layout: post
title: "00.00 (year.month) : [insert month/quarter] Recap"
date: 2020-00-05 (year-month-day) 06:30:00 +0100 // The date should be the day the devblog is released and becomes part of the link to the post on the site. Also the website will not post with a future date and time.
description: |
"Description goes here."
author: [insert author name]
image: /assets/img/posts/[insert folder]/[insert wallpaper].png
image_credit: [insert artist name]
release: [insert release tag] // This MUST match the related release tag on GitHub.
Cute phrase/quote goes here.
// The devblog is mostly laid out in sections. With the titles of the sections going from large = # (recap section), to medium = ## (content sections), to small = ### (info sections). These are not rules but more like guidelines, take liberty in moving or renaming sections as well as deleting/merging unneeded sections.
// Bold any names when referencing someone in a description.
// Linking to internal file: [Text]({{ site.baseurl }}/[insert folder]/File.format)
// Linking to external file: Text
[Insert Recap Summary]
// 'Special' is any content from other categories specifically intended to show first.
[Insert Description]
[Insert Media]
// Avoid gifs if possible and ensure reasonable file size if you do.
// Displaying an image: {% responsive_image path: assets/img/posts/[insert folder]/Image1.png template: _includes/srcset.html %}
// Displaying 2 images horizontally:
// Displaying 3 images horizontally:
// Displaying a slideshow of images (no more than 6 images (mySlides) per page (myRows)):
// Displaying a gif: {% responsive_image path: assets/img/posts/[insert folder]/gif1.gif template: _includes/srcset-gif.html %}
// Displaying a video: // Removed 'muted' if the video has sound. // Remove 'controls' and add 'autoplay' and 'loop' if you want it to loop.
// Displaying 2 videos horizontally
// 'Systems' is what it sounds like, but I usually change the section name to the name of the system (interaction, atmospherics, tilemaps, chat, etc).
// '2D' is logos, graphics, decals, etc.
// 'Sounds' is sound effects, music, noises, etc.
// 'Concepts' are concept drawings, animations, systems, etc.
// 'Artwork' is artistic wallpapers, animations, etc. (not meant for in-game use).
// 'Other' is any assets not fit for another section.
// 'Updates' is updates events or changes relating to management, systems, or other logistics.
// 'Notes' is miscellaneous info that may be of interest (e.g. )
// 'Conclusion' is the final wrap-up and goodbye, and include the discord link, as tradition.
Goodbye summary goes here, including our discord link. [Discord link]({{ site.discord_url }}){:target="_blank"}.