Releases: TNO/knowledge-engine
Releases · TNO/knowledge-engine
Regression: make sure validation errors stop execution for proactive asynchronous operations.
Stability improvements:
- REST API requests to proactive interactions (POST & ASK) now don't synchronously wait for the smart connector's results anymore, so it should block fewer threads.
- After
ing an invalid handle response to /sc/handle
, you are now able to try again, with the same handleRequestId
. Furthermore, the corresponding future is now also not forgotten, resulting in better stability.
- When deleting a RestKnowledgeBase, any handle request that it was still supposed to respond to are now properly cancelled.
- Increased thread pool from 4 to 12 threads.
Validation improvements:
- The requirement for
in handle responses is now enforced.
- A list of bindings in handle responses are now not allowed to contain
values anymore.
- When bindings are validated, we now take into account when a graph pattern is possibly null, and don't die horribly if that is the case.
- The handler for the REACT interactions in the REST API is now also asynchronous.
- The REST API of the Knowledge Engine now executes the proactive handlers asynchronously. It is expected that this will resolve some bugs.
- The REST API now allows you to register POST knowledge interactions without a result graph pattern.
- When stopping a smart connector, it will now only wait for a limited amount of time when sending its termination message to other smart connectors. If they don't acknowledge it, we will shut down irregardless.
- Better validation in REST API.
The second release of the Knowledge Engine.
Fixes some bugs that could leave the RestServer in an illegal state.
The first version of the Knowledge Engine according to the March Milestone of Work Package 5 of the InterConnect project.
- smart connector
- rest api server
- rest api specification
- examples
- documentation