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json native calls

Kevin Mathmann edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 9 revisions

ChaynsWebLight JSON NativeCalls



The JSON NativeCalls are used to communicate with the environments like DavidClient or Clipinc.
This is not the JSON chaynsCalls docu.


config object

key type description
action number actionId
value.callback string path to callback function number unique id that indentify the call instance in the callback
value.parameter object(string: any) contained in callback without modification object(string: any) call specific data
  "action": 1,
  "value": {
    "callback": "path.callbackName",
    "id": 1,
    "parameter": {},
    "data": {}

result object

key type description
id number unique id that passed with config
parameter object(string: any) parameter property from config object
data object(string: any) result data
status object contains the status information (also on success)
status.code number status enum
status.description string optional error descripion
    "id": 1,
    "parameter": {},
    "data": {},
         "code": 1
status enum
  "Error": -2,
  "NotAvailable": -1,
  "Success": 1

list of all JSONCalls

A list of all JSONCalls can be found at the JSON NativeCalls List Wiki Page.

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