Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | unique ID of user | [optional] |
username | String | username must be unique | |
password | String | password | [optional] |
name | String | the user's full, real name | [optional] |
String | the user's email | [optional] | |
isValidEmail | Boolean | user's email is validated to be correct | [optional] [readonly] |
stripeConnect | Boolean | Denotes that the user is able to apply pricing to arrays by means of Stripe Connect | [optional] [readonly] |
company | String | the user's company | [optional] |
logo | String | the user's logo | [optional] |
timezone | String | [optional] | |
organizations | List<OrganizationUser> | Array of organizations a user is part of and their roles | [optional] [readonly] |
allowedActions | List<NamespaceActions> | list of actions user is allowed to do on this organization | [optional] |
enabledFeatures | List<String> | List of extra/optional/beta features to enable for namespace | [optional] [readonly] |
unpaidSubscription | Boolean | A notice that the user has an unpaid subscription | [optional] [readonly] |
defaultS3Path | String | The default location to store newly-created notebooks and other assets like UDFs. The name `default_s3_path` is a legacy holdover; it may refer to any supported storage location. | [optional] |
defaultS3PathCredentialsName | Object | The name of the credentials used to create and access files in the `default_s3_path`, if needed. | [optional] |
assetLocations | AssetLocations | [optional] | |
defaultNamespaceCharged | String | Override the default namespace charged for actions when no namespace is specified | [optional] |
defaultRegion | String | The default region to use for notebooks and other operations. It must be a region supported by TileDB, see | [optional] |