- A central DevOps learning space with documentation, hands-on samples, demo for wide range of DevOps tools, clouds.
- Owner and maintainer: @tungbq (Tung Leo)
- GitHub: github.com/thedevopshub
- Website: thedevopshub.org
- Email: [email protected]
The DevOps Hub projects information, devided by various DevOps area:
- devops-basics: 🚀 Practical and document place for DevOps toolchain
- devops-practice: A place to learn and practice DevOps in a hands-on way 🎮
- devops-project: Collection of DevOps projects to level up your DevOps skills
- AWSHub: 📚 Collection of AWS Services documentation and learning resources ☁️
- LinuxHub: Linux practices, tips and tricks
- JenkinsHub: The Jenkins Hub
Infrastructure as code
- TerraformHub: 🚀 Practical and document place for Terraform
- aws-lab-with-terraform: Collection of Terraform code for AWS labs
- terraform-template: Terraform project template for deploying infrastructure across multiple environments and regions, following best practices with modular structure and automated syntax checks
- AnsibleHub: The Ansible Hub
- ansible-template: Ansible template repository with CI, linting, containerization, and more...
- microservices-deployment: Sample microservices deployment on k8s with Nginx proxy, Prometheus monitoring stack, logging features...
- container-labs: Container labs
- k8sHub: Kubernetes deployment samples, practices, and examples
- MonitoringHub: Monitoring Hub - Prometheus, Grafana and more...
- prometheus-stack: Docker compose for the Prometheus monitoring stack
- cmd: A bookmark for daily used command line 🔖 (URL: tungbq.github.io/cmd)
- Books: 📚 Collection of DevOps books
...and more upcoming content...⏩ you can follow this GitHub organization to get more up-to-dated content ⭐
Checkout all the repositories at TheDevOpsHub/repositories