diff --git a/previews/PR203/.documenter-siteinfo.json b/previews/PR203/.documenter-siteinfo.json index e9eb7f03..f658dfe3 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/.documenter-siteinfo.json +++ b/previews/PR203/.documenter-siteinfo.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.11.2","generation_timestamp":"2024-12-20T00:37:30","documenter_version":"1.8.0"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.11.2","generation_timestamp":"2024-12-20T04:48:51","documenter_version":"1.8.0"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/previews/PR203/api/index.html b/previews/PR203/api/index.html index aa4acf7e..9cb880a4 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/api/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/api/index.html @@ -14,24 +14,24 @@ sol = taylorinteg(f!, [3, 3], 0.0, 0.3, 25, 1.0e-20, maxsteps=100 ) -sol = taylorinteg(f!, [3, 3], 0.0, 0.3, 25, 1.0e-20, maxsteps=100, dense=true )source
lyap_taylorinteg(f!, q0, t0, tmax, order, abstol[, jacobianfunc!=nothing];
+sol = taylorinteg(f!, [3, 3], 0.0, 0.3, 25, 1.0e-20, maxsteps=100, dense=true )
lyap_taylorinteg(f!, q0, t0, tmax, order, abstol[, jacobianfunc!=nothing];
     maxsteps::Int=500, parse_eqs::Bool=true)
 lyap_taylorinteg(f!, q0, trange, order, abstol[, jacobianfunc!=nothing];
-    maxsteps::Int=500, parse_eqs::Bool=true)

Similar to taylorinteg for the calculation of the Lyapunov spectrum. Note that the number of TaylorN variables should be set previously by the user (e.g., by means of TaylorSeries.set_variables) and should be equal to the length of the vector of initial conditions q0. Otherwise, whenever length(q0) != TaylorSeries.get_numvars(), then lyap_taylorinteg throws an AssertionError. Optionally, the user may provide a Jacobian function jacobianfunc! to evaluate the current value of the Jacobian. Otherwise, the current value of the Jacobian is computed via automatic differentiation using TaylorSeries.jl.


@taylorize expr

This macro evals the function given by expr and defines a new method of jetcoeffs! which is specialized on that function. Integrating via taylorinteg of lyap_taylorinteg after using the macro yields better performance.

See the documentation for more details and limitations.


This macro is on an experimental stage; check the integration results carefully.


Exported types


TaylorSolution{T, U, N, VT<:AbstractVector{T}, AX<:AbstractArray{U,N}, P<:Union{Nothing, AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}}, VTE<:Union{Nothing, AbstractVector{U}}, AXE<:Union{Nothing, AbstractArray{U, N}}, VΛ<:Union{Nothing, AbstractArray{U,N}}} <: AbstractTaylorSolution{T, U}

This struct represents the return type for taylorinteg. Fields t and x represent, respectively, a vector with the values of time (independent variable), and a vector with the computed values of the dependent variable(s). When taylorinteg is called with dense=true, then field p stores the Taylor polynomial expansion computed at each time step. Fields tevents, xevents and gresids are related to root-finding methods of taylorinteg, while λ is related to the output of lyap_taylorinteg.




Mutable struct that contains all the bookkeeping vectors/dictionaries used within _make_parsed_jetcoeffs: - d_indx : Dictionary mapping new variables (symbols) to old (perhaps indexed) symbols - d_assign : Dictionary with the numeric assignments (that are substituted) - d_decl : Dictionary declared arrays - v_newvars : Symbols of auxiliary indexed vars - v_arraydecl: Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array or Vector - v_array1 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},1} - v_array2 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},2} - v_array3 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},3} - v_array4 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},4} - v_preamb : Symbols or Expr used in the preamble (declarations, etc) - retvar : Guessed returned variable, which defines the LHS of the ODEs

RetAlloc{T <: Number}

Struct related to the returned variables that are pre-allocated when @taylorize is used. - v0 : Array{T,1} - v1 : Vector{Array{T,1}} - v2 : Vector{Array{T,2}} - v3 : Vector{Array{T,3}} - v4 : Vector{Array{T,4}}

__jetcoeffs!(::Val{false}, f, t, x, params, rv)
+    maxsteps::Int=500, parse_eqs::Bool=true)

Similar to taylorinteg for the calculation of the Lyapunov spectrum. Note that the number of TaylorN variables should be set previously by the user (e.g., by means of TaylorSeries.set_variables) and should be equal to the length of the vector of initial conditions q0. Otherwise, whenever length(q0) != TaylorSeries.get_numvars(), then lyap_taylorinteg throws an AssertionError. Optionally, the user may provide a Jacobian function jacobianfunc! to evaluate the current value of the Jacobian. Otherwise, the current value of the Jacobian is computed via automatic differentiation using TaylorSeries.jl.


@taylorize expr

This macro evals the function given by expr and defines a new method of jetcoeffs! which is specialized on that function. Integrating via taylorinteg of lyap_taylorinteg after using the macro yields better performance.

See the documentation for more details and limitations.


This macro is on an experimental stage; check the integration results carefully.


Exported types


TaylorSolution{T, U, N, VT<:AbstractVector{T}, AX<:AbstractArray{U,N}, P<:Union{Nothing, AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}}, VTE<:Union{Nothing, AbstractVector{U}}, AXE<:Union{Nothing, AbstractArray{U, N}}, VΛ<:Union{Nothing, AbstractArray{U,N}}} <: AbstractTaylorSolution{T, U}

This struct represents the return type for taylorinteg. Fields t and x represent, respectively, a vector with the values of time (independent variable), and a vector with the computed values of the dependent variable(s). When taylorinteg is called with dense=true, then field p stores the Taylor polynomial expansion computed at each time step. Fields tevents, xevents and gresids are related to root-finding methods of taylorinteg, while λ is related to the output of lyap_taylorinteg.




Mutable struct that contains all the bookkeeping vectors/dictionaries used within _make_parsed_jetcoeffs: - d_indx : Dictionary mapping new variables (symbols) to old (perhaps indexed) symbols - d_assign : Dictionary with the numeric assignments (that are substituted) - d_decl : Dictionary declared arrays - v_newvars : Symbols of auxiliary indexed vars - v_arraydecl: Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array or Vector - v_array1 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},1} - v_array2 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},2} - v_array3 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},3} - v_array4 : Symbols which are explicitly declared as Array{Taylor1{T},4} - v_preamb : Symbols or Expr used in the preamble (declarations, etc) - retvar : Guessed returned variable, which defines the LHS of the ODEs

RetAlloc{T <: Number}

Struct related to the returned variables that are pre-allocated when @taylorize is used. - v0 : Array{T,1} - v1 : Vector{Array{T,1}} - v2 : Vector{Array{T,2}} - v3 : Vector{Array{T,3}} - v4 : Vector{Array{T,4}}

__jetcoeffs!(::Val{false}, f, t, x, params, rv)
 __jetcoeffs!(::Val{true}, f, t, x, params, rv)
 __jetcoeffs!(::Val{false}, f, t, x, dx, xaux, params, rv)
-__jetcoeffs!(::Val{true}, f, t, x, dx, xaux, params, rv)

Chooses a method of jetcoeffs! (hard-coded) or the generated by @taylorize) depending on Val{bool} (bool::Bool).


_allocated_defs!(new_jetcoeffs, bkkeep)

Add allocated variable definitions to new_jetcoeffs, to make it more human readable.


_capture_fn_args_body!(ex, dd::Dict{Symbol, Any})

Captures the name of a function, arguments, body and other properties, returning them as the values of the dictionary dd, which is updated in place.


_defs_allocs!(preamble, fnargs, bkkeep, [inloop=false, ex_aux::Expr(:block,)])

Returns a vector with expressions defining the auxiliary variables in the preamble, and the declaration of the arrays. This function may modify bkkeep.d_indx if new variables are introduced. bkkeep.v_preamb is for bookkeeping the introduced variables.

_determine_parsing!(parse_eqs::Bool, f, t, x, params)
-_determine_parsing!(parse_eqs::Bool, f, t, x, dx, params)

Check if the parsed method of jetcoeffs! exists and check it runs without error.



Returns the function name, the function arguments, and the body of a function passed as an Expr. The function may be provided as a one-line function, or in the long form (anonymous functions do not work).


_make_parsed_jetcoeffs( ex )

This function constructs the expressions of two new methods, the first equivalent to the differential equations (jetcoeffs!), which exploits the mutating functions of TaylorSeries.jl, and the second one (allocatejetcoeffs) preallocates any auxiliary Taylor1 or Vector{Taylor1{T}} needed.


_newfnbody!(fnbody, fnargs, bkkeep)

Returns a new (modified) body of the function, a priori unfolding the expression graph (AST) as unary and binary calls, and updates the bookkeeping structure bkkeep.


_newhead(fn, fnargs)

Creates the head of the new method of jetcoeffs! and _allocate_jetcoeffs. fn is the name of the passed function and fnargs is a vector with its arguments defning the function (which are either three or four).


parsenewfnbody!(ex::Expr, preex::Expr, prealloc::Expr, bkkeep::BookKeeping, inloop::Bool)

Parses ex (the new body of the function) replacing the expressions to use the mutating functions of TaylorSeries, and building the preamble preex and prealloc expressions. This is done by traversing recursively (again) the args of ex, updating the bookkeeping struct bkkeep, in particular the fieldnames v_newvars and d_assign.


_preamble_body(fnbody, fnargs)

Returns expressions for the preamble, the declaration of arrays, the body and the bookkeeping struct, which will be used to build the new functions. fnbody is the expression with the body of the original function (already adapted), fnargs is a vector of symbols of the original diferential equations function.


_recursionloop(fnargs, bkkeep)

Build the expression for the recursion-loop.



Renames the indexed variables (using Espresso.genname()) that exists in fnbody. Returns fnbody with the renamed variables and a dictionary that links the new variables to the old indexed ones.


_replace_expr!(ex::Expr, preex::Expr, , prealloc::Expr, i::Int, aalhs, aarhs, bkkeep::BookKeeping)

Replaces the calls in ex.args[i], and updates preex and prealloc with the appropriate expressions, based on the the LHS (aalhs) and RHS (aarhs) of the base assignment. The bookkeeping struct is updated (v_newvars) within _replacecalls!. d_indx is used to bring back the indexed variables.


_replacecalls!(bkkeep, fnold, newvar)

Replaces the symbols of unary and binary calls of the expression fnold, which defines newvar, by the mutating functions in TaylorSeries.jl. The vector bkkeep.v_vars is updated if new auxiliary variables are introduced (bookkeeping).



Constructs the expression to be returned by TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!

_second_stepsize(x, epsilon)

Corresponds to the "second stepsize control" in Jorba and Zou (2005) paper. We use it if stepsize returns Inf.



Split bkkeep.varraydecl in the vector (bkkeep.varray1), matrix (bkkeep.v_array2), etc, to properly construct the RetAlloc variable.

_stepsize(aux1, epsilon, k)

Helper function to avoid code repetition. Returns (epsilon/aux1)^(1/k).

build_lyap_solution(t, x, λ, nsteps)
-build_lyap_solution(t, x, λ)

Helper function to build a TaylorSolution from a call to lyap_taylorinteg.

build_solution(t, x, p, tevents, xevents, gresids, nsteps, nevents)
-build_solution(t, x, tevents, xevents, gresids, nsteps, nevents)

Helper function to build a TaylorSolution from a call to a root-finding method of taylorinteg.

build_solution(t, x, p, nsteps)
-build_solution(t, x)

Helper function to build a TaylorSolution from a call to taylorinteg.

findroot!(t, x, dx, g_tupl_old, g_tupl, eventorder, tvS, xvS, gvS,
+__jetcoeffs!(::Val{true}, f, t, x, dx, xaux, params, rv)

Chooses a method of jetcoeffs! (hard-coded) or the generated by @taylorize) depending on Val{bool} (bool::Bool).


_allocated_defs!(new_jetcoeffs, bkkeep)

Add allocated variable definitions to new_jetcoeffs, to make it more human readable.


_capture_fn_args_body!(ex, dd::Dict{Symbol, Any})

Captures the name of a function, arguments, body and other properties, returning them as the values of the dictionary dd, which is updated in place.


_defs_allocs!(preamble, fnargs, bkkeep, [inloop=false, ex_aux::Expr(:block,)])

Returns a vector with expressions defining the auxiliary variables in the preamble, and the declaration of the arrays. This function may modify bkkeep.d_indx if new variables are introduced. bkkeep.v_preamb is for bookkeeping the introduced variables.

_determine_parsing!(parse_eqs::Bool, f, t, x, params)
+_determine_parsing!(parse_eqs::Bool, f, t, x, dx, params)

Check if the parsed method of jetcoeffs! exists and check it runs without error.



Returns the function name, the function arguments, and the body of a function passed as an Expr. The function may be provided as a one-line function, or in the long form (anonymous functions do not work).


_make_parsed_jetcoeffs( ex )

This function constructs the expressions of two new methods, the first equivalent to the differential equations (jetcoeffs!), which exploits the mutating functions of TaylorSeries.jl, and the second one (allocatejetcoeffs) preallocates any auxiliary Taylor1 or Vector{Taylor1{T}} needed.


_newfnbody!(fnbody, fnargs, bkkeep)

Returns a new (modified) body of the function, a priori unfolding the expression graph (AST) as unary and binary calls, and updates the bookkeeping structure bkkeep.


_newhead(fn, fnargs)

Creates the head of the new method of jetcoeffs! and _allocate_jetcoeffs. fn is the name of the passed function and fnargs is a vector with its arguments defning the function (which are either three or four).


parsenewfnbody!(ex::Expr, preex::Expr, prealloc::Expr, bkkeep::BookKeeping, inloop::Bool)

Parses ex (the new body of the function) replacing the expressions to use the mutating functions of TaylorSeries, and building the preamble preex and prealloc expressions. This is done by traversing recursively (again) the args of ex, updating the bookkeeping struct bkkeep, in particular the fieldnames v_newvars and d_assign.


_preamble_body(fnbody, fnargs)

Returns expressions for the preamble, the declaration of arrays, the body and the bookkeeping struct, which will be used to build the new functions. fnbody is the expression with the body of the original function (already adapted), fnargs is a vector of symbols of the original diferential equations function.


_recursionloop(fnargs, bkkeep)

Build the expression for the recursion-loop.



Renames the indexed variables (using Espresso.genname()) that exists in fnbody. Returns fnbody with the renamed variables and a dictionary that links the new variables to the old indexed ones.


_replace_expr!(ex::Expr, preex::Expr, , prealloc::Expr, i::Int, aalhs, aarhs, bkkeep::BookKeeping)

Replaces the calls in ex.args[i], and updates preex and prealloc with the appropriate expressions, based on the the LHS (aalhs) and RHS (aarhs) of the base assignment. The bookkeeping struct is updated (v_newvars) within _replacecalls!. d_indx is used to bring back the indexed variables.


_replacecalls!(bkkeep, fnold, newvar)

Replaces the symbols of unary and binary calls of the expression fnold, which defines newvar, by the mutating functions in TaylorSeries.jl. The vector bkkeep.v_vars is updated if new auxiliary variables are introduced (bookkeeping).



Constructs the expression to be returned by TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!

_second_stepsize(x, epsilon)

Corresponds to the "second stepsize control" in Jorba and Zou (2005) paper. We use it if stepsize returns Inf.



Split bkkeep.varraydecl in the vector (bkkeep.varray1), matrix (bkkeep.v_array2), etc, to properly construct the RetAlloc variable.

_stepsize(aux1, epsilon, k)

Helper function to avoid code repetition. Returns (epsilon/aux1)^(1/k).

build_lyap_solution(t, x, λ, nsteps)
+build_lyap_solution(t, x, λ)

Helper function to build a TaylorSolution from a call to lyap_taylorinteg.

build_solution(t, x, p, tevents, xevents, gresids, nsteps, nevents)
+build_solution(t, x, tevents, xevents, gresids, nsteps, nevents)

Helper function to build a TaylorSolution from a call to a root-finding method of taylorinteg.

build_solution(t, x, p, nsteps)
+build_solution(t, x)

Helper function to build a TaylorSolution from a call to taylorinteg.

findroot!(t, x, dx, g_tupl_old, g_tupl, eventorder, tvS, xvS, gvS,
     t0, δt_old, x_dx, x_dx_val, g_dg, g_dg_val, nrabstol,
-    newtoniter, nevents) -> nevents

Internal root-finding subroutine, based on Newton-Raphson process. If there is a crossing, then the crossing data is stored in tvS, xvS and gvS and nevents, the number of events/crossings, is updated. Here t is a Taylor1 polynomial which represents the independent variable; x is an array of Taylor1 variables which represent the vector of dependent variables; dx is an array of Taylor1 variables which represent the LHS of the ODE; g_tupl_old is the last-before-current value returned by event function g and g_tupl is the current one; eventorder is the order of the derivative of g whose roots the user is interested in finding; tvS stores the surface-crossing instants; xvS stores the value of the solution at each of the crossings; gvS stores the values of the event function g (or its eventorder-th derivative) at each of the crossings; t0 is the current time; δt_old is the last time-step size; x_dx, x_dx_val, g_dg, g_dg_val are auxiliary variables; nrabstol is the Newton-Raphson process tolerance; newtoniter is the maximum allowed number of Newton-Raphson iteration; nevents is the current number of detected events/crossings.


inbookkeeping(v, bkkeep::BookKeeping)

Checks if v is declared in bkkeep, considering the d_indx, v_newvars and v_arraydecl fields.

init_psol(::Val{true}, maxsteps::Int, ::Int, ::Taylor1{U}) where {U<:Number}
+    newtoniter, nevents) -> nevents

Internal root-finding subroutine, based on Newton-Raphson process. If there is a crossing, then the crossing data is stored in tvS, xvS and gvS and nevents, the number of events/crossings, is updated. Here t is a Taylor1 polynomial which represents the independent variable; x is an array of Taylor1 variables which represent the vector of dependent variables; dx is an array of Taylor1 variables which represent the LHS of the ODE; g_tupl_old is the last-before-current value returned by event function g and g_tupl is the current one; eventorder is the order of the derivative of g whose roots the user is interested in finding; tvS stores the surface-crossing instants; xvS stores the value of the solution at each of the crossings; gvS stores the values of the event function g (or its eventorder-th derivative) at each of the crossings; t0 is the current time; δt_old is the last time-step size; x_dx, x_dx_val, g_dg, g_dg_val are auxiliary variables; nrabstol is the Newton-Raphson process tolerance; newtoniter is the maximum allowed number of Newton-Raphson iteration; nevents is the current number of detected events/crossings.


inbookkeeping(v, bkkeep::BookKeeping)

Checks if v is declared in bkkeep, considering the d_indx, v_newvars and v_arraydecl fields.

init_psol(::Val{true}, maxsteps::Int, ::Int, ::Taylor1{U}) where {U<:Number}
 init_psol(::Val{true}, maxsteps::Int, dof::Int, ::Array{Taylor1{U},1}) where {U<:Number}
 init_psol(::Val{false}, ::Int, ::Int, ::Taylor1{U}) where {U<:Number}
-init_psol(::Val{false}, ::Int, ::Int, ::Array{Taylor1{U},1}) where {U<:Number}

Auxiliary function to initialize psol during a call to taylorinteg. When the first argument in the call signature is Val(false) this function simply returns nothing. Otherwise, when the first argument in the call signature is Val(true), then the appropriate array is allocated and returned; this array is where the Taylor polynomials associated to the solution will be stored, corresponding to field :p in TaylorSolution.

jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff!::Function, t, x, dx, xaux, params)

Mutates x in-place using the recursion relation of the derivatives obtained from the differential equations $\dot{x}=dx/dt=f(x, p, t)$.

eqsdiff! is the function defining the RHS of the ODE, x contains the Taylor1 expansion of the dependent variables and t is the independent variable, and params are the parameters appearing on the function defining the differential equation. See taylorinteg for examples and convention for eqsdiff. Note that x is of type Vector{Taylor1{U}} where U<:Number; t is of type Taylor1{T} where T<:Real. In this case, two auxiliary containers dx and xaux (both of the same type as x) are needed to avoid allocations.

Initially, x contains only the 0-th order Taylor coefficient of the current system state (the initial conditions), and jetcoeffs! computes recursively the high-order derivates back into x.

jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff::Function, t, x, params)

Returns an updated x using the recursion relation of the derivatives obtained from the differential equations $\dot{x}=dx/dt=f(x, p, t)$.

eqsdiff is the function defining the RHS of the ODE, x contains the Taylor1 expansion of the dependent variable(s) and t is the independent variable, and params are the parameters appearing on the function defining the differential equation. See taylorinteg for examples and convention for eqsdiff. Note that x is of type Taylor1{U} where U<:Number; t is of type Taylor1{T} where T<:Real.

Initially, x contains only the 0-th order Taylor coefficient of the current system state (the initial conditions), and jetcoeffs! computes recursively the high-order derivates back into x.

lyap_jetcoeffs!(t, x, dx, jac, varsaux)

Similar to jetcoeffs! for the calculation of the Lyapunov spectrum. Updates only the elements of x which correspond to the solution of the 1st-order variational equations $\dot{\xi}=J \cdot \xi$, where $J$ is the Jacobian matrix, i.e., the linearization of the equations of motion. jac is the Taylor expansion of $J$ wrt the independent variable, around the current initial condition. varsaux is an auxiliary array of type Array{eltype(jac),3} to avoid allocations. Calling this method assumes that jac has been computed previously using stabilitymatrix!.

nrconvergencecriterion(g_val, nrabstol::T, nriter::Int, newtoniter::Int) where {T<:Real}

A rudimentary convergence criterion for the Newton-Raphson root-finding process. g_val may be either a Real, Taylor1{T} or a TaylorN{T}, where T<:Real. Returns true if: 1) the absolute value of g_val, the value of the event function g evaluated at the current estimated root by the Newton-Raphson process, is less than the nrabstol tolerance; and 2) the number of iterations nriter of the Newton-Raphson process is less than the maximum allowed number of iterations, newtoniter; otherwise, returns false.

set_psol!(::Val{true}, psol::Array{Taylor1{U},1}, nsteps::Int, x::Taylor1{U}) where {U<:Number}
+init_psol(::Val{false}, ::Int, ::Int, ::Array{Taylor1{U},1}) where {U<:Number}

Auxiliary function to initialize psol during a call to taylorinteg. When the first argument in the call signature is Val(false) this function simply returns nothing. Otherwise, when the first argument in the call signature is Val(true), then the appropriate array is allocated and returned; this array is where the Taylor polynomials associated to the solution will be stored, corresponding to field :p in TaylorSolution.

jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff!::Function, t, x, dx, xaux, params)

Mutates x in-place using the recursion relation of the derivatives obtained from the differential equations $\dot{x}=dx/dt=f(x, p, t)$.

eqsdiff! is the function defining the RHS of the ODE, x contains the Taylor1 expansion of the dependent variables and t is the independent variable, and params are the parameters appearing on the function defining the differential equation. See taylorinteg for examples and convention for eqsdiff. Note that x is of type Vector{Taylor1{U}} where U<:Number; t is of type Taylor1{T} where T<:Real. In this case, two auxiliary containers dx and xaux (both of the same type as x) are needed to avoid allocations.

Initially, x contains only the 0-th order Taylor coefficient of the current system state (the initial conditions), and jetcoeffs! computes recursively the high-order derivates back into x.

jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff::Function, t, x, params)

Returns an updated x using the recursion relation of the derivatives obtained from the differential equations $\dot{x}=dx/dt=f(x, p, t)$.

eqsdiff is the function defining the RHS of the ODE, x contains the Taylor1 expansion of the dependent variable(s) and t is the independent variable, and params are the parameters appearing on the function defining the differential equation. See taylorinteg for examples and convention for eqsdiff. Note that x is of type Taylor1{U} where U<:Number; t is of type Taylor1{T} where T<:Real.

Initially, x contains only the 0-th order Taylor coefficient of the current system state (the initial conditions), and jetcoeffs! computes recursively the high-order derivates back into x.

lyap_jetcoeffs!(t, x, dx, jac, varsaux)

Similar to jetcoeffs! for the calculation of the Lyapunov spectrum. Updates only the elements of x which correspond to the solution of the 1st-order variational equations $\dot{\xi}=J \cdot \xi$, where $J$ is the Jacobian matrix, i.e., the linearization of the equations of motion. jac is the Taylor expansion of $J$ wrt the independent variable, around the current initial condition. varsaux is an auxiliary array of type Array{eltype(jac),3} to avoid allocations. Calling this method assumes that jac has been computed previously using stabilitymatrix!.

nrconvergencecriterion(g_val, nrabstol::T, nriter::Int, newtoniter::Int) where {T<:Real}

A rudimentary convergence criterion for the Newton-Raphson root-finding process. g_val may be either a Real, Taylor1{T} or a TaylorN{T}, where T<:Real. Returns true if: 1) the absolute value of g_val, the value of the event function g evaluated at the current estimated root by the Newton-Raphson process, is less than the nrabstol tolerance; and 2) the number of iterations nriter of the Newton-Raphson process is less than the maximum allowed number of iterations, newtoniter; otherwise, returns false.

set_psol!(::Val{true}, psol::Array{Taylor1{U},1}, nsteps::Int, x::Taylor1{U}) where {U<:Number}
 set_psol!(::Val{true}, psol::Array{Taylor1{U},2}, nsteps::Int, x::Vector{Taylor1{U}}) where {U<:Number}
-set_psol!(::Val{false}, args...)

Auxiliary function to save Taylor polynomials in a call to taylorinteg. When the first argument in the call signature is Val(true), sets appropriate elements of argument psol. Otherwise, when the first argument in the call signature is Val(false), this function simply returns nothing. Argument psol is the array where the Taylor polynomials associated to the solution will be stored, corresponding to field :p in TaylorSolution. See also init_psol.

stabilitymatrix!(eqsdiff!, t, x, δx, dδx, jac, _δv, params[, jacobianfunc!=nothing])

Updates the matrix jac::Matrix{Taylor1{U}} (linearized equations of motion) computed from the equations of motion (eqsdiff!), at time t at x; x is of type Vector{Taylor1{U}}, where U<:Number. δx, dδx and _δv are auxiliary arrays of type Vector{TaylorN{Taylor1{U}}} to avoid allocations. Optionally, the user may provide a Jacobian function jacobianfunc! to compute jac. Otherwise, jac is computed via automatic differentiation using TaylorSeries.jl.

stepsize(x, epsilon) -> h

Returns a maximum time-step for a the Taylor expansion x using a prescribed absolute tolerance epsilon and the last two Taylor coefficients of (each component of) x.

Note that x is of type Taylor1{U} or Vector{Taylor1{U}}, including also the cases Taylor1{TaylorN{U}} and Vector{Taylor1{TaylorN{U}}}.

Depending of eltype(x), i.e., U<:Number, it may be necessary to overload stepsize, specializing it on the type U, to avoid type instabilities.

surfacecrossing(g_old, g_now, eventorder::Int)

Detect if the solution crossed a root of event function g. g_old represents the last-before-current value of event function g, and g_now represents the current one; these are Tuple{Bool,Taylor1{T}}s. eventorder is the order of the derivative of the event function g whose root we are trying to find. Returns true if the constant terms of g_old[2] and g_now[2] have different signs (i.e., if one is positive and the other one is negative). Otherwise, if g_old[2] and g_now[2] have the same sign or if the first component of either of them is false, then it returns false.

taylorstep!(::Val{false}, f, t, x, abstol, params, rv, parse_eqs=true) -> δt
+set_psol!(::Val{false}, args...)

Auxiliary function to save Taylor polynomials in a call to taylorinteg. When the first argument in the call signature is Val(true), sets appropriate elements of argument psol. Otherwise, when the first argument in the call signature is Val(false), this function simply returns nothing. Argument psol is the array where the Taylor polynomials associated to the solution will be stored, corresponding to field :p in TaylorSolution. See also init_psol.

stabilitymatrix!(eqsdiff!, t, x, δx, dδx, jac, _δv, params[, jacobianfunc!=nothing])

Updates the matrix jac::Matrix{Taylor1{U}} (linearized equations of motion) computed from the equations of motion (eqsdiff!), at time t at x; x is of type Vector{Taylor1{U}}, where U<:Number. δx, dδx and _δv are auxiliary arrays of type Vector{TaylorN{Taylor1{U}}} to avoid allocations. Optionally, the user may provide a Jacobian function jacobianfunc! to compute jac. Otherwise, jac is computed via automatic differentiation using TaylorSeries.jl.

stepsize(x, epsilon) -> h

Returns a maximum time-step for a the Taylor expansion x using a prescribed absolute tolerance epsilon and the last two Taylor coefficients of (each component of) x.

Note that x is of type Taylor1{U} or Vector{Taylor1{U}}, including also the cases Taylor1{TaylorN{U}} and Vector{Taylor1{TaylorN{U}}}.

Depending of eltype(x), i.e., U<:Number, it may be necessary to overload stepsize, specializing it on the type U, to avoid type instabilities.

surfacecrossing(g_old, g_now, eventorder::Int)

Detect if the solution crossed a root of event function g. g_old represents the last-before-current value of event function g, and g_now represents the current one; these are Tuple{Bool,Taylor1{T}}s. eventorder is the order of the derivative of the event function g whose root we are trying to find. Returns true if the constant terms of g_old[2] and g_now[2] have different signs (i.e., if one is positive and the other one is negative). Otherwise, if g_old[2] and g_now[2] have the same sign or if the first component of either of them is false, then it returns false.

taylorstep!(::Val{false}, f, t, x, abstol, params, rv, parse_eqs=true) -> δt
 taylorstep!(::Val{true}, f, t, x, abstol, params, rv, parse_eqs=true) -> δt
 taylorstep!(::Val{false}, f!, t, x, dx, xaux, abstol, params, rv, parse_eqs=true) -> δt
-taylorstep!(::Val{true}, f!, t, x, dx, xaux, abstol, params, rv, parse_eqs=true) -> δt

One-step Taylor integration for the one-dependent variable ODE $\dot{x}=dx/dt=f(x, p, t)$ with initial conditions $x(t_0)=x_0$. Returns the time-step δt of the actual integration carried out (δt is positive).

Here, f represents the function defining the RHS of the ODE (see taylorinteg), t is the independent variable, x contains the Taylor expansion of the dependent variable, order is the degree used for the Taylor1 polynomials during the integration abstol is the absolute tolerance used to determine the time step of the integration, and params are the parameters entering the ODE functions. For several variables, dx and xaux, both of the same type as x, are needed to save allocations. Finally, parse_eqs is a switch to force not using (parse_eqs=false) the specialized method of jetcoeffs! created with @taylorize; the default is true (parse the equations). Finally, parse_eqs is a switch to force not using (parse_eqs=false) the specialized method of jetcoeffs! created with @taylorize; the default is true (parse the equations). The first argument in the function call Val{bool} (bool::Bool) controls whether a specialized `jetcoeffs! method is being used or not.

timeindex(sol::TaylorSolution, t::TT) where TT

Return the index of sol.t corresponding to t and the time elapsed from sol.t0 to t.



+taylorstep!(::Val{true}, f!, t, x, dx, xaux, abstol, params, rv, parse_eqs=true) -> δt

One-step Taylor integration for the one-dependent variable ODE $\dot{x}=dx/dt=f(x, p, t)$ with initial conditions $x(t_0)=x_0$. Returns the time-step δt of the actual integration carried out (δt is positive).

Here, f represents the function defining the RHS of the ODE (see taylorinteg), t is the independent variable, x contains the Taylor expansion of the dependent variable, order is the degree used for the Taylor1 polynomials during the integration abstol is the absolute tolerance used to determine the time step of the integration, and params are the parameters entering the ODE functions. For several variables, dx and xaux, both of the same type as x, are needed to save allocations. Finally, parse_eqs is a switch to force not using (parse_eqs=false) the specialized method of jetcoeffs! created with @taylorize; the default is true (parse the equations). Finally, parse_eqs is a switch to force not using (parse_eqs=false) the specialized method of jetcoeffs! created with @taylorize; the default is true (parse the equations). The first argument in the function call Val{bool} (bool::Bool) controls whether a specialized `jetcoeffs! method is being used or not.

timeindex(sol::TaylorSolution, t::TT) where TT

Return the index of sol.t corresponding to t and the time elapsed from sol.t0 to t.



diff --git a/previews/PR203/common/5d607b2b.svg b/previews/PR203/common/8d6294f1.svg similarity index 99% rename from previews/PR203/common/5d607b2b.svg rename to previews/PR203/common/8d6294f1.svg index 56bfbd8a..2baa5c9e 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/common/5d607b2b.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/common/8d6294f1.svg @@ -1,117 +1,117 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/common/6d600621.svg b/previews/PR203/common/a9448a7c.svg similarity index 99% rename from previews/PR203/common/6d600621.svg rename to previews/PR203/common/a9448a7c.svg index 07fab25f..88dd096b 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/common/6d600621.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/common/a9448a7c.svg @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/common/8a7c161f.svg b/previews/PR203/common/ae615729.svg similarity index 92% rename from previews/PR203/common/8a7c161f.svg rename to previews/PR203/common/ae615729.svg index c880c82d..fcb4bff1 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/common/8a7c161f.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/common/ae615729.svg @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/common/df7b75d8.svg b/previews/PR203/common/d0817fe9.svg similarity index 99% rename from previews/PR203/common/df7b75d8.svg rename to previews/PR203/common/d0817fe9.svg index ee50a1d3..f53c72ce 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/common/df7b75d8.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/common/d0817fe9.svg @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/common/4b4aadee.svg b/previews/PR203/common/e1a8eb51.svg similarity index 99% rename from previews/PR203/common/4b4aadee.svg rename to previews/PR203/common/e1a8eb51.svg index 2d1303a3..f10c63ea 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/common/4b4aadee.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/common/e1a8eb51.svg @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/common/index.html b/previews/PR203/common/index.html index e98505c7..5bd39983 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/common/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/common/index.html @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ylims!(-1.7, -1.45) xlabel!("x") ylabel!("J") -title!("Zero-velocity curves (x-axis projection)")Example block output

Notice that the maxima in the plot correspond to the Lagrangian points $L_1$, $L_2$ and $L_3$; below we shall concentrate in the value $J_0 = -1.58$.

J0 = -1.58

We define a function py!, which depends on the initial condition $q_0 = (x_0, 0, 0, p_{y,0})$ and the Jacobi constant value $J_0$, such that it computes an adequate value $p_{y,0}$ for which we have $H(q_0)=J_0$ and updates (in-place) the initial condition accordingly.

function py!(q0, J0)
+title!("Zero-velocity curves (x-axis projection)")
Example block output

Notice that the maxima in the plot correspond to the Lagrangian points $L_1$, $L_2$ and $L_3$; below we shall concentrate in the value $J_0 = -1.58$.

J0 = -1.58

We define a function py!, which depends on the initial condition $q_0 = (x_0, 0, 0, p_{y,0})$ and the Jacobi constant value $J_0$, such that it computes an adequate value $p_{y,0}$ for which we have $H(q_0)=J_0$ and updates (in-place) the initial condition accordingly.

function py!(q0, J0)
     @assert iszero(q0[2]) && iszero(q0[3]) # q0[2] and q0[3] have to be equal to zero
     q0[4] = q0[1] + sqrt( q0[1]^2-2( V(q0[1], q0[2])-J0 ) )
@@ -145,39 +145,39 @@
 xlims!(-1+μ-0.2, 1+μ+0.2)
 ylims!(-0.8, 0.8)
Example block output

Note that the orbit obtained displays the expected dynamics: the test particle explores the regions surrounding both primaries, located at the red dots, without escaping to infinity. For comparison, we now plot the orbit corresponding to the solution obtained with the Vern9() integration; note that the scales are identical.

plot(solV, vars=(1, 2), linewidth=1, fmt = :png)
Example block output

Note that the orbit obtained displays the expected dynamics: the test particle explores the regions surrounding both primaries, located at the red dots, without escaping to infinity. For comparison, we now plot the orbit corresponding to the solution obtained with the Vern9() integration; note that the scales are identical.

plot(solV, vars=(1, 2), linewidth=1, fmt = :png)
 scatter!([μ, -1+μ], [0,0], leg=false) # positions of the primaries
 xlims!(-1+μ-0.2, 1+μ+0.2)
 ylims!(-0.8, 0.8)
Example block output

We note that both orbits display the same qualitative features, and also some differences. For instance, the TaylorMethod(25) solution gets closer to the primary than that the Vern9(). We can obtain a quantitative comparison of the validity of both integrations through the preservation of the Jacobi constant:

ET = H.(solT.u)
Example block output

We note that both orbits display the same qualitative features, and also some differences. For instance, the TaylorMethod(25) solution gets closer to the primary than that the Vern9(). We can obtain a quantitative comparison of the validity of both integrations through the preservation of the Jacobi constant:

ET = H.(solT.u)
 EV = H.(solV.u)
 δET = ET .- J0
 δEV = EV .- J0

We plot first the value of the Jacobi constant as function of time.

plot(solT.t, H.(solT.u), label="TaylorMethod(25)", fmt = :png, yformatter = :plain)
 plot!(solV.t, H.(solV.u), label="Vern9()")
Example block output

In the scale shown we observe that, while both solutions display a preservation of the Jacobi constant to a certain degree, the Vern9() solution suffers sudden jumps during the integration.

We now plot, in log scale, the abs of the absolute error in the Jacobi constant as a function of time, for both solutions:

plot(solT.t, abs.(δET), yscale=:log10, label="TaylorMethod(25)", legend=:topleft, fmt = :png, yformatter = :plain)
Example block output

In the scale shown we observe that, while both solutions display a preservation of the Jacobi constant to a certain degree, the Vern9() solution suffers sudden jumps during the integration.

We now plot, in log scale, the abs of the absolute error in the Jacobi constant as a function of time, for both solutions:

plot(solT.t, abs.(δET), yscale=:log10, label="TaylorMethod(25)", legend=:topleft, fmt = :png, yformatter = :plain)
 plot!(solV.t, abs.(δEV), label="Vern9()")
 ylims!(10^-16, 10^-10)
Example block output

We notice that the Jacobi constant absolute error for the TaylorMethod(25) solution remains bounded below $10^{-13}$ throughout the integration. While the Vern9() solution at the end of the integration time has reached a similar value, it displays a larger Jacobi constant error earlier in time.

Finally, we comment on the time spent by each integration.

using BenchmarkTools
Example block output

We notice that the Jacobi constant absolute error for the TaylorMethod(25) solution remains bounded below $10^{-13}$ throughout the integration. While the Vern9() solution at the end of the integration time has reached a similar value, it displays a larger Jacobi constant error earlier in time.

Finally, we comment on the time spent by each integration.

using BenchmarkTools
 bT = @benchmark solve($prob, $(TaylorMethod(25)), abstol=1e-15)
-bV = @benchmark solve($prob, $(Vern9()), abstol=1e-15, reltol=1e-15)
bT # TaylorMethod(25) benchmark
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 53 samples with 1 evaluation.
- Range (minmax):  91.994 ms127.522 ms   GC (min … max): 0.00% … 24.42%
- Time  (median):     95.040 ms                GC (median):    0.00%
- Time  (mean ± σ):   95.677 ms ±   6.115 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  1.16% ±  4.51%
+bV = @benchmark solve($prob, $(Vern9()), abstol=1e-15, reltol=1e-15)
bT # TaylorMethod(25) benchmark
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 48 samples with 1 evaluation.
+ Range (minmax):   95.661 ms136.853 ms   GC (min … max): 0.00% … 23.55%
+ Time  (median):     104.465 ms                GC (median):    0.00%
+ Time  (mean ± σ):   104.844 ms ±   6.766 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  1.22% ±  4.58%
-   ▂                                                           
-  ▆██▃▃▆▄▁▁▄▃▁▃▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▃ ▁
-  92 ms           Histogram: frequency by time          122 ms <
+           █                                                   
+  ▃▁▁▃▃▁▃▁▅█▃▃█▅▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▁▁▁▃ ▁
+  95.7 ms          Histogram: frequency by time          137 ms <
- Memory estimate: 8.06 MiB, allocs estimate: 176757.
bV # Vern9 benchmark
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 18 samples with 1 evaluation.
- Range (minmax):  206.416 ms662.955 ms   GC (min … max):  0.00% … 67.38%
- Time  (median):     276.876 ms                GC (median):    20.18%
- Time  (mean ± σ):   312.797 ms ± 130.320 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  28.07% ± 20.70%
+ Memory estimate: 8.06 MiB, allocs estimate: 176757.
bV # Vern9 benchmark
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 16 samples with 1 evaluation.
+ Range (minmax):  206.470 ms672.620 ms   GC (min … max):  0.00% … 68.00%
+ Time  (median):     293.027 ms                GC (median):    25.27%
+ Time  (mean ± σ):   323.152 ms ± 138.459 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  29.75% ± 22.85%
-     █             ▁                                             
-  ▆▁▁█▆▆▆▁▆▆▆▁▁▆▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▆▁▆ ▁
-  206 ms           Histogram: frequency by time          663 ms <
+     █                                                           
+  ▅▁▁█▅▁▁▁▁▅▁▅▅▅▅▁▁▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▅▁▁▅ ▁
+  206 ms           Histogram: frequency by time          673 ms <
- Memory estimate: 133.21 MiB, allocs estimate: 2669187.

We notice in this setup, where the TaylorMethod(25) and the Vern9() integrations perform similarly in terms of accuracy, the former performs better in terms of runtime.

We can tune the abstol and reltol for the Vern9() method we so that performance is similar. Such situation has an accuracy cost, which then makes TaylorIntegration a sensible alternative for high-accuracy integrations of non-stiff ODEs in some cases; see [2].

Finally, as mentioned above, a crucial way in which TaylorIntegration provides high accuracy at competitive speeds is through the use of the @taylorize macro; see this section for details. Currently, TaylorIntegration supports the use of @taylorize via the common interface with DifferentialEquations only for in-place ODEProblem.

References and notes

[1] Murray, Carl D., Stanley F. Dermott. Solar System dynamics. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

[2] SciMLBenchmarks.jl/DynamicalODE

+ Memory estimate: 133.21 MiB, allocs estimate: 2669187.

We notice in this setup, where the TaylorMethod(25) and the Vern9() integrations perform similarly in terms of accuracy, the former performs better in terms of runtime.

We can tune the abstol and reltol for the Vern9() method we so that performance is similar. Such situation has an accuracy cost, which then makes TaylorIntegration a sensible alternative for high-accuracy integrations of non-stiff ODEs in some cases; see [2].

Finally, as mentioned above, a crucial way in which TaylorIntegration provides high accuracy at competitive speeds is through the use of the @taylorize macro; see this section for details. Currently, TaylorIntegration supports the use of @taylorize via the common interface with DifferentialEquations only for in-place ODEProblem.

References and notes

[1] Murray, Carl D., Stanley F. Dermott. Solar System dynamics. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

[2] SciMLBenchmarks.jl/DynamicalODE

diff --git a/previews/PR203/index.html b/previews/PR203/index.html index 4eefaeb0..b32727ea 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/index.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ Home · TaylorIntegration.jl


ODE integration using Taylor's method, and more, in Julia.


  • Jorge A. Pérez, Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
  • Luis Benet, Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)


TaylorIntegration is licensed under the MIT "Expat" license.


TaylorIntegration.jl is a registered package, and is simply installed by running

pkg> add TaylorIntegration

Supporting and citing

This package is developed as part of academic research. If you would like to help supporting it, please star the repository as such metrics may help us secure funding. If you use this software, we would be grateful if you could cite our work as follows (Bibtex entry can be found here):

J.A. Pérez-Hernández and L. Benet
 TaylorIntegration.jl: Taylor Integration in Julia


We acknowledge financial support from the DGAPA-PAPIIT (UNAM) grant IG-100616. LB acknowledges support through a Cátedra Marcos Moshinsky (2013).



We acknowledge financial support from the DGAPA-PAPIIT (UNAM) grant IG-100616. LB acknowledges support through a Cátedra Marcos Moshinsky (2013).

diff --git a/previews/PR203/jet_transport/index.html b/previews/PR203/jet_transport/index.html index 3e1ec140..86e4e76f 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/jet_transport/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/jet_transport/index.html @@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ \delta y \end{array} \right). -\end{aligned}\]

The first terms in the expressions for $\mathbf{x}_1$ and $\mathbf{x}_2$ above correspond to the result of an Euler integration step using the initial conditions only. The other terms are the (linear) corrections which involve the small displacements $\delta x$ and $\delta y$.

In general, for differential equations involving non-linear terms, the resulting expansions in $\delta x$ and $\delta y$ will reflect aspects of the non-linearities of the ODEs. Clearly, jet transport techniques allow to address stability properties beyond the linear case, though memory constraints may play a role. See this example illustrating the implementation for the simple pendulum, and this one illustrating the construction of a Poincaré map with Jet transport techniques.


[1] D. Pérez-Palau, Josep J. Masdemont, Gerard Gómez, 2015, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 123, 239.


The first terms in the expressions for $\mathbf{x}_1$ and $\mathbf{x}_2$ above correspond to the result of an Euler integration step using the initial conditions only. The other terms are the (linear) corrections which involve the small displacements $\delta x$ and $\delta y$.

In general, for differential equations involving non-linear terms, the resulting expansions in $\delta x$ and $\delta y$ will reflect aspects of the non-linearities of the ODEs. Clearly, jet transport techniques allow to address stability properties beyond the linear case, though memory constraints may play a role. See this example illustrating the implementation for the simple pendulum, and this one illustrating the construction of a Poincaré map with Jet transport techniques.


[1] D. Pérez-Palau, Josep J. Masdemont, Gerard Gómez, 2015, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 123, 239.

diff --git a/previews/PR203/kepler/4cca8a81.svg b/previews/PR203/kepler/6fa61008.svg similarity index 99% rename from previews/PR203/kepler/4cca8a81.svg rename to previews/PR203/kepler/6fa61008.svg index c92e332d..01431854 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/kepler/4cca8a81.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/kepler/6fa61008.svg @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/kepler/0dbfdb91.svg b/previews/PR203/kepler/af0977b9.svg similarity index 97% rename from previews/PR203/kepler/0dbfdb91.svg rename to previews/PR203/kepler/af0977b9.svg index b7c76072..13f1e272 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/kepler/0dbfdb91.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/kepler/af0977b9.svg @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/kepler/8466d439.svg b/previews/PR203/kepler/b645c19d.svg similarity index 99% rename from previews/PR203/kepler/8466d439.svg rename to previews/PR203/kepler/b645c19d.svg index 3fc5db3e..a12797a9 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/kepler/8466d439.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/kepler/b645c19d.svg @@ -1,50 +1,50 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/kepler/index.html b/previews/PR203/kepler/index.html index 6f82ed73..5cb8514b 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/kepler/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/kepler/index.html @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ scatter!([0], [0], shape=:circle, ms=5) xaxis!("x", (-2.0, 0.5)) yaxis!("y", (-1.0, 1.0)) -title!("Fig. 1")Example block output

The following functions allow us to calculate the energy and angular momentum using cartesian coordinates.

function energy( x, y, vx, vy )
+title!("Fig. 1")
Example block output

The following functions allow us to calculate the energy and angular momentum using cartesian coordinates.

function energy( x, y, vx, vy )
     kinetic = 0.5 * (vx*vx + vy*vy)
     r = sqrt( x*x + y*y)
     potential = - mu * mass / r
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 plot(t[1:3:end], δE[1:3:end])
-title!("Fig. 2")
Example block output
lz0 = lz(q0...)
+title!("Fig. 2")
Example block output
lz0 = lz(q0...)
 δlz = (lz.(x,y,vx,vy) .- lz0) ./ eps(lz0)
 plot(t[1:3:end], δlz[1:3:end])
-title!("Fig. 3")
Example block output

These errors are reminiscent of random walks.

The maximum absolute errors of the energy and angular momentum are

maximum( abs.(energy.(x,y,vx,vy) .- e0) ), maximum( abs.(lz.(x,y,vx,vy) .- lz0) )
(9.947598300641403e-14, 2.808864252301646e-14)
+title!("Fig. 3")Example block output

These errors are reminiscent of random walks.

The maximum absolute errors of the energy and angular momentum are

maximum( abs.(energy.(x,y,vx,vy) .- e0) ), maximum( abs.(lz.(x,y,vx,vy) .- lz0) )
(9.947598300641403e-14, 2.808864252301646e-14)
diff --git a/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/d4083163.svg b/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/384988e1.svg similarity index 97% rename from previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/d4083163.svg rename to previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/384988e1.svg index b317cf90..5f00c05f 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/d4083163.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/384988e1.svg @@ -1,50 +1,50 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/29358638.svg b/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/cc97cafb.svg similarity index 94% rename from previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/29358638.svg rename to previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/cc97cafb.svg index 89f3fa27..9b0c2009 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/29358638.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/cc97cafb.svg @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/index.html b/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/index.html index 6c168791..72ef3b84 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/lorenz_lyapunov/index.html @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ TaylorSeries.jacobian(dx0TN) == jjac # `dx0TN` is obtained via automatic differentiation

Now, we are ready to perform the integration using lyap_taylorinteg function, which integrates the 1st variational equations and uses Oseledets' theorem. The expansion order will be $28$ and the local absolute tolerance will be $10^{-20}$. lyap_taylorinteg will return three arrays: one with the evaluation times, one with the values of the dependent variables (at the time of evaluation), and another one with the values of the Lyapunov spectrum.

We first carry out the integration computing internally the Jacobian

sol = lyap_taylorinteg(lorenz!, x0, t0, tmax, 28, 1e-20, params; maxsteps=2000000);
 tv, xv, λv = sol.t, sol.x, sol.λ

Now, the integration is obtained exploiting lorenz_jac!:

sol_ = lyap_taylorinteg(lorenz!, x0, t0, tmax, 28, 1e-20, params, lorenz_jac!; maxsteps=2000000);
 tv_, xv_, λv_ = sol_.t, sol_.x, sol_.λ

In terms of performance the second method is about ~50% faster than the first.

We check the consistency of the orbits computed by the two methods:

tv == tv_, xv == xv_, λv == λv_
(true, true, true)

As mentioned above, a more subtle check is related to the fact that the trace of the Jacobian is constant in time, which must coincide with the sum of all Lyapunov exponents. Using its initial value lorenztr, we compare it with the final Lyapunov exponents of the computation, and obtain

sum(λv[end,:]) ≈ lorenztr, sum(λv_[end,:]) ≈ lorenztr, sum(λv[end,:]) ≈ sum(λv_[end,:])
(true, true, true)

Above we checked the approximate equality; we now show that the relative error is quite small and comparable with the local machine epsilon value around lorenztr:

abs(sum(λv[end,:])/lorenztr - 1), abs(sum(λv_[end,:])/lorenztr - 1), eps(lorenztr)
(1.1102230246251565e-15, 1.1102230246251565e-15, 3.552713678800501e-15)

Therefore, the numerical error is dominated by roundoff errors in the floating point arithmetic of the integration. We will now proceed to plot our results. First, we plot Lorenz attractor in phase space

using Plots
-plot(xv[:,1], xv[:,2], xv[:,3], leg=false)
Example block output

We display now the Lyapunov exponents as a function of time:

using Plots
+plot(xv[:,1], xv[:,2], xv[:,3], leg=false)
Example block output

We display now the Lyapunov exponents as a function of time:

using Plots
 plot(tv, λv[:,1], label="L_1", legend=:right)
 plot!(tv, λv[:,2], label="L_2")
 plot!(tv, λv[:,3], label="L_3")
 ylabel!("L_i, i=1,2,3")
-title!("Lyapunov exponents vs time")
Example block output

This plot shows that the calculation of the Lyapunov exponents has converged.

+title!("Lyapunov exponents vs time")Example block output

This plot shows that the calculation of the Lyapunov exponents has converged.

diff --git a/previews/PR203/lyapunov_spectrum/index.html b/previews/PR203/lyapunov_spectrum/index.html index 0ea0dd30..1bfa2ae5 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/lyapunov_spectrum/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/lyapunov_spectrum/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Lyapunov spectrum · TaylorIntegration.jl

Lyapunov spectrum

Here we describe the background of the Lyapunov spectra computations in TaylorIntegration.jl. Our implementation follows the numerical method of Benettin et al. [1], [2], which itself is based on Oseledet's multiplicative ergodic theorem [3]. Namely, simultaneously to the integration of the equations of motion, we integrate the 1st-order variational equations associated to them.

In general, given a dynamical system defined by the equations of motion

\[\dot{x} = f(t, x),\tag{1}\]

along with the initial condition $x(t_0) = x_0$, then the first-order variational equations associated to this system are

\[\dot{\xi} = (\operatorname{D}f)(x(t))\cdot \xi,\tag{2}\]

where $(\operatorname{D}f)(x(t))$ is the Jacobian of the function $f$ with respect to the dependent variable $x$, evaluated at time $t$, for a given solution $x(t)$ to the equations of motion. The variable $\xi$ denotes a matrix, whose initial condition is $\xi(t_0) = \mathbb{1}_{n}$, the $n\times n$ identity matrix, where $n$ is the degrees of freedom or number of dependent variables $x$.

For the actual computation of the Lyapunov spectrum, we proceed as follows. During the simultaneous numerical integration of the equations of motion and the variational equations, at fixed time intervals $t_k = k\cdot \Delta t$, $k = 1, 2, \ldots$ we perform a $QR$ decomposition over $\xi(t_k)$, the solution of the variational equations at time $t_k$. That is, we factorize $\xi(t_k)$ as $\xi(t_k)=Q_k\cdot R_k$, where $Q_k$ is an orthogonal $n\times n$ matrix and $R_k$ is an upper triangular $n\times n$ matrix with positive diagonal elements. The diagonal elements $R_{ii,k}$ are the growth factors from which the $l$-th Lyapunov exponent is computed at time $t_k$

\[\lambda_l = \sum_{m=1}^k \frac{\log (R_{ll,m})}{k\cdot \Delta t}.\tag{3}\]

In turn, the matrix $Q$ is substituted into $\xi(t_k)$ as the new (scaled) initial condition.

The equations of motion together with the variational equations are integrated up to time $t_{k+1}$ using Taylor's method. We note that each time step of the integration is determined using the normalized derivatives of $x$ and the tolerance $\epsilon_\textrm{tol}$. This process is repeated until a prescribed $t_\textrm{max}$ is reached.

This example illustrates the computation of the Lyapunov spectrum for the Lorenz system.


[1] Benettin G., Galgani L., Giorgilli A., Strelcyn J.M., 1980, Meccanica, 15, 9

[2] Benettin G., Galgani L., Giorgilli A., Strelcyn J.M., 1980, Meccanica, 15, 21

[3] Oseledets V. I., 1968, Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva, 19, 179

+Lyapunov spectrum · TaylorIntegration.jl

Lyapunov spectrum

Here we describe the background of the Lyapunov spectra computations in TaylorIntegration.jl. Our implementation follows the numerical method of Benettin et al. [1], [2], which itself is based on Oseledet's multiplicative ergodic theorem [3]. Namely, simultaneously to the integration of the equations of motion, we integrate the 1st-order variational equations associated to them.

In general, given a dynamical system defined by the equations of motion

\[\dot{x} = f(t, x),\tag{1}\]

along with the initial condition $x(t_0) = x_0$, then the first-order variational equations associated to this system are

\[\dot{\xi} = (\operatorname{D}f)(x(t))\cdot \xi,\tag{2}\]

where $(\operatorname{D}f)(x(t))$ is the Jacobian of the function $f$ with respect to the dependent variable $x$, evaluated at time $t$, for a given solution $x(t)$ to the equations of motion. The variable $\xi$ denotes a matrix, whose initial condition is $\xi(t_0) = \mathbb{1}_{n}$, the $n\times n$ identity matrix, where $n$ is the degrees of freedom or number of dependent variables $x$.

For the actual computation of the Lyapunov spectrum, we proceed as follows. During the simultaneous numerical integration of the equations of motion and the variational equations, at fixed time intervals $t_k = k\cdot \Delta t$, $k = 1, 2, \ldots$ we perform a $QR$ decomposition over $\xi(t_k)$, the solution of the variational equations at time $t_k$. That is, we factorize $\xi(t_k)$ as $\xi(t_k)=Q_k\cdot R_k$, where $Q_k$ is an orthogonal $n\times n$ matrix and $R_k$ is an upper triangular $n\times n$ matrix with positive diagonal elements. The diagonal elements $R_{ii,k}$ are the growth factors from which the $l$-th Lyapunov exponent is computed at time $t_k$

\[\lambda_l = \sum_{m=1}^k \frac{\log (R_{ll,m})}{k\cdot \Delta t}.\tag{3}\]

In turn, the matrix $Q$ is substituted into $\xi(t_k)$ as the new (scaled) initial condition.

The equations of motion together with the variational equations are integrated up to time $t_{k+1}$ using Taylor's method. We note that each time step of the integration is determined using the normalized derivatives of $x$ and the tolerance $\epsilon_\textrm{tol}$. This process is repeated until a prescribed $t_\textrm{max}$ is reached.

This example illustrates the computation of the Lyapunov spectrum for the Lorenz system.


[1] Benettin G., Galgani L., Giorgilli A., Strelcyn J.M., 1980, Meccanica, 15, 9

[2] Benettin G., Galgani L., Giorgilli A., Strelcyn J.M., 1980, Meccanica, 15, 21

[3] Oseledets V. I., 1968, Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva, 19, 179

diff --git a/previews/PR203/pendulum/19bdebbf.svg b/previews/PR203/pendulum/914f1d99.svg similarity index 88% rename from previews/PR203/pendulum/19bdebbf.svg rename to previews/PR203/pendulum/914f1d99.svg index 9cf6a932..178ee8a0 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/pendulum/19bdebbf.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/pendulum/914f1d99.svg @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/pendulum/index.html b/previews/PR203/pendulum/index.html index aeaf471d..df737e92 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/pendulum/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/pendulum/index.html @@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ scatter!( x_nom, p_nom, color=:black, m=(1,2.8,stroke(0)) -)Example block output +)Example block output diff --git a/previews/PR203/poincareanim1.gif b/previews/PR203/poincareanim1.gif index 2228abf8..1fda5fd3 100644 Binary files a/previews/PR203/poincareanim1.gif and b/previews/PR203/poincareanim1.gif differ diff --git a/previews/PR203/poincareanim3.gif b/previews/PR203/poincareanim3.gif index 60bcfcf5..aa970ee8 100644 Binary files a/previews/PR203/poincareanim3.gif and b/previews/PR203/poincareanim3.gif differ diff --git a/previews/PR203/root_finding/index.html b/previews/PR203/root_finding/index.html index f59bd370..b9a8f01d 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/root_finding/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/root_finding/index.html @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ xlabel!("y") ylabel!("py") title!("Hénon-Heiles Poincaré map (21 iterates)") -end
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_kTubUu", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png"  …  "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim1, "poincareanim1.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim1.gif

Poincaré map for the Hénon Heiles system

Jet transport

Now, we illustrate the use of jet transport techniques in the same example, that is, we propagate a neighborhood around x0, which will be plotted in the Poincaré map. We first define the vector of small increments of the phase space variables, xTN; we fix the maximum order of the polynomial expansion in these variables to be 4. Then, x0TN is the neighborhood in the 4-dimensional phase space around $x0$.

xTN = set_variables("δx δy δpx δpy", numvars=length(x0), order=4)
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_tm7Jml", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png"  …  "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim1, "poincareanim1.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim1.gif

Poincaré map for the Hénon Heiles system

Jet transport

Now, we illustrate the use of jet transport techniques in the same example, that is, we propagate a neighborhood around x0, which will be plotted in the Poincaré map. We first define the vector of small increments of the phase space variables, xTN; we fix the maximum order of the polynomial expansion in these variables to be 4. Then, x0TN is the neighborhood in the 4-dimensional phase space around $x0$.

xTN = set_variables("δx δy δpx δpy", numvars=length(x0), order=4)
 x0TN = x0 .+ xTN

As it was shown above, $x0$ belongs to the energy surface $H(x0) = E_0 = 0.1025$; yet, as it was defined above, the set of phase space points denoted by x0TN includes points that belong to other energy surfaces. This can be noticed by computing H(x0TN)

 0.1025 + 0.2478237775 δy + 0.24817464176177093 δpx + 0.9533499999999999 δx² + 0.046650000000000025 δy² + 0.5 δpx² + 0.5 δpy² + 1.0 δx² δy - 0.3333333333333333 δy³ + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)

Clearly, the expression above may contain points whose energy is different from E0. As it was done above, we shall fix the px component of x0TN so all points of the neighborhood are in the same energy surface.

px!(x0TN, E0) # Impose that all variations are on the proper energy shell!
 0.1025 - 5.551115123125783e-17 δy² - 5.551115123125783e-17 δy³ - 1.7763568394002505e-15 δx² δy² - 4.440892098500626e-16 δy⁴ + 8.881784197001252e-16 δy² δpy² + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)

We notice that the coefficients of all monomials whose order is not zero are very small, and the constant_term is E0.

In order to properly handle this case, we need to extend the definition of g to be useful for Taylor1{TaylorN{T}} vectors.

#specialized method of g for Taylor1{TaylorN{T}}'s
 function g(dx::Array{Taylor1{TaylorN{T}},1}, x::Array{Taylor1{TaylorN{T}},1},
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@
     title!("Poincaré map: 4th-order jet transport vs Monte Carlo")
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_gUdkPC", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png"  …  "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim2, "poincareanim2.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim2.gif

Poincaré map: Jet transport vs Monte Carlo

The next animation is the same as before, adapting the scale.

poincare_anim3 = @animate for i=1:21
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_QjDd3u", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png"  …  "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim2, "poincareanim2.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim2.gif

Poincaré map: Jet transport vs Monte Carlo

The next animation is the same as before, adapting the scale.

poincare_anim3 = @animate for i=1:21
     scatter(map(x->x[i,2], xvSv), map(x->x[i,4], xvSv), marker=(:circle, stroke(0)),
         markersize=0.1, label="Monte Carlo")
     plot!(yS[i,:], pS[i,:], width=0.5, label="Jet transport")
     title!("Poincaré map: 4th-order jet transport vs Monte Carlo")
Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_aw1i4x", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png"  …  "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim3, "poincareanim3.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim3.gif

Poincaré map: Jet transport vs Monte Carlo

Plots.Animation("/tmp/jl_mc1IQa", ["000001.png", "000002.png", "000003.png", "000004.png", "000005.png", "000006.png", "000007.png", "000008.png", "000009.png", "000010.png"  …  "000012.png", "000013.png", "000014.png", "000015.png", "000016.png", "000017.png", "000018.png", "000019.png", "000020.png", "000021.png"])
gif(poincare_anim3, "poincareanim3.gif", fps = 2)
[ Info: Saved animation to /home/runner/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/docs/build/poincareanim3.gif

Poincaré map: Jet transport vs Monte Carlo

diff --git a/previews/PR203/simple_example/0b406003.svg b/previews/PR203/simple_example/6fcf6589.svg similarity index 74% rename from previews/PR203/simple_example/0b406003.svg rename to previews/PR203/simple_example/6fcf6589.svg index eff5f51d..78d3e3b7 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/simple_example/0b406003.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/simple_example/6fcf6589.svg @@ -1,197 +1,197 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/simple_example/2f4a3a61.svg b/previews/PR203/simple_example/788bb686.svg similarity index 73% rename from previews/PR203/simple_example/2f4a3a61.svg rename to previews/PR203/simple_example/788bb686.svg index fbb5a57b..d59a8b00 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/simple_example/2f4a3a61.svg +++ b/previews/PR203/simple_example/788bb686.svg @@ -1,200 +1,200 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/previews/PR203/simple_example/index.html b/previews/PR203/simple_example/index.html index 78f3a098..edf23da6 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/simple_example/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/simple_example/index.html @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ xlabel!("t") ylabel!("log10(x(t))") xlims!(0,0.34) -title!("Fig. 1")Example block output

Clearly, the solution diverges without bound when $t\to t_\textrm{max} = 1/3$, i.e., $x(t)$ approaches infinity in finite time.

Figure 2 shows the relative difference between the numerical and the analytical solution in terms of time.

exactsol(t, x0) = x0 / (1 - x0 * t)
+title!("Fig. 1")
Example block output

Clearly, the solution diverges without bound when $t\to t_\textrm{max} = 1/3$, i.e., $x(t)$ approaches infinity in finite time.

Figure 2 shows the relative difference between the numerical and the analytical solution in terms of time.

exactsol(t, x0) = x0 / (1 - x0 * t)
 δxT = abs.(sol.x .- exactsol.(sol.t, 3.0)) ./ exactsol.(sol.t, 3.0);
 plot(sol.t[6:end], log10.(sol.x[6:end]), shape=:circle)
 xlims!(0, 0.4)
-title!("Fig. 2")
Example block output

To put in perspective how good is the constructed solution, we impose (arbitrarily) a relative accuracy of $10^{-13}$; the time until such accuracy is satisfied is given by:

indx = findfirst(δxT .> 1.0e-13);
+title!("Fig. 2")
Example block output

To put in perspective how good is the constructed solution, we impose (arbitrarily) a relative accuracy of $10^{-13}$; the time until such accuracy is satisfied is given by:

indx = findfirst(δxT .> 1.0e-13);
 esol = exactsol(sol.t[indx-1],3.0);
-sol.t[indx-1], esol, eps(esol)
(0.3323590833381362, 1026.4305926915836, 2.2737367544323206e-13)

Note that, the accuracy imposed in terms of the actual value of the exact solution means that the difference of the computed and the exact solution is essentially due to the eps of the computed value.

+sol.t[indx-1], esol, eps(esol)
(0.3323590833381362, 1026.4305926915836, 2.2737367544323206e-13)

Note that, the accuracy imposed in terms of the actual value of the exact solution means that the difference of the computed and the exact solution is essentially due to the eps of the computed value.

diff --git a/previews/PR203/taylor_method/index.html b/previews/PR203/taylor_method/index.html index ca00eb67..ccc72341 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/taylor_method/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/taylor_method/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ Taylor's method · TaylorIntegration.jl

Taylor's method

Taylor's integration method is a quite powerful method to integrate ODEs which are smooth enough, allowing to reach a precision comparable to round-off errors per time-step. A high-order Taylor approximation of the solution (dependent variable) is constructed such that the error is quite small. A time-step is constructed which guarantees the validity of the series; this is used to sum up the Taylor expansion to obtain an approximation of the solution at a later time.

The recurrence relation

Let us consider the following

\[\dot{x} = f(t, x),\tag{1}\]

and define the initial value problem with the initial condition $x(t_0) = x(0)$.

We write the solution of this equation as

\[x = x_{[0]} + x_{[1]} (t-t_0) + x_{[2]} (t-t_0)^2 + \cdots + x_{[k]} (t-t_0)^k + \cdots,\tag{2}\]

where the initial condition imposes that $x_{[0]} = x(0)$. Below, we show how to obtain the coefficients $x_{[k]}$ of the Taylor expansion of the solution.

We assume that the Taylor expansion around $t_0$ of $f(t, x(t))$ is known, which we write as

\[f(t, x(t)) = f_{[0]} + f_{[1]} (t-t_0) + f_{[2]} (t-t_0)^2 + \cdots -+ f_{[k]} (t-t_0)^k + \cdots.\tag{3}\]

Here, $f_{[0]}=f(t_0,x_0)$, and the Taylor coefficients $f_{[k]} = f_{[k]}(t_0)$ are the $k$-th normalized derivatives at $t_0$ given by

\[f_{[k]} = \frac{1}{k!} \frac{{\rm d}^k f} {{\rm d} t^k}(t_0).\tag{4}\]

Then, we are assuming that we know how to obtain $f_{[k]}$; these coefficients are obtained using TaylorSeries.jl.

Substituting Eq. (2) in (1), and equating powers of $t-t_0$, we obtain

\[x_{[k+1]} = \frac{f_{[k]}(t_0)}{k+1}, \quad k=0,1,\dots.\tag{5}\]

Therefore, the coefficients of the Taylor expansion (2) are obtained recursively using Eq. (5).

Time step

In the computer, the expansion (2) has to be computed to a finite order. We shall denote by $K$ the order of the series. In principle, the larger the order $K$, the more accurate the obtained solution is.

The theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution of Eq.~(1) ensures that the Taylor expansion converges. Then, assuming that $K$ is large enough to be within the convergent tail, we introduce the parameter $\epsilon_\textrm{tol} > 0$ to control how large is the last term. The idea is to set this parameter to a small value, usually smaller than the machine-epsilon. Denoting by $h = t_1-t_0$ the time step, then imposing $| x_{[K]} | h^K \le \epsilon_\textrm{tol}$ we obtain

\[h \le \Big(\frac{\epsilon_\textrm{tol}}{| x_{[K]} |}\Big)^{1/K}.\tag{6}\]

Equation (6) represents the maximum time-step which is consistent with $\epsilon_\textrm{tol}$, $K$ and the assumption of being within the convergence tail. Notice that the arguments exposed above simply ensure that $h$ is a maximum time-step, but any other smaller than $h$ can be used since the series is convergent in the open interval $t\in(t_0-h,t_0+h)$.

Finally, from Eq. (2) with (6) we obtain $x(t_1) = x(t_0+h)$, which is again an initial value problem.

++ f_{[k]} (t-t_0)^k + \cdots.\tag{3}\]

Here, $f_{[0]}=f(t_0,x_0)$, and the Taylor coefficients $f_{[k]} = f_{[k]}(t_0)$ are the $k$-th normalized derivatives at $t_0$ given by

\[f_{[k]} = \frac{1}{k!} \frac{{\rm d}^k f} {{\rm d} t^k}(t_0).\tag{4}\]

Then, we are assuming that we know how to obtain $f_{[k]}$; these coefficients are obtained using TaylorSeries.jl.

Substituting Eq. (2) in (1), and equating powers of $t-t_0$, we obtain

\[x_{[k+1]} = \frac{f_{[k]}(t_0)}{k+1}, \quad k=0,1,\dots.\tag{5}\]

Therefore, the coefficients of the Taylor expansion (2) are obtained recursively using Eq. (5).

Time step

In the computer, the expansion (2) has to be computed to a finite order. We shall denote by $K$ the order of the series. In principle, the larger the order $K$, the more accurate the obtained solution is.

The theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution of Eq.~(1) ensures that the Taylor expansion converges. Then, assuming that $K$ is large enough to be within the convergent tail, we introduce the parameter $\epsilon_\textrm{tol} > 0$ to control how large is the last term. The idea is to set this parameter to a small value, usually smaller than the machine-epsilon. Denoting by $h = t_1-t_0$ the time step, then imposing $| x_{[K]} | h^K \le \epsilon_\textrm{tol}$ we obtain

\[h \le \Big(\frac{\epsilon_\textrm{tol}}{| x_{[K]} |}\Big)^{1/K}.\tag{6}\]

Equation (6) represents the maximum time-step which is consistent with $\epsilon_\textrm{tol}$, $K$ and the assumption of being within the convergence tail. Notice that the arguments exposed above simply ensure that $h$ is a maximum time-step, but any other smaller than $h$ can be used since the series is convergent in the open interval $t\in(t_0-h,t_0+h)$.

Finally, from Eq. (2) with (6) we obtain $x(t_1) = x(t_0+h)$, which is again an initial value problem.

diff --git a/previews/PR203/taylorize/index.html b/previews/PR203/taylorize/index.html index ad46a9db..acf1dc6d 100644 --- a/previews/PR203/taylorize/index.html +++ b/previews/PR203/taylorize/index.html @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ sol1 = taylorinteg(pendulumNP!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000); # warm-up run e1 = @elapsed taylorinteg(pendulumNP!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000); all1 = @allocated taylorinteg(pendulumNP!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000); -e1, all1
(0.833666867, 814221120)

The initial number of methods defined for TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs! is 2; yet, since @taylorize was used in an example previously, the current number of methods is 3, as explained below.

println(methods(TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!)) # default methods
# 3 methods for generic function "jetcoeffs!" from TaylorIntegration:
+e1, all1
(0.814030611, 814221120)

The initial number of methods defined for TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs! is 2; yet, since @taylorize was used in an example previously, the current number of methods is 3, as explained below.

println(methods(TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!)) # default methods
# 3 methods for generic function "jetcoeffs!" from TaylorIntegration:
  [1] jetcoeffs!(::Val{Main.__atexample__named__common.pcr3bp!}, t::Taylor1{_T}, q::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, dq::AbstractArray{Taylor1{_S}, _N}, param, __ralloc::TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc{Taylor1{_S}}) where {_T<:Real, _S<:Number, _N}
      @ Main.__atexample__named__common none:0
  [2] jetcoeffs!(eqsdiff!::Function, t::Taylor1{T}, x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, dx::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, xaux::AbstractArray{Taylor1{U}, N}, params) where {T<:Real, U<:Number, N}
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@
      @ ~/work/TaylorIntegration.jl/TaylorIntegration.jl/src/integrator/jetcoeffs.jl:23

We see that there is only one method of pendulum!, and there is a new method (four in total) of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!, whose signature appears in this documentation as Val{Main.pendulum!}. It is a specialized version for the function pendulum! (with some extra information about the module where the function was created). This method is selected internally if it exists (default), exploiting dispatch, when calling taylorinteg or lyap_taylorinteg. In order to integrate using the hard-coded standard (default) method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs! of the integration above, the keyword argument parse_eqs has to be set to false. Similarly, one can check that there exists a new method of TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!.

Now we carry out the integration using the specialized method; note that we use the same instruction as above; the default value for the keyword argument parse_eqs is true, so we may omit it.

sol2 = taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000); # warm-up run
 e2 = @elapsed taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000);
 all2 = @allocated taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000);
-e2, all2
(0.143767926, 53739408)

We note the difference in the performance and allocations:

e1/e2, all1/all2
(5.798698570639463, 15.151285626369386)

We can check that both integrations yield the same results.

sol1.t == sol2.t && sol1.x == sol2.x

As stated above, in order to allow opting out of using the specialized method created by @taylorize, taylorinteg and lyap_taylorinteg recognize the keyword argument parse_eqs; setting it to false causes the standard method to be used.

taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000, parse_eqs=false); # warm-up run
+e2, all2
(0.090036784, 53739408)

We note the difference in the performance and allocations:

e1/e2, all1/all2
(9.04108937298338, 15.151285626369386)

We can check that both integrations yield the same results.

sol1.t == sol2.t && sol1.x == sol2.x

As stated above, in order to allow opting out of using the specialized method created by @taylorize, taylorinteg and lyap_taylorinteg recognize the keyword argument parse_eqs; setting it to false causes the standard method to be used.

taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000, parse_eqs=false); # warm-up run
 e3 = @elapsed taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000, parse_eqs=false);
 all3 = @allocated taylorinteg(pendulum!, q0, t0, tf, 25, 1e-20, maxsteps=50000, parse_eqs=false);
-e1/e3, all1/all3
(0.9556195442731881, 1.00000237773813)

We now illustrate the possibility of exploiting the macro when using TaylorIntegration.jl from DifferentialEquations.jl.

using OrdinaryDiffEq
+e1/e3, all1/all3
(0.9580570769592832, 1.00000237773813)

We now illustrate the possibility of exploiting the macro when using TaylorIntegration.jl from DifferentialEquations.jl.

using OrdinaryDiffEq
 prob = ODEProblem(pendulum!, q0, (t0, tf), nothing) # no parameters
 solT = solve(prob, TaylorMethod(25), abstol=1e-20, parse_eqs=true); # warm-up run
 e4 = @elapsed solve(prob, TaylorMethod(25), abstol=1e-20, parse_eqs=true);

Note that there is an additional cost to using solve in comparison with taylorinteg, but still @taylorize yields improved running times.

The speed-up obtained comes from the design of the new (specialized) method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs! as described above: it avoids some allocations and some repeated computations. This is achieved by knowing the specific AST of the function of the ODEs integrated, which is walked through and translated into the actual implementation, where some required auxiliary arrays are created and reused, and the low-level functions defined in TaylorSeries.jl are used. For this, we heavily rely on Espresso.jl and some metaprogramming; we thank Andrei Zhabinski for his help and comments.

The new TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs! and TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs! methods can be inspected by constructing the expression corresponding to the function, and using TaylorIntegration._make_parsed_jetcoeffs:

ex = :(function pendulum!(dx, x, p, t)

Note that there is an additional cost to using solve in comparison with taylorinteg, but still @taylorize yields improved running times.

The speed-up obtained comes from the design of the new (specialized) method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs! as described above: it avoids some allocations and some repeated computations. This is achieved by knowing the specific AST of the function of the ODEs integrated, which is walked through and translated into the actual implementation, where some required auxiliary arrays are created and reused, and the low-level functions defined in TaylorSeries.jl are used. For this, we heavily rely on Espresso.jl and some metaprogramming; we thank Andrei Zhabinski for his help and comments.

The new TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs! and TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs! methods can be inspected by constructing the expression corresponding to the function, and using TaylorIntegration._make_parsed_jetcoeffs:

ex = :(function pendulum!(dx, x, p, t)
     dx[1] = x[2]
     dx[2] = -sin(x[1])
     return dx
@@ -84,4 +84,4 @@
       tmp388 = Taylor1(cos(constant_term(x[1])), order)
       dx[2] = Taylor1(-(constant_term(tmp386)), order)
       return TaylorIntegration.RetAlloc{Taylor1{_S}}([tmp386, tmp388], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 1}(undef, 0)], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 2}(undef, 0, 0)], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 3}(undef, 0, 0, 0)], [Array{Taylor1{_S}, 4}(undef, 0, 0, 0, 0)])
-  end))

The first function has a similar structure as the hard-coded method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!, but uses low-level functions in TaylorSeries (e.g., sincos! above). Temporary Taylor1 objects as well as declared arrays are allocated once by TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!. More complex functions quickly become very difficult to read. Note that, if necessary, one can further optimize new_ex manually.

Limitations and some advice

The construction of the internal function obtained by using @taylorize is somewhat complicated and limited. Here we list some limitations and provide some advice.

  • Expressions must involve two arguments at most, which requires using parentheses appropriately: For example, res = a+b+c should be written as res = (a+b)+c. This may lead to more parentheses used in compound expressions than would be typical outside of the @taylorize context. It also means the sequence of operations will be explicit for a compound expression rather than implicit.

  • Updating operators such as +=, *=, etc., are not supported. For example, the expression x += y is not recognized by @taylorize. Likewise, expressions such as x = x+y are not supported by @taylorize and should be replaced by equivalent expressions in which variables appear only on one side of the assignment; e.g. z = x+y; x = z. The introduction of such temporary variables z is left to the user.

  • The macro allows the use of array declarations through Array or Vector, but other ways (e.g. similar) are not yet implemented. Note that certain temporary arrays may be introduced to avoid re-computating certain expressions; only up-to-three indices expressions are currently handled.

  • Avoid using variables prefixed by an underscore, in particular _T, _S, _N and __idx, as well as ord; using them may lead to name collisions with some internal variables used in the constructed expressions.

  • Broadcasting is not recognized by @taylorize.

  • The macro may be used in combination with the common interface with DifferentialEquations.jl, for functions using the (du, u, p, t) in-place form, as we showed above. Other extensions allowed by DifferentialEquations may not be able to exploit it.

  • if-else blocks are recognized in their long form, but short-circuit conditional operators (&& and ||) are not. When comparing to a Taylor expansion, use operators such as iszero for if-else tests rather than comparing against numeric literals.

  • Input and output lengths should be determined at the time of @taylorize application (parse time), not at runtime. Avoid using the length of the input as an implicit indicator of whether to write all elements of the output. If conditional output of auxiliary equations is desired use explicit methods, such as through parameters or by setting auxiliary vector elements to zero, and assigning unwanted auxiliary outputs zero.

  • Expressions which correspond to function calls (so the head field is :call) which are not recognized by the parser are simply copied. The heuristics used, especially for vectors, may not work for all cases.

  • Use local for internal parameters, e.g., simple constant values; this improves performance. Do not use it if the variable is needed to be Taylor expanded during the integration step.

  • To examine the code generated for jetcoeffs! and _allocate_jetcoeffs! for a specific ODE function, follow the pendulum example above; create an expression by wrapping the ODE function (without @taylorize prefix) in a :()-block, and supply the expression to TaylorIntegration._make_parsed_jetcoeffs. This can help in debugging issues with either function generated by @taylorize.

  • @taylorize supports multi-threading via Threads.@threads. WARNING: this feature is experimental. Since thread-safety depends on the definition of each ODE, we cannot guarantee the resulting code to be thread-safe in advance. The user should check the resulting code to ensure that it is indeed thread-safe. For more information about multi-threading, the reader is referred to the Julia documentation.

We recommend to skim test/taylorize.jl, which implements different cases and highlights examples where the macro does not work, and how to solve the problem; read the information that is in the comments.

Please report any problems you may encounter.

+ end))

The first function has a similar structure as the hard-coded method of TaylorIntegration.jetcoeffs!, but uses low-level functions in TaylorSeries (e.g., sincos! above). Temporary Taylor1 objects as well as declared arrays are allocated once by TaylorIntegration._allocate_jetcoeffs!. More complex functions quickly become very difficult to read. Note that, if necessary, one can further optimize new_ex manually.

Limitations and some advice

The construction of the internal function obtained by using @taylorize is somewhat complicated and limited. Here we list some limitations and provide some advice.

  • Expressions must involve two arguments at most, which requires using parentheses appropriately: For example, res = a+b+c should be written as res = (a+b)+c. This may lead to more parentheses used in compound expressions than would be typical outside of the @taylorize context. It also means the sequence of operations will be explicit for a compound expression rather than implicit.

  • Updating operators such as +=, *=, etc., are not supported. For example, the expression x += y is not recognized by @taylorize. Likewise, expressions such as x = x+y are not supported by @taylorize and should be replaced by equivalent expressions in which variables appear only on one side of the assignment; e.g. z = x+y; x = z. The introduction of such temporary variables z is left to the user.

  • The macro allows the use of array declarations through Array or Vector, but other ways (e.g. similar) are not yet implemented. Note that certain temporary arrays may be introduced to avoid re-computating certain expressions; only up-to-three indices expressions are currently handled.

  • Avoid using variables prefixed by an underscore, in particular _T, _S, _N and __idx, as well as ord; using them may lead to name collisions with some internal variables used in the constructed expressions.

  • Broadcasting is not recognized by @taylorize.

  • The macro may be used in combination with the common interface with DifferentialEquations.jl, for functions using the (du, u, p, t) in-place form, as we showed above. Other extensions allowed by DifferentialEquations may not be able to exploit it.

  • if-else blocks are recognized in their long form, but short-circuit conditional operators (&& and ||) are not. When comparing to a Taylor expansion, use operators such as iszero for if-else tests rather than comparing against numeric literals.

  • Input and output lengths should be determined at the time of @taylorize application (parse time), not at runtime. Avoid using the length of the input as an implicit indicator of whether to write all elements of the output. If conditional output of auxiliary equations is desired use explicit methods, such as through parameters or by setting auxiliary vector elements to zero, and assigning unwanted auxiliary outputs zero.

  • Expressions which correspond to function calls (so the head field is :call) which are not recognized by the parser are simply copied. The heuristics used, especially for vectors, may not work for all cases.

  • Use local for internal parameters, e.g., simple constant values; this improves performance. Do not use it if the variable is needed to be Taylor expanded during the integration step.

  • To examine the code generated for jetcoeffs! and _allocate_jetcoeffs! for a specific ODE function, follow the pendulum example above; create an expression by wrapping the ODE function (without @taylorize prefix) in a :()-block, and supply the expression to TaylorIntegration._make_parsed_jetcoeffs. This can help in debugging issues with either function generated by @taylorize.

  • @taylorize supports multi-threading via Threads.@threads. WARNING: this feature is experimental. Since thread-safety depends on the definition of each ODE, we cannot guarantee the resulting code to be thread-safe in advance. The user should check the resulting code to ensure that it is indeed thread-safe. For more information about multi-threading, the reader is referred to the Julia documentation.

We recommend to skim test/taylorize.jl, which implements different cases and highlights examples where the macro does not work, and how to solve the problem; read the information that is in the comments.

Please report any problems you may encounter.