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File metadata and controls

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License: MIT Docs: Latest Downloads

What is TidierFiles.jl?

TidierFiles.jl is a 100% Julia implementation of the readr, haven, readxl, and writexl R packages.

Powered by the CSV.jl, XLSX.jl, ReadStatTables.jl, Arrow.jl, and Parquet2.jl packages, TidierFiles.jl aims to bring a consistent interface to the reading and writing of tabular data, including a consistent syntax to read files locally versus from the web and consistent keyword arguments across data formats.

Currently supported file types:

  • read_csv and write_csv
  • read_tsv and write_tsv
  • read_xlsx and write_xlsx
  • read_delim and write_delim
  • read_table and write_table
  • read_fwf and fwf_empty
  • read_sav and write_sav (.sav and .por)
  • read_sas and write_sas (.sas7bdat and .xpt)
  • read_dta and write_dta (.dta)
  • read_arrow and write_arrow
  • read_parquet and write_parquet
  • read_rdata (.rdata and .rds)
  • read_gsheet and write_gsheet (Google Sheets)

Agnostic read and write functions that detect the type and dispatch the appropriate function.

  • read_file and write_file

list_files to list files in a directory.


Here is an example of how to write and read a CSV file.

using TidierFiles

df = DataFrame(
       integers = [1, 2, 3, 4],
       strings = ["This", "Package makes", "File reading/writing", "even smoother"],
       floats = [10.2, 20.3, 30.4, 40.5],
       dates = [Date(2018,2,20), Date(2018,2,21), Date(2018,2,22), Date(2018,2,23)],
       times = [Dates.Time(19,10), Dates.Time(19,20), Dates.Time(19,30), Dates.Time(19,40)]

write_csv(df, "testing.csv" , col_names = true)

read_csv("testing.csv", missingstring=["40.5", "10.2"])
4×5 DataFrame
 Row │ integers  strings               floats     dates       times    
     │ Int64     String31              Float64?   Date        Time     
   1 │        1  This                  missing    2018-02-20  19:10:00
   2 │        2  Package makes              20.3  2018-02-21  19:20:00
   3 │        3  File reading/writing       30.4  2018-02-22  19:30:00
   4 │        4  even smoother         missing    2018-02-23  19:40:00:00

The file reading functions include the following keyword arguments:

  • path
  • missing_value
  • col_names
  • col_select
  • num_threads
  • skip
  • n_max
  • delim (where applicable)

The path can be a file available either locally or on the web.

read_csv("", skip = 2, n_max = 3, col_select = ["ID", "Score"], missingstring = ["4"])
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ ID       Score 
     │ Int64?   Int64 
   1 │       3     77
   2 │ missing     85
   3 │       5     95

Read multiple files by passing paths as a vector.

path = ""
read_csv([path, path], skip=3)
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ ID     Name     Score 
     │ Int64  String7  Int64 
   1 │     4  David       85
   2 │     5  Eva         95
   3 │     4  David       85
   4 │     5  Eva         95