Add Sentry notifications via a new WebHook in Rocket.Chat This script works for the and self-hosted version.
- In Rocket.Chat go to Administration > Workspace > Integrations and create "New Integration".
- Choose Incoming WebHook.
- Follow all instructions like Enable, give it a name, link to channel etc. Bonus: add as Avatar URL.
- Set "Enable Script" to true and enter the javascript in the "Script" box.
- Press Save changes and copy the Webhook URL (added just below the script box).
- Go to your Sentry project, ie.< organization >/< project >/settings/plugins/ and enable the "WebHooks" integration. It's in the project "settings" under All Integrations. A WebHooks integration is added there when enabled.
- Add a new webhook by pasting the Rocket.Chat url you've copied in step 5 in the "Callback URLs" textarea (1 URL per line) and press the Save Changes button.
- Test the webhook with the "Test Configuration" button in Sentry, a Test Results box should appear below, with more info (success or failure).
Paste this in javascript in the "Script" textarea on Rocket.Chat WebHook settings
class Script {
process_incoming_request({ request }) {
// console is a global helper to improve debug
// console.log(request.content);
return {
content: {
text: "Error in project *" + request.content.project_name + "* (" + request.content.project + ").\n*Message:* "+ request.content.message+"\n*Culprit:* " + request.content.culprit +".\n*Check url:* " + request.content.url,
return {
error: {
success: false,
message: 'Error example'
Use the console.log(request.content) line to debug the json content, posted by Sentry.