara",
+ "recent_tickets": "Mga Huling Tiket",
+ "notebook_title": "Pamagat ng Notebook",
+ "admin_settings": "Mga Setting ng Admin",
+ "profile": "Profile",
+ "logout": "Mag-log out",
+ "unassigned_tickets": "Hindi itinalagang mga Tiket"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/client/pages/index.tsx b/apps/client/pages/index.tsx
index 47af799e0..6efcd06c1 100644
--- a/apps/client/pages/index.tsx
+++ b/apps/client/pages/index.tsx
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { useUser } from "../store/session";
export default function Home() {
const router = useRouter();
+ const { t } = useTranslation("peppermint");
const { user } = useUser();
const token = getCookie("session");
@@ -26,8 +27,6 @@ export default function Home() {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [tickets, setTickets] = useState();
- const { t } = useTranslation("peppermint");
let file: any;
async function time() {
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ export default function Home() {
async function fetchTickets() {
- await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/v1/tickets/user/open`, {
+ await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/v1/tickets/open`, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ export default function Home() {
href: "/tickets?filter=closed",
- name: "Unassigned Tickets",
+ name: t("unassigned_tickets"),
stat: unassigned,
href: "/tickets?filter=unassigned",
@@ -211,7 +210,9 @@ export default function Home() {
) : (
- Recent Tickets
+ {t("recent_tickets")}
@@ -220,32 +221,32 @@ export default function Home() {
className="py-3.5 pl-4 pr-3 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 sm:pl-0"
- Title
+ {t("title")}
- Priority
+ {t("priority")}
- Status
+ {t("status")}
- Opened
+ {t("created")}
- Assigned
+ {t("assigned_to")}
{/* router.push(`/tickets/${item.id}`)}
- |
+ |
- Email
@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ export default function Home() {
- Closed
+ {t("closed")}
) : (
@@ -313,15 +314,15 @@ export default function Home() {
- Open
+ {t("open")}
+ |
+ |
{item.assignedTo ? item.assignedTo.name : "-"}
@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@ export default function Home() {
- Reminders
+ {t("reminders")}
diff --git a/apps/client/pages/new.tsx b/apps/client/pages/new.tsx
index f6e5623c1..8ae6f80b4 100644
--- a/apps/client/pages/new.tsx
+++ b/apps/client/pages/new.tsx
@@ -186,7 +186,9 @@ export default function CreateTicket() {
- {company === undefined ? "Select a client" : company.name}
+ {company === undefined
+ ? t("select_a_client")
+ : company.name}
{engineer === undefined
- ? "Select a engineer"
+ ? t("select_an_engineer")
: engineer.name}
@@ -450,7 +452,7 @@ export default function CreateTicket() {
className="rounded bg-green-600 hover:bg-green-800 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-30"
- Create Ticket
+ {t("ticket_create")}
diff --git a/apps/client/pages/notebook/index.js b/apps/client/pages/notebook/index.js
index 824d049fa..a2cbb3383 100644
--- a/apps/client/pages/notebook/index.js
+++ b/apps/client/pages/notebook/index.js
@@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
import { getCookie } from "cookies-next";
import moment from "moment";
+import useTranslation from "next-translate/useTranslation";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useQuery } from "react-query";
async function fetchNotebooks(token) {
- const res = await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/v1/notebooks/all`, {
- method: "GET",
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
- },
- });
+ const res = await fetch(
+ `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/v1/notebooks/all`,
+ {
+ method: "GET",
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+ },
+ }
+ );
return res.json();
export default function NoteBooksIndex() {
+ const { t } = useTranslation("peppermint");
const token = getCookie("session");
- const { data, status, error, refetch } = useQuery(
- "getUsersNotebooks",
- () => fetchNotebooks(token),
+ const { data, status, error, refetch } = useQuery("getUsersNotebooks", () =>
+ fetchNotebooks(token)
const router = useRouter();
@@ -39,10 +44,10 @@ export default function NoteBooksIndex() {
- Notebook
+ {t("notebooks")}
- Below is a list of your private notebooks that only you can access
+ {t("notebooks_description")}
@@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ export default function NoteBooksIndex() {
className="block rounded-md bg-green-600 px-3 py-2 text-center text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-green-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-green-600"
- New Note
+ {t("create_notebook")}
@@ -66,19 +71,19 @@ export default function NoteBooksIndex() {
className="whitespace-nowrap py-3.5 pl-4 pr-3 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 sm:pl-0"
- Title
+ {t("title")}
- Created On
+ {t("created_at")}
- Last Updated
+ {t("updated_at")}
className="rounded z-50 bg-red-600 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-red-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-red-600"
- Delete
+ {t("delete")}
diff --git a/apps/client/pages/notebook/new.js b/apps/client/pages/notebook/new.js
index 42125899e..bb0b6b70c 100644
--- a/apps/client/pages/notebook/new.js
+++ b/apps/client/pages/notebook/new.js
@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ import { useState } from "react";
import SubScript from "@tiptap/extension-subscript";
import Superscript from "@tiptap/extension-superscript";
import { getCookie } from "cookies-next";
+import useTranslation from "next-translate/useTranslation";
export default function ViewNoteBook() {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const [title, setTitle] = useState("Markdown Test");
+ const { t } = useTranslation("peppermint");
const token = getCookie("session");
const router = useRouter();
@@ -35,18 +38,20 @@ export default function ViewNoteBook() {
async function postMarkdown() {
- await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/v1/notebook/note/create`, {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
- },
- body: JSON.stringify({
- title,
- content: value,
- }),
- })
+ await fetch(
+ `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/v1/notebook/note/create`,
+ {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ title,
+ content: value,
+ }),
+ }
+ )
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((res) => {
@@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ export default function ViewNoteBook() {
className="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700"
- NoteBook Title
+ {t("notebook_title")}
diff --git a/apps/client/pages/settings/profile.tsx b/apps/client/pages/settings/profile.tsx
index c58222d10..507d82dac 100644
--- a/apps/client/pages/settings/profile.tsx
+++ b/apps/client/pages/settings/profile.tsx
@@ -95,9 +95,15 @@ export default function UserProfile() {
onChange={(e) => changeLanguage(e.target.value)}
diff --git a/apps/client/pages/tickets/[id].tsx b/apps/client/pages/tickets/[id].tsx
index 51fc33ab7..4cbefce02 100644
--- a/apps/client/pages/tickets/[id].tsx
+++ b/apps/client/pages/tickets/[id].tsx
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import renderHTML from "react-render-html";
import SubScript from "@tiptap/extension-subscript";
import Superscript from "@tiptap/extension-superscript";
import { getCookie } from "cookies-next";
+import useTranslation from "next-translate/useTranslation";
import { useUser } from "../../store/session";
function classNames(...classes: any) {
@@ -30,13 +31,12 @@ function classNames(...classes: any) {
export default function Ticket() {
const router = useRouter();
+ const { t } = useTranslation("peppermint");
const token = getCookie("session");
const { user } = useUser();
- console.log(user);
const fetchTicketById = async () => {
const id = router.query.id;
const res = await fetch(
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
onClick={() => setEdit(true)}
className="inline-flex justify-center items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-md bg-white px-5 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50"
- Edit
+ {t("edit-btn")}
) : (
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- Open Issue
+ {t("open_issue")}
) : (
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- Closed Issue
+ {t("closed_issue")}
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- {data.ticket.comments.length} comments
+ {data.ticket.comments.length} {t("comments")}
@@ -410,14 +410,14 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- Assignees
+ {t("assignees")}
{!assignedEdit ? (
) : (
{!assignedEdit ? (
) : (
@@ -462,9 +457,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- {n
- ? n.name
- : "Please select new user"}
+ {n ? n.name : t("select_new_user")}
- Labels
+ {t("labels")}
- edit
+ {t("edit-btn")}
- {data.ticket.priority} Priority
+ {data.ticket.priority} {t("priority")}
@@ -574,7 +567,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- {data.ticket.priority} Priority
+ {data.ticket.priority} {t("priority")}
@@ -589,7 +582,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- {data.ticket.priority} Priority
+ {data.ticket.priority} {t("priority")}
@@ -626,7 +619,9 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- Description
+ {t("description")}
{edit ? (
@@ -694,7 +689,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
className="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900"
- Comments
+ {t("comments")}
@@ -731,8 +726,8 @@ export default function Ticket() {
? "Publicly"
- : "Internally"}{" "}
- commented at{" "}
+ : "Internally"}
+ {t("commented_at")}
"hh:mm DD-MM-YYYY"
@@ -768,7 +763,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
- Comment
+ {t("comment")}
- Re-Open issue
+ {t("reopen_issue")}
) : (
- Close issue
+ {t("close_issue")}
@@ -826,7 +823,7 @@ export default function Ticket() {
diff --git a/apps/client/pages/tickets/index.tsx b/apps/client/pages/tickets/index.tsx
index b00900189..05ad4d3c7 100644
--- a/apps/client/pages/tickets/index.tsx
+++ b/apps/client/pages/tickets/index.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import useTranslation from "next-translate/useTranslation";
import Link from "next/link";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useState } from "react";
@@ -14,30 +15,31 @@ function classNames(...classes: any) {
export default function Tickets() {
const router = useRouter();
+ const { t } = useTranslation("peppermint");
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const tabs = [
- name: "Open",
+ name: t("open"),
href: "/tickets",
// count: "",
current: router.asPath === "/tickets",
- name: "Assigned to me",
+ name: t("assigned_to_me"),
href: "?filter=assigned",
// count: "6",
current: router.asPath === "/tickets?filter=assigned",
- name: "Unassigned",
+ name: t("unassigned"),
href: "?filter=unassigned",
// count: "4",
current: router.asPath === "/tickets?filter=unassigned",
- name: "Closed",
+ name: t("closed"),
href: "?filter=closed",
// count: "",
current: router.asPath === "/tickets?filter=closed",