0.2.0 (2021-12-16)
** New modules:**
- Algorithm: A VkCV module to use optimized compute algorithms accelerating projects
- Effects: A VkCV module to use pre-built post-processing effects in your projects
- Geometry: A VkCV module to generate basic geometry for rendering without loading a mesh from files
- Tone-Mapping: A VkCV module providing multiple pre-defined options for tone mapping
** New features:**
- Compile shaders from memory with defined headers
- Hardware accelerated ray tracing pipelines
- Dynamic geometry generation
- Interpolation
- Tesselation
- Cube maps
- Temporal upscaling
- Automated camera paths
** Improvements **
- Much more documentation
- Fully refactored API to ease usage
- More consistency
- Less duplicate code
0.1.0 (2021-12-07)
** Platform support:**
- Linux support (GCC and CLang)
- MacOS support (Apple CLang)
- Windows support (MSVC and MinGW-GCC experimentally)
** New modules:**
- Asset-Loader: A VkCV module to load basic assets like models, materials and images
- Camera: A VkCV module to manage cameras and their handle view and projection matrices
- GUI: A VkCV module to integrate GUI rendering to your application as additional pass
- Material: A VkCV module to abstract typical kinds of materials for rendering
- Meshlet: A VkCV module to divide vertex data of a mesh into meshlets
- Scene: A VkCV module to load and manage a scene, simplify its rendering and potentially optimize it
- Shader-Compiler: A VkCV module to compile shaders at runtime
- Upscaling: A VkCV module to upscale images in realtime
** New features:**
- Resizable windows
- Multiple windows and multiple swapchains (window management)
- Dynamically requesting Vulkan features and extensions
- Shader reflection and runtime shader compilation (various shader stages)
- Realtime ray tracing
- Mesh shaders
- Indirect dispatch
- Compute pipelines and compute shaders
- Multiple queues and graphic pipelines
- Bindless textures
- ImGUI support
- Mipmapping
- Logging
- Command buffer synchronization
- Doxygen source code documentation
- Buffer, sampler and image management
- Camera management with gamepad support
- Input event synchronization
- Resource management with handles