This page lists words that are provided by the Plorth interpreter itself. It does not include utilities provided by the Plorth runtime library.
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- boolean
Tests whether the two topmost values of the stack are not equal.
- Gives:
- number
Pushes the value of negative infinity onto stack.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- array
Constructs array from given value.
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- array
Constructs array from given two values.
- Takes:
- any, any
Discards the two topmost values from the stack.
1 2 3 2drop #=> 1
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- any, any, any, any
Duplicates two topmost values of the stack.
1 2 2dup #=> 1 2 1 2
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- boolean
Tests whether the two topmost values of the stack are equal.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- boolean
Converts the topmost value of the stack into a boolean. Null and false will become false while everything else will become true.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- string
Converts the topmost value of the stack into a string that most accurately represents what the value would look like in source code.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- string
Converts the topmost value of the stack into a string. Null will become an empty string.
- Gives:
- array
Returns command line arguments given to the interpreter as an array of strings.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is an array.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is a boolean.
Clears the entire stack of current context.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- quote
Compiles given string of source code into a quote.
- Takes:
- any, string
Declares given value as constant in the current context with name identified by given string.
- Gives:
- number
Pushes current depth of the stack onto stack.
- Takes:
- any
Discards topmost value from the stack.
1 drop #=> empty stack
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, any
Duplicates the topmost value of the stack.
1 dup #=> 1 1
- Gives:
- number
Pushes Euler's number onto stack.
- Takes:
- number
Outputs given Unicode code point into the standard output stream. Range error will be thrown if the given number is not a valid Unicode code point.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is an error.
- Gives:
- boolean
Pushes the boolean value false onto stack.
- Gives:
- object
Returns the global dictionary as an object.
- Takes:
- boolean, quote
Executes quote if the boolean value is true.
- Takes:
- boolean, quote, quote
Calls first quote if boolean value is true, second quote otherwise.
- Takes:
- string
Imports module from given path and adds all of its exported words into this execution context.
- Gives:
- number
Pushes the value of positive infinity onto stack.
- Takes:
- any, object
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Tests whether prototype chain of given value inherits from given object.
- Gives:
- object
Returns the local dictionary of current execution context as an object.
- Gives:
- number
Pushes the value of NaN (not a number) onto stack.
- Takes:
- any..., number
- Gives:
- array
Constructs array from given amount of values from the stack.
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- any
Drops the first value and pushes the second value onto stack.
1 2 nip #=> 2
Does nothing. Can be used to construct empty quotes.
- Gives:
- number
Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC) rounded to the nearest integer.
- Takes:
- number
- Gives:
- string|null
Reads given number of Unicode characters from standard input stream and returns them in a string. If there is no more input to be read, null will be returned instead. The resulting string might have less than given number of characters if there isn't that much characters available from the standard input stream.
- Gives:
- null
Pushes the null value onto stack.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is null.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is a number.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is an object.
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- any, any, any
Copies second topmost value of the stack into topmost value of the stack.
1 2 over #=> 1 2 1
- Gives:
- number
Pushes the value of pi onto stack.
- Takes:
- any
Prints topmost value of the stack to stdout.
- Takes:
- any
Prints the topmost value of the stack to stdout with a terminating new line.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, object
Retrieves proto of the topmost value. If the topmost value of the stack is null, null will be returned instead.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is a quote.
- Takes:
- string|null
- Gives:
- error
Construct an instance of range error with given optional error message and places it on the stack.
- Gives:
- string|null
Reads all available input from standard input stream, decodes it as UTF-8 encoded text and returns result. If end of input has been reached, null will be returned instead.
- Takes:
- any, any, any
- Gives:
- any, any, any
Rotates the three topmost values on the stack.
1 2 3 rot #=> 2 3 1
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is a string.
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- any, any
Swaps positions of the two topmost values on the stack.
1 2 swap #=> 2 1
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is symbol.
- Gives:
- boolean
Pushes the boolean value true onto stack.
- Takes:
- quote, quote
Executes first quote and if it throws an error, calls second quote with the error on top of the stack.
- Takes:
- quote, quote, quote
Executes first quote and if it throws an error, calls second quote with the error on top of the stack. If no error was thrown, third quote will be called instead.
- Takes:
- any, any
- Gives:
- any, any, any
Copies the topmost value of the stack as the third topmost value of the stack.
1 2 tuck #=> 2 1 2
- Takes:
- string|null
- Gives:
- error
Construct an instance of type error with with given optional error message and places it on the stack.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, string
Returns name of the type of the topmost value as a string.
- Takes:
- string|null
- Gives:
- error
Construct an instance of unknown error with with given optional error message and places it on the stack.
- Takes:
- string|null
- Gives:
- error
Constructs an instance of value error with given optional error message and places it on the stack.
- Gives:
- string
Returns version of the Plorth interpreter as string.
- Takes:
- quote, quote
Executes second quote as long as the first quote returns true.
- Takes:
- any
- Gives:
- any, boolean
Returns true if the topmost value of the stack is word.
- Takes:
- any, number, array
- Gives:
- array
Sets value in the array at given index. Negative indices count backwards from the end. If the index is larger than the number of elements in the array, the value will be appended as the last element of the array.
- Takes:
- array, array
- Gives:
- array
Set intersection: Returns a new array containing unique elements common to the two arrays.
- Takes:
- number, array
- Gives:
- array
Repeats the array given number of times.
- Takes:
- array, array
- Gives:
- array
Concatenates the contents of two arrays and returns the result.
- Takes:
- quote, array, array
Runs quote taking two arguments once for each element pair in the arrays.
- Takes:
- quote, array, array
- Gives:
- array
Applies quote taking two arguments once for each element pair in the arrays and constructs a new array from values returned by the quote.
- Takes:
- array
- Gives:
- quote
Converts array into executable quote.
- Takes:
- number, array
- Gives:
- array, any
Retrieves a value from the array at given numerical index. Negative indices count backwards from the end. If the given index is out of bounds, arange error will be thrown.
- Takes:
- quote, array
- Gives:
- array, boolean
Tests whether all elements in the array satisfy the provided testing quote.
- Takes:
- array
- Gives:
- any...
Extracts all values from the array and places them onto the stack.
- Takes:
- quote, array
- Gives:
- array
Removes elements of the array that do not satisfy the provided testing quote.
- Takes:
- quote, array
- Gives:
- array, any|null
Returns the first element from the array that satisfies the provided testing quote. Otherwise null is returned.
- Takes:
- quote, array
- Gives:
- array, number|null
Returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing quote. Otherwise null is returned.
- Takes:
- array
- Gives:
- array
Creates new array with all sub-array elements concatted into it recursively.
- Takes:
- quote, array
Runs quote once for every element in the array.
- Takes:
- any, array
- Gives:
- array, boolean
Searches for given value in the array and returns true if it's included and false if it's not.
- Takes:
- any, array
- Gives:
- array, number|null
Searches for given value from the array and returns its index in the array if it's included in the array and null if it's not.
- Takes:
- string, array
- Gives:
- string
Concatenates all elements from the array into single string delimited by the given separator string.
- Takes:
- array
- Gives:
- array, number
Returns the number of elements in the array, while keeping the array on the stack.
- Takes:
- quote, array
- Gives:
- array
Applies quote once for each element in the array and constructs a new array from values returned by the quote.
- Takes:
- number, array
- Gives:
- array
Creates new array with all sub-array elements concatted into it recursively up to the given maximum depth.
- Takes:
- array
- Gives:
- array, any
Removes last element from the array and places it onto the stack.
[1, 2, 3] pop #=> [1, 2] 3
- Takes:
- any, array
- Gives:
- array
Constructs new array where first value has been pushed as the last element of the existing array.
4 [1, 2, 3] push #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
- Takes:
- quote, array
- Gives:
- any
Applies given quote against an accumulator and each element in the array to reduce it into a single value.
- Takes:
- array
- Gives:
- array
Reverses the array. The first array element becomes the last and the last array element becomes first.
- Takes:
- quote, array
- Gives:
- array, boolean
Tests whether any element in the array satisfies the provided quote.
- Takes:
- array
- Gives:
- array
Removes duplicate elements from the array.
- Takes:
- array, array
- Gives:
- array
Set union: Returns a new array by joining the two given arrays, excluding any duplicates and preserving the order of the given arrays.
- Takes:
- any, any, boolean
- Gives:
- any
Selects between two values based on the boolean value. First value is returned when the boolean value is true and the second one is returned when it's false.
"greater" "less" 5 6 > ? #=> "less"
- Takes:
- boolean, boolean
- Gives:
- boolean
Logical AND. Returns true if both values are true.
- Takes:
- boolean
- Gives:
- boolean
Negates given boolean value.
- Takes:
- boolean, boolean
- Gives:
- boolean
Logical OR. Returns true if either one of the values are true.
- Takes:
- boolean, boolean
- Gives:
- boolean
Exclusive OR.
- Takes:
- error
- Gives:
- error, number
Returns error code extracted from the error in numeric form.
- Takes:
- error
- Gives:
- error, string|null
Returns error message extracted from the error, or null if the error does not have any error message.
- Gives:
- error, error, object|null
Returns position in the source code where the error occurred, or null if no such information is available.
Position is returned as object with filename
, line
and column
- Takes:
- error
Sets given error as current error of the execution context.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Computes the modulo of the first number with respect to the second number i.e. the remainder after floor division.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Performs bitwise and on the two given numbers.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Performs multiplication on the two given numbers.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Performs addition on the two given numbers.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Subtracts the second number from the first and returns the result.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Divides the first number by the second and returns the result.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- boolean
Returns true if the first number is less than the second one.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Returns the first value with bits shifted left by the second value.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- boolean
Returns true if the first number is less than or equal to the second one.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- boolean
Returns true if the first number is greater than the second one.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- boolean
Returns true if the first number is greater than or equal to the second one.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Returns the first value with bits shifted right by the second value.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Performs bitwise xor on the two given numbers.
- Takes:
- number
- Gives:
- number
Returns absolute value of the number.
- Takes:
- number
- Gives:
- number
Computes the smallest integer value not less than given number.
- Takes:
- number, number, number
- Gives:
- number
Clamps the topmost number between the minimum and maximum limits.
- Takes:
- num
- Gives:
- number, boolean
Returns true if given number is finite.
- Takes:
- number
- Gives:
- number
Computes the largest integer value not greater than given number.
- Takes:
- number, number, number
- Gives:
- boolean
Tests whether the topmost number is in range of given minimum and maximum numbers.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Returns maximum of two numbers.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Returns minimum of two numbers.
- Takes:
- number
- Gives:
- number, boolean
Returns true if given number is NaN.
- Takes:
- number
- Gives:
- number
Rounds given number to nearest integer value.
- Takes:
- quote, number
Executes a quote given number of times.
- Takes:
- number, number
- Gives:
- number
Performs bitwise or on the two given numbers.
- Takes:
- number
- Gives:
- number
Flips the bits of the value.
- Takes:
- any, string, object
- Gives:
- object
Constructs a copy of the object with new named property either introduced or replaced.
- Takes:
- object, object
- Gives:
- object
Combines the contents of two objects together and returns the result. If the two objects share keys the second object's values take precedence.
- Takes:
- string, object
- Gives:
- object, any
Retrieves the value identified by given string from properties of the object. If the object does not have such a property, range error will be thrown. Notice that inherited properties are also included in the search.
- Takes:
- string, object
- Gives:
- object
Constructs a copy of the object with the named property removed.
- Takes:
- object
- Gives:
- object, array
Constructs an array of arrays where each non-inherited property in the object is represented as an pair (i.e. array containing two elements, one for the key and one for the value).
- Takes:
- string, object
- Gives:
- object, boolean
Tests whether the object has own property with given identifier. Inherited properties are not included in the search.
- Takes:
- string, object
- Gives:
- object, boolean
Tests whether the object has property with given identifier. Notice that inherited properties are also included in the search.
- Takes:
- object
- Gives:
- object, array
Retrieves all keys from the object and returns them in an array. Notice that inherited properties are not included in the list.
- Takes:
- any...
- Gives:
- object
Constructs a new instance of the object and invokes its constructor if it has one with the newly constructed object pushed on top of the stack.
Type error will be thrown if the object has no "prototype" property.
- Takes:
- object
- Gives:
- object, array
Retrieves all values from the object and returns them in an array. Notice that inherited properties are not included in the list.
- Takes:
- any, any, quote
- Gives:
- any, any
Temporarily hides two given values from the stack and calls given quote. Once the quote has returned from it's execution, hidden values will be placed back on the stack.
- Takes:
- symbol, quote
- Gives:
- word
Constructs word from given pair of symbol and quote.
- Takes:
- quote
Executes the quote taken from the top of the stack.
- Takes:
- quote, quote
- Gives:
- quote
Constructs a new quote which will call the two given quotes in sequence.
- Takes:
- any, quote
- Gives:
- quote
Constructs a curried quote where given value will be pushed onto the stack before calling the original quote.
- Takes:
- any, quote
- Gives:
- any
Temporarily hides given value from the stack and calls given quote. Once the quote has returned from it's execution, hidden value will be placed back on the stack.
- Takes:
- quote
- Gives:
- quote
Constructs a negated version of given quote which negates the boolean result returned by the original quote.
- Takes:
- number, string
- Gives:
- string
Repeats the string given number of times.
- Takes:
- string, string
- Gives:
- string
Concatenates the contents of the two strings and returns the result.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- number
Converts string into a floating point decimal number, or throws a value error if the number cannot be converted into one.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- symbol
Converts given string into symbol. Value error will be thrown if the string is empty or contains whitespace or non-symbolic characters such as separators.
- Takes:
- number, string
- Gives:
- string, string
Retrieves a character at given index. Negative indices count backwards from the end of the string. If given index is out of bounds, a range error will be thrown.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string
Converts the first character of the string into upper case and the remaining characters into lower case.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, array
Extracts characters from the string and returns them in an array of substrings.
- Takes:
- string, string
- Gives:
- string, boolean
Tests whether end of the string is identical with the given substring.
- Takes:
- string, string
- Gives:
- string, boolean
Tests whether the topmost string contains contents of the second string, returning true or false as appropriate.
- Takes:
- string, string
- Gives:
- string, number|null
Searches for the first occurrence of a substring given as second topmost value of the stack from string given as topmost value of the stack. If the substring does not exist in the string, null will be returned. Otherwise, first numerical index of the occurrence is returned.
- Takes:
- string, string
- Gives:
- string, number|null
Searches for the last occurrence of a substring given as second topmost value of the stack from string given as topmost value of the stack. If the substring does not exist in the string, null will be returned. Otherwise, last numerical index of the occurrence is returned.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, number
Returns the length of the string.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, array
Extracts lines from the string and returns them in an array.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string
Converts the string into lower case.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, boolean
Tests whether the string contains only lower case characters. Empty strings return false.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string
Reverses the string.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, array
Extracts Unicode code points from the string and returns them in an array of numbers.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, boolean
Tests whether the string contains only whitespace characters. Empty strings return false.
- Takes:
- string, string
- Gives:
- string, boolean
Tests whether beginning of the string is identical with the given substring.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string
Turns lower case characters in the string into upper case and vice versa.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string
Strips whitespace from the begining and the end of the string.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string
Strips whitespace from the begining of the string.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string
Strips whitespace from the end of the string.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, boolean
Tests whether the string contains only upper case characters. Empty strings return false.
- Takes:
- string
- Gives:
- string, array
Extracts white space separated words from the string and returns them in an array.
- Takes:
- symbol
Resolves given symbol into word or value, depending on the contents of the data stack, local dictionary and global dictionary and executes it. If the symbol does not resolve into any kind of word or value, number conversion is attempted on it. If that also fails, reference error will be thrown.
- Takes:
- symbol
- Gives:
- symbol, object|null
Returns position in source code where the symbols was encountered, or null if no such information is available. If symbol caching has been enabled in the interpreter, source code position is not stored in symbols.
Position is returnedd as object with filename
, line
and column
- Takes:
- word
Executes body of the given word.
- Takes:
- word
Inserts given word into current local dictionary.
- Takes:
- word
- Gives:
- word, quote
Extracts quote which acts as the body of the word and places it onto top of the stack.
- Takes:
- word
- Gives:
- word, symbol
Extracts symbol from the word and places it onto top of the stack.