- ThunderClient extension for VS Code, to request Rest API from your editor (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rangav.vscode-thunder-client)
- Advent of Code (https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/1)
- If you haven't tried it yet, talk with ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com/chat) — beware it sounds confident but may be wrong… however it can be a very powerful assistant for you!
- Notes from the group who talked about tools & techniques to deal with personal knowledge management (https://semestriel.framapad.org/p/qutwvpt4xv-9y1e?lang=en)
- https://fullstacked.org/ un outil pour développer des apps TypeScript de A à Z, plus facilement
- https://gist.github.com/timvisee/fcda9bbdff88d45cc9061606b4b923ca les fausses idées reçues qu’ont les développeurs sur le temps (ex. "il y a toujours 24h dans une journée" => eh non)
- https://understandlegacycode.com/approval-tests/ pour écrire rapidement des tests sur du code existant, afin de refactor
- Some readings and videos around causal inference: https://reemayouby.com/resources/
- https://twitter.com/manekinekko/status/1569758126030692352 about the co-creator of Scrum saying that "estimations" aren't part of Scrum itself
- https://hacktoberfest.com/ has started! Give a hand to #hacktoberfest open-source repos (eg. https://github.com/topics/hacktoberfest) and win a t-shirt!
- https://dagger.io/ is an interesting solution to write scripts that can be ported between CI/CD platforms
- The Blink Scroller => https://jhanmtl.github.io/eye-scroller/
- What is Bun => https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1p8w25IoyX7uirJ8N3dOTRX6qQx3XrP6OjMRV2nMaKkA/
- MidJourney, the AI that creates art => https://www.midjourney.com/home/
- https://support.spotify.com/us/article/social-recommendations-in-playlists/ Spotify Blend (Spotify Fusion in french) is a new Spotify features allowing people to share the same playlist. A great way to build a strong team spirit around your musical tastes!
- https://twitter.com/github/status/1425505817827151872 Open any Github repo, hit '.' (dot key) and enjoy a fully functional online code editor
- https://asyncapi.com A set of open source tools to build and maintain API in the context of an Event-Driven architecture.
- https://www.dunod.com/sciences-techniques/software-craft-tdd-clean-code-et-autres-pratiques-essentielles A great book to discover or refresh your mind on Software craftsmanship, written in french
- https://understandlegacycode.com A great collection of blog posts around legacy code and how to tackle technical debt(you can even buy the rescue kit for a deeper summary!)
- https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/mastering-web3-mtl/events/286335259/ => un meetup sur Montreal pour découvrir la technologie web3 (sans buzzwords)
- https://peterlyons.com/problog/2021/04/squeezebox-keyboard/ un projet de clavier mécanique ergonomique
- En parlant de claviers mécaniques, checkez https://shop.keyboard.io/ https://www.zsa.io/moonlander/ et https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-q1
- Si vous faites du PHP, https://laravel.com/ est un super framework à utiliser. https://tallstack.dev/ est aussi une nouvelle tendance intéressante à suivre
- Si vous avez du vieux PHP à moderniser, https://getrector.org/ peut vous aider 😉
- The V language, to replace Go => https://vlang.io/
- Yew, a Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps using WebAssembly => https://yew.rs/
- OpenSleigh, a Saga management library for .NET Core (cool OSS side-project) => https://www.opensleigh.net/
- The book "Building Event-Driven Microservices" from Adam Bellemare
- The book "Rituals for Virtual Meetings" from Kursat Ozenc and Glenn Fajardo
- A nice git trick to make it understand your typos: https://andy-carter.com/blog/auto-correct-git-commands
- Why You Need to Fail (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhxcFGuKOys)
- Software Engineering at Google, which is a book you can find online like here: https://abseil.io/resources/swe_at_google.2.pdf
- Henri's refactoring repository: https://github.com/henri-tremblay/refactoring
- Charles-William is willing to create a meetup around web3 and crypto technologies (the tech aspect of it). If you're interested, you can reach out to him through https://github.com/cwdesroches
- https://launchdarkly.com/ is a cool tool if you need to quickly set up a feature flag system
- https://refactoring.guru/refactoring is a GREAT resource with very nice illustrations of refactorings and design patterns
- https://matthiasnoback.nl/book/advanced-web-application-architecture/ Advanced Web Application Architecture. It's a book about refactoring legacy code into a more maintainable software. It has theory AND concrete examples
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxdOUGdseq4 "Simple Made Easy", a 2011 talk by Rich Hickey that's still relevant these days
- https://json-schema.org is a handy trick to annotate and validate JSON documents, agnostic of the programming language you are using