Week 05 Monday
Tentative field trip to Ocean Greens automated grow warehouse in Longview, WA.
To be co-designed with students.
- To understand how Wiswall's organic farming business principles could be or are being applied to Ocean Greens.
- To understand if there is an API, and a client / server architecture, at Ocean Greens
- and if so, which specific device / panel / machine is serving the API ?
- can you access this API using a front-end that runs on your device?
- is there a WiFi network connecting devices in the system?
- is it available from outside the system, that is, the WAN and wider public Internet
- (e.g. from your phone through your data plan)?
Need volunteer driver with valid license to 12-passenger van.
- 9am meet at Evergreen Parking Lot B
- 9:30am Drive to Longview.
- 11:30am Arrive at Ocean Greens in Longview.
- 1:30-2:30pm Lunch
- 3:30 Drive back to Evergreen
- 5:30pm Arrive at Evergreen.