markdownlint A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files. Version 0.36.1 published 2024-10-28 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdown lint md CommonMark markdownlint
markdownlint-cli MarkdownLint Command Line Interface Version 0.42.0 published 2024-09-24 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson igorshubovych rubenvereecken Keywords: markdown markdownlint cli cli-app
A fast, flexible, configuration-based command-line interface for linting Markdown/CommonMark files with the markdownlint
Version 0.14.0 published 2024-09-06 by davidanson
Maintainers: davidanson
Keywords: markdown lint cli md CommonMark markdownlint
markdownlint-cli2-formatter-default An output formatter for markdownlint-cli2 that produces the same output as markdownlint-cli Version 0.0.5 published 2024-09-06 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdownlint-cli2-formatter
eslint-plugin-markdownlint Eslint plugin for markdownlint Version 0.6.0 published 2024-05-06 by pawelbbdrozd Maintainers: pawelbbdrozd Keywords: eslint eslint-markdown eslintplugin eslint-plugin lint linter md markdown markdownlint
@govbr-ds/markdownlint-config Configuração compartilhada do markdownlint para projetos do GovBR-DS Version 4.2.2 published 2024-09-06 by govbrds Maintainers: tiago.alexandre marcosalves3 rafael.serpro govbrds Keywords: govbr-ds markdownlint
markdownlint-rule-helpers A collection of markdownlint helper functions for custom rules Version 0.27.0 published 2024-10-26 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdownlint markdownlint-rule
markdownlint-micromark A trivial package that re-exports some micromark functionality as a CommonJS module Version 0.1.12 published 2024-10-22 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson
@wayofdev/markdownlint-config A shareable markdownlint configuration for projects. Version 4.0.0 published 2024-01-11 by lotyp Maintainers: lotyp Keywords: markdownlint markdownlint-config
Version 2.0.2 published 2023-09-04 by ronikar_applitools Maintainers: hedva.slassi netta.bondy arik-applitools shai.shlomai roeefr livgerti shiran.sidis mmilapp anandbagmar dockermaster mkowalew3382 itaiz134 anastasia.koifman eirenik0 sergovapplitools fatihsolhan-applitools grayscale64 itaibh-applitools bongo123 aretm_borodavka netaavivi applitoolsmustafa zamboney benbaba amit.rokach eladheller adamcarmi amir.groisman noamshv noam.gaash giladgd ran-itzhaki noam.mendel gearm benny.halberstadt gofilord alex.burdeynyy david.haeffner chaimaharonson roy.sela ronikar_applitools danielputerman amitzur ramapplitools applitools-admin applitools-readonly iasisapp yotammadem liranbarokas itayy.applitools denis.styrt kyrylo.onufriiev amitzur-applitools yardenw.applitools ormeda vgprod clementbarry Keywords: applitools testing browser grid visual-testing nodejs javascript
@actinc/eslint-config ACT's preferred configs for TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, CommitLint, and MarkdownLint. Version 4.16.0 published 2024-09-26 by joncursi Maintainers: robertsk stefan.solyom joncursi Keywords: commitlint eslint eslint-config markdownlint prettier typescript
Version 2.0.0 published 2024-10-24 by lehoczky
Maintainers: lehoczky
Keywords: markdownlint
markdownlint-cli2-formatter-pretty An output formatter for markdownlint-cli2 that looks like markdownlint-cli2-formatter-default with color and clickable links Version 0.0.7 published 2024-09-06 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdownlint-cli2-formatter
@repodog/markdownlint-config The Repodog MarkdownLint config module. Version 1.2.4 published 2024-09-25 by dylanaubrey Maintainers: dylanaubrey
markdownlint-cli2-formatter-junit An output formatter for markdownlint-cli2 that writes results to a file in JUnit XML format Version 0.0.12 published 2024-09-06 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdownlint-cli2-formatter
markdownlint-cli2-formatter-codequality An output formatter for markdownlint-cli2 that writes results to a GitLab Code Quality report artifact JSON file Version 0.0.5 published 2024-09-06 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdownlint-cli2-formatter
markdownlint-cli2-formatter-summarize An output formatter for markdownlint-cli2 that summarizes the results Version 0.0.7 published 2024-09-06 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdownlint-cli2-formatter
markdownlint-cli2-formatter-json An output formatter for markdownlint-cli2 that writes results to a file in JSON format Version 0.0.8 published 2024-09-06 by davidanson Maintainers: davidanson Keywords: markdownlint-cli2-formatter
@silvermine/standardization Standardization utilities for Silvermine projects Version 2.2.3 published 2024-05-23 by onebytegone Maintainers: onebytegone webpub jthomerson Keywords: markdownlint linting markdown lint editor config sass lint release process
markdownlint-rule-relative-links Custom rule for markdownlint to validate relative links. Version 3.0.0 published 2024-05-27 by theoludwig Maintainers: theoludwig Keywords: markdownlint markdownlint-rule