- 🎄 Advent of Code
- 🎄 Advent of TypeScript
- 🎄 Advent of Craft
▶️ Show and Tell▶️ Splatty! A Gaussian Splatting Viewer for Everyone!- 📙 Grokking Simplicity
- Announcing py2wasm: A Python to Wasm compiler
- Tailscale VPN
- Dify.AI
- Fluent CI/CD
- Dagger.io
- Coolify
- Trigger.dev
- Codeium
- Tabby ML
- Copilot Extensions
- A Neural Network Playground
- chezmoi to manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely
- Architecture Decision Records (ADR)
- The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter
- Refactoring.guru for refactorings and design patterns
- (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup
- Computer, Enhance!
- 📕 Zero to Production in Rust
- 📙 The Software Engineer's Guidebook
- 🎧 Molly Rocket
- 🎧 The Backend Engineering Show with Hussein Nasser
- 🎧 The Thriving Technologist Show
- Omakub
- mendymm/do-rathole
- xojs/xo
- Pola.rs, a faster alternative to Panda built in Rust
- Silverblue
- mtl.rocks
- Advent of Code is coming soon!
- TypeHero to practice your TypeScript-fu
- CodeCrafters
- NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules
- 📘 The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter
- 📙 100 Go mistakes and how to avoid them
- Architecture for devs
- SIMD-friendly algorithms for substring searching
- Bend, a massively parallel, high-level programming language. Their website.
- MenderCon is a virtual conf on legacy code that will take place on May 16. Ticket is "pay what you want".
- Evolve UX incoming events
- ElectricSQL to set up a standard sync layer for local-first apps (in many languages)
- Computed goto for efficient dispatch tables, if you are doing C++
- Using Perfect Hashing for keyword lookups with the example of Pgsql implementing it—nice perf boost for lexing
- Fabulous Fortunes, Fewer Failures, and Faster Fixes from Functional Fundamentals, a talk by Scott Havens that advises on designing data-intensive apps
- The Two Reasons I Prefer Passing Struct Pointers Around if you are doing Go
- TabPy, to execute Python code in Tableau
- Server-sent events are a great way for a server to push data to a client. Here's a demo with realtime wikipedia updates
- 📘 The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
- 📕 The five dysfunctions of a team
- 📙 Refactoring at Scale: Regaining Control of Your Codebase
Talks that were mentioned:
- The secrets of Hexagonal Architecture with slides and concrete code examples
- Moving IO to the edges of your app: Functional Core, Imperative Shell by Scott Wlaschin
- Lana Khoury is looking for a technical co-founder to build Aukazi
- https://github.com/eza-community/eza is really cool to show you cute little icons in your terminal 📦 🚀
- https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr is a better
for your terminal
You can use GitHub-flavoured Markdown to show boxes like this one in your Markdown files (e.g. README).
- https://understandlegacycode.com/blog/identify-who-to-ask-with-knowledge-maps/ to learn how you can use git metadata to see "who knows what" in an existing codebase. Great if someone is leaving soon and you need to offboard them.
- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35249663-inspired is a great book from which Ravi shared a quote about making developers see the pain of the end-users, so they can relate and build better software
- https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php Pico-8, the game emulator to create tiny games
- https://rangzen.github.io/armory/ Cédric's game using Pico-8
- https://github.com/mizrael/chip8-emulator Davide's Chip8 emulator
- https://mizrael.github.io/chip8-emulator/ the demo of Chip8
- https://github.com/g33kex/ServerWitch Server Witch, a POC AI assistant to remotely administer and configure your servers.
- Read the disclaimer before using it on prod (https://github.com/g33kex/ServerWitch?tab=readme-ov-file#disclaimer)
- https://github.com/g33kex/serverwitch-api the Server Witch API
- https://v0.dev/ A Vercel service to create components based on a prompt. Think Midjourney + React Components.
- https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/ux-feedback/ the Insight Feedback meetup
- https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/software-crafters-quebec/ if you go by Québec City, check out the new Software Crafters community there 😉
- https://numerique.banq.qc.ca as a resident from Québec, you can create a BAnQ account and access IT books & resources for free. Check out the catalog.
- 📕 https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/tidy-first/9781098151232/ "Tidy First?", the latest small book from Kent Beck
- 📕 https://refactoring.com/ "Refactoring", the classic from Martin Fowler