HDHR Rebooter is a python script that uses the command line tools to get a list of all the HDHomeRun devices on the network and send a restart request
##Operating System
Tested on Ubuntu Linux but it should work on most other flavors. It may also work on Apple MacOS, but you will have to change the script to point at the correct hdhomerun_config location
Known compatability with: Python 2
See Python Software Foundation website for details (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
See the SiliconDust support page for Linux for details (https://www.silicondust.com/support/linux/)
You can either just download it as a zip file and unzip it on your server, or you can use git to clone it ( git clone https://github.com/StreckerCM/HDHR_Rebooter.git ). The main benefit with git clone is that you can update to latest version very easily.
sudo chmod +x HDHR_Reboot
#running it
simple application just type ./HDHR_Reboot
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StreckerCM/HDHR_Rebooter/master/HDHR_Reboot
sudo chmod +x HDHR_Reboot
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