Releases: SEModCommunity/SE-Community-Mod-API
SEServerExtender v0.1.6
- Fixed critical bug with character entities
- Some code cleanup to prepare for patch day
- Added some better exception handling
SEServerExtender v0.1.5
- Many misc bug fixes
- Finished up functionality for position, velocity, and angular velocity on all entities
- Added 'New' functionality to import .sbc as new ship into the game world
- Added 'Export' functionality to export game entity out to a .sbc file
- Added checkbox to enable/disable debugging mode
- Added checkbox to enable/disable experimental factions support
- Updated the vector fields to be more user-friendly when editing
SEServerExtender v0.1.2
- Another massive overhaul of the internal API along with a few minor changes to the core API
- Added an 'Enable Debugging' checkbox to the main tool
- Finished up functionality for editing objects
- CubeGrid - All fields can be safely edited. However Up, Forward, and IsStatic won't keep, yet
- Character - All fields can be safely edited
- VoxelMap - All fields except for filename can be edited
- FloatingObject - All fields can be edited
- Meteor - All fields but item composition can be edited
- Added functionality to delete objects. You will NOT have a way to get your ships back if you delete them. There is no Undo
- Added functionality to add new objects. Only started on CubeGrids and isn't quite complete yet. There will probably be a small hotfix tomorrow for this tool that finishes up this feature.
Note: The debugging checkbox is live. That means that whatever is going on in the server or UI at any given time is affected by the realtime state of that checkbox
Note: The property page on the right of the tool auto-refreshes every 10 seconds. The main list refreshes 2x per second. So keep that in mind if you're chaning a value and suddenly it pops back. There will be a better function for this later.
SEConfigTool v0.2.3
- Updated to latest version of SEModAPI
- Fixed a few bugs with locating the game installation
- Added dialog to select game installation location if auto-detect fails
- Sector manager updates:
- Added Owner and ShareWithFaction fields to all cube blocks
- Added Enabled/Disabled field for functional blocks
- Added BuildPercent and IntegrityPercent fields to all cube blocks
- Added CustomName field to all terminal blocks (aka blocks that show up in the control panel terminal)
SEServerExtender v0.1.1
Finished up a few more features such as showing voxel maps, floating objects, and meteors in the main list. Also added functionality to see some cube blocks inside each cube grid (just structural and containers, more to come soon). Mostly this update was quite a bit of code cleanup and restructuring to prepare for the heavier features.
SEServerExtender v0.1.0
This is the first release of my SEServerExtender program. This program encapsulates the vanilla dedicated server in a moddable and flexible application. The main SEModAPI is used to provide abstraction between the vanilla server and the user-interface.
- Start Game - Starts up the dedicated server
- Stop Game - Not implemented yet, just close the console window to shut down the server
- CubeGrid Entities aka Ships
- Viewing of most details of all cube grids in realtime
- Editing of Entity ID
- Character Entities aka Players
- Viewing of most details of all characters in realtime
- Editing of Entity ID
- Editing of Battery level
- Editing of Health
- Copy contents of .zip to the location of the 64-bit dedicated server files. Default is in SpaceEngineers/DedicatedServer64
- Verify that your .cfg file for the dedicated server has the full path to the world specified in the tag
- Run SEServerExtender
Please note that this program is highly experimental and might to terrible awful things to your save game (though it hasn't so far). Use at your own risk.
SEModAPI Config Tool V0.2.2.1-alpha
This release add an exception handler at the base of ConfigTool for exception management.
SEModAPI Config Tool v0.2.2-alpha
Updated pre-release of the SEModAPI config tool that includes the following changes:
- Overhauled sector object management
- SpawnGroups config is now complete
- Blueprints config is now complete
SEModAPI Config Tool v0.2.0-alpha
This is just a preview of the current state of the API and config tool. Use at your own risk.