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- Save last connection configuration to a JSON file, and preload it next time the user opens the app.
- Save also something like the last 10 command blocks?
- Looks like the
problem is not solved (and similar for Push/Pop, etc), take a look. uses03_motion_mirroring.pde
for testing...
- Added
online control thanks to @Arastookhajehee! 🤓
- Added capacity for remote connections acting as a WS client to a pseudo-echo WSserver
- Improved code parsing: comment removal, empty lines, etc.
- Fixed Bridge not parsing multi-statement messages coming from WS clients.
- Fixed Bridge crash on disconnect while streaming to RS
- Fixed bug that made it crash when sending actions to a disconnected robot
- Try out a "Clear" all button.
- Implement auto "Clear all" on disconnection.
- Console now has auto-empty buffer.
- Add "Follow Pointer" checkbox.
- Add id user touches the scroll bar, disable "follow pointer".
- Add fractional value as to where the program pointer should stick along the queue window.
Implement queue auto clear executed during execution. - Do not leave
red --> Updated core to raise events even for actions that have no streamable representation, and hence do not receive acknowledgements from the robot. - Turn the id counter in Machina to non-static, so that ids reset when creating a new
>> do in core.
- Added
parsing forDouble
inputs: #3
- Core update
- Add states to the UI.
- Add "Send on Enter" checkbox option to override immediate send behavior.
- Layout is now fully responsive and scalable.
is now the default loglevel (to see relative actions values)- Core update: https://github.com/RobotExMachina/Machina.NET/releases/tag/v0.8.6
- Bug fixes with tool definitions
- Numbers serialize as
- Add "Download drivers" button.
- Add version dump to console.
- WebSocket server URL is now customizable.
- Add client dis/connection notifications.
- Console input box now highlights selection.
- Add multiline input support pressing Ctrl+Enter
- Add parsing of multiple instructions
- Fix app crash whenever the WS server address was in use.
- Add
with extaxtarget argument - DEBUG mode now opens the app in 5 - DEBUG
are logged on the console- Improved instruction parser.
- Tons of changes and improvements: better UI, logging system, queue monitor, smarter console, etc...
- Serialization of Machina Events into JSON objects is now handled by core.
- Update core and interface with GH.
- Start a
- Streamline response messages
- Add
Action - Add