Github overview:
- What is git?
- How to open an issue/become a maintainer
SMART Goals: How to write useful/measurable goals. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-bound
Week 1 discussions and how to discuss them while facilitating.
Learning Contract: due next Tuesday. Use SMART goals.
Writing on Canvas every week. Write about work done with team.
Lead 1 hour learning activity each week.
Minimum viable product:
- Internet at farm hub?
- Scale measurements?
- 100ms ping goal?
- Hooked up to solar power?
- Different goals for different teams?
Take measurements at farm: define maximum distances and areas.
Figure out what work can be done before parts arrive.
Stand-up meeting each class to explore barriers and track progress.
Organize the fuck out of everything, so hard.
Create a maintenance document: part of MVP
Process -> process -> big badass goal
- Wirless connectivity at wash station
- Solar power for the wash station
- Maintenance documents
- Process documentation
- Weigh station
- Management panel
- Data entry panel
- API & Authentication
Stretch goals:
- Hexepod robot
- IOT Mesh using ESP32 for moisture sensors
- Automate scales & data collection
- Point of sale integration
- E-commerce website
- Unify data flows: clover, pos, etc.
- Weather station?