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millerjv edited this page May 28, 2012 · 22 revisions

jqplot hg git bridge


Bridge between hg and git. jqplot uses Mercurial. Slicer4 SuperBuild supports git. Cloning the Mercurial repository to github to support the Slicer4 build process and allow us to develop patches. Patches will be applied directly to the github version and offered back to the jqplot developers on BitBucket.


  • hg: - Central jqplot hg repository
  • hg: - Fork of jqplot to make it easier to offer patches back
  • git: git:// - Jim's git version of jqplot.
  • git:// - (Not created yet) Slicer's official git repository for jqplot
  • git:// - First implementation of integrating jqplot into the Slicer build process. This repository only holds a tarball of the official distribution. This was used before we needed to create patches to jqplot. A separate repository was used because Slicer's build process could download from a secure server (which is jqplot's default).

This bridge of hg and git requires a checkout to act as the intermediary between hg and git. This intermediary repository uses hg-git ( See the directions there on how to configure hg to have a git bridge.

Instructions to synchronize the hg and git bridge repository on Jim's machine.

Location of bridge repository

$ cd ~/Projects/jqplot-hg-git-bridge/jqplot

To pull updates to jqplot from bitbucket

$ hg pull

To push updates to github

$ hg push git+ssh://[email protected]/millerjv/jqplot.git

To pull updates from github

$ hg pull git+ssh://[email protected]/millerjv/jqplot.git
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