The information used to set up a single-sign on connection to a customer domain.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
uuid | String | A server-generated ID for the configuration. | [optional] |
domain | String | The fully-qualified domain (but with no trailing dot) to connect for single sign-on. This may not be changed after creation. | [optional] |
oidcIssuer | String | The URL of the OpenID Connect issuer that can be used to authenticate this domain's users. The prefix where the `/.well-known/openid-configuration` file can be found; usually without a trailing slash. | [optional] |
oidcClientId | String | The OpenID Connect client ID for this SSO instance. | [optional] |
oidcClientSecret | String | The OpenID Connect client secret for this SSO instance. | [optional] |
domainSetup | SSODomainSetup | [optional] | |
verificationStatus | DomainVerificationStatus | [optional] | |
checkResults | List<DomainCheckResult> | A list of the results of recent attempts to verify this domain. | [optional] |