Below is a general guide on trying to debug an issue with an resource or application. For example, if a workload/resource is not showing up or a pod has started but in a CrashLoopBackOff
or Pending
Start by checking all Flux Kustomizations & Git Repository & OCI Repository and verify they are healthy.
flux get sources oci -A flux get sources git -A flux get ks -A
Then check all the Flux Helm Releases and verify they are healthy.
flux get hr -A
Then check the if the pod is present.
kubectl -n <namespace> get pods -o wide
Then check the logs of the pod if its there.
kubectl -n <namespace> logs <pod-name> -f # or stern -n <namespace> <fuzzy-name>
If a resource exists try to describe it to see what problems it might have.
kubectl -n <namespace> describe <resource> <name>
Check the namespace events
kubectl -n <namespace> get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp'