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Applying Updates

As new functionality and fixes are developed you can pull the latest updates and deploy them to your existing stack. To do so use the following commands:

Ensure your STAGE and AWS_REGION are set appropriately to direct the CDK deployment:


set STAGE=prod
set AWS_REGION=us-east-2
set DEA_CUSTOM_DOMAIN=<true if using custom domain, otherwise do NOT set>


export STAGE=prod
export AWS_REGION="us-east-2"
export DEA_CUSTOM_DOMAIN=<true if using custom domain, otherwise do NOT set>

⚠️ Be mindful of the name of your remote, in this example we are using the default "origin". Further, any changes you've made to the application code and configuration should be commited to a forked repository.

cd ./digital-evidence-archive-on-aws/source/dea-main
git pull origin main --rebase
rush update
rush rebuild
rushx cdk:deploy

Operational Monitoring

When DEA is deployed via CDK, a Nested Stack will be deployed with the identifier DeaApiOpsDashboard. This nested stack includes Dashboards and Alarms that we believe are valuable in monitoring the health and normal operation of your Digital Evidence Archive instance. As we expect 0 failures in the Audit System we trigger certain alarms on any single failure. Here is some additional information on some specific alarms:

  • AuditTransformMalformedAlarm
    • This Alarm will trigger when any malformed Audit Event is encountered over the period of a day. To triage, look for the "Malformed Event" text present in auditprocessinglambda cloudwatch logs. The log message will include the unique ID of the event in question, which can be viewed by using the log insights filter: filter eventID = 'your-id-here' searching against the deaAuditLogs and deaTrailLogs CloudWatch Log Groups.
  • AuditObjectLockLambdaFailuresAlarm
    • This Alarm will trigger when DEA fails to place a Legal Hold on any Audit Event over the period of a day, due to execution failure. To triage, view the auditobjectlocker logs during the time period where the Alarm was triggered. Legal hold can be set on any object via the S3 Console.
  • AuditLegalHoldDLQAlarm
    • This Alarm will trigger if the Legal Hold Dead Letter Queue has any pending messages. Triage by investigating any messages in the SQS Queue: auditobjectlockdlq
  • AuditKinesisFailureAlarm
    • This Alarm will trigger if DEA fails to put records into the Audit Kinesis Firehose after a number of retries. Review the auditprocessinglambda CloudWatch logs during the period where the alarm was triggered.
  • AuditTransformLambdaFailuresAlarm
    • This Alarm will trigger if the Audit Transformation lambda encounters any error that unexpectedly ends execution. Review the auditprocessinglambda CloudWatch logs during the period where the alarm was triggered.
  • Additional alarms are included for standard operational metrics for the DynamoDB table as well as API lambdas

Audit Migration & Event Redrive

An administrative script is provided for Audit Event Redrive. This script is provided for two use cases:

ℹ️ The DEA Deployment includes a Managed Policy to support the execution of the Audit Redrive script. This Policy should be attached to the Role that you intend to run the Audit Redrive with, and the Role should be individually identifiable for the purposes of Audit. To attach the Policy, search for "AuditRedrivePolicy" within the IAM > Policies AWS Console, or reference the target Role name and Policy ARN with the attach-role-policy AWS CLI command.
e.g. aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name example-role --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ExamplePolicy"
The role that you are using to perform redrive will also need to be added to your KMS "Key Policy". Your key can be found in the "Resources" tab when viewing your stack in the CloudFormation Console. When viewing your Customer Managed Key in the Key Management Service Console, on the "Key policy" tab, click "Edit". Add a statement to the key policy granting access to your desired role.

    "Sid": "Allow redrive",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<account_number>:role/AuditRedriveRole"
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "*"
  1. Audit Event Migration
    If you deployed Digital Evidence Archive into production prior to release v1.0.5 your system will include Audit events that need to be migrated into the new Audit infrastructure. To do so, run the audit-redrive npm task from the dea-main package. For startTimeMilliseconds provide 0, and for endTimeMilliseconds provide a Javascript Timestamp (13 digits) equal to the time when you finished the v1.0.5 deploy. The end time doesn't need to be precise, and can overlap into the deployment as the script will check for the event before redriving. By default the script will run in dryRun mode, this will output information about what the script will do, without actually pushing events through Kinesis. When you are ready to push events, run with the dryRun=false parameter.

e.g npm run audit-redrive -- --startTimeMilliseconds=0 --endTimeMilliseconds=1696005186940 --dryRun=false

  1. Audit Event Redrive
    While it is not anticipated that Audit events fail to be duplicated from CloudWatch to S3, in the event of service outages or errors, the Audit Redrive Script can be used to correct any missing events. All Audit Events include an eventID which matches 1-to-1 between S3 and CloudWatch logs. To triage any events that are determined to be missing first identify the missing events in both the deaTrailLogs and deaAuditLogs CloudWatch Log Groups. This can be done through CloudWatch Insights queries. Once identified find the earliest and latest timestamp values among the batch of events. Run the audit-redrive task, specifying the earliest timestamp for startTimeMilliseconds and the latest timestamp + 1 for endTimeMilliseconds (+1 as end time is not inclusive). Initially run the script with dryRun=true to confirm the actions that will be taken. Once prepared to push events run the task again with dryRun=false

e.g. npm run audit-redrive -- --startTimeMilliseconds=1696005186939 --endTimeMilliseconds=1696005186940 --dryRun=false