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Lisa Zhang edited this page Dec 3, 2013 · 27 revisions

WikiAPI ReferenceChartLayer

A layer contains information about the type of graphic being produced, the data being used, as well as which data columns correspond to which visual features. Each layer object layer specifies exactly one layer. The object has a number of attributes, which fall into the following categories:


Type String
Required Yes

The type of the layer describes the geometrical objects that will represent your data. Supported types include:

  • point - circles or scatter plots
  • line - line charts
  • bar - bar charts
  • area - area charts
  • path - paths
  • box - box and whisker plots
  • text - text plots
  • tile - tile plots

Type Polyjs Data Object
Required Yes

This is the Polychart.js data object that is used to created the charts. See the Data section of the API reference for more details. Note that different layers can have different data objects attached to it.

Aesthetics describe visual properties of an object on the screen that we can see. Color, size, shape, x- and y-position are all examples of aesthetics. In Polychart, an aesthetic can be set to a constant, or mapped to a data column. For example, to set the aesthetic color to red we write: layer.color = {'const': 'red'}. To map the aesthetic size to a data column called population we write layer.size = {'var': 'population'} or more succinctly layer.size = 'population'. For more information about aesthetic mappings, see Aesthetics.

Below are a list of available asethetics. Note that some aesthetics are specific to one or more chart types.


Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type All layer types
Constant Mapping Type Numeric

The horizontal or x-position.

Note that some chart types (specically bar, box, tile) will require continuous x-values to be binned. Binning puts data into buckets, so that there would be one bar/box/column of tiles per bucket. More information about binning BLAH BLAH BLAH


Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type All layer types
Constant Mapping Type Numeric

The vertical or y-position.

Note that the tile chart type will require continuous y-values to be binned. Binning puts data into buckets, so that there would be one row of tiles per bucket. More information about binning BLAH BLAH BLAH


Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type All layer types
Constant Mapping Type String (hexadecimal code or name of colour)

The color of each geometrical object. (Note the spelling of the word 'color' -- Americans, you win this one!)


Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type All layer types
Constant Mapping Type Numeric

The opacity of the colouring.


Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type `point`, `line`, `path` and `text`
Constant Mapping Type Numeric

The size of each geometrical object (e.g. size of a circle in case of layer type point, and text size in case of text).


Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type `text`
Constant Mapping Type String

Actual text to be displayed.


Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type `point`, `bar`, `tile`
Constant Mapping Type String

The tooltip text that would be displayed when a user mouses over a particular element.

Type Aesthetic Mapping Object
Supported Layer Type All?
Constant Mapping Type Converted to String

The id aesthetic is not really an aesthetic, but it is treated as one for interaction purposes. This aesthetic gives an identity to each geometrical object on the screen. For example, each bar, each set of box-and-whiskers, and each point can have a unique identifier associated with it. This identifier is used for animation purposes when the underlying dataset changes: it allows Polychart.js to understand which elements are added, removed, and modified. Two elements with the same identifier will be considered identical, and so Polychart.js will consider there to be a modification to the data.

The position setting is used to determine how to offset two geometrical elements that appear in the same location. It specifically applies to bar charts, and will apply to scatter plots in the future.


Type String ('stack' or 'dodge')
Required No (Optional)
Default 'stack'
Supported Layer Type `bar`

The bar layer type offers two ways of displaying two bars with the same x-position. The default method is to stack the bars together, producing a stacked bar chart. An alternate method is to have the bars dodge one another, so that each bar is a fraction of its original width and appear side by side.


Type Filter Object
Required No (Optional)

This is an optional attribute that could be defined if not all data points are to be visualized. See more at Filter.

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