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177 lines (132 loc) · 4.11 KB

File metadata and controls

177 lines (132 loc) · 4.11 KB


Generates Elm sources from i18n's JSONs.


  • Download the JSON from POEditor, using "key - value" format.
  • Save it inside an i18n (configurable as "source") folder in your project's path.
  • Add .elm-i18n (configurable as "dest") to source-directories in your elm.json.


Create a i18n.json with the following contents:

  "source": "i18n",
  "dest": ".elm-i18n",
  "namespace": "MyModuleName",
  "generateDecoders": true,
  "generateMockLanguage": true,
  "languages": ["English", "Spanish"],
  "emptyFallback": "English",
  "rootType": "Root"
  • "source" defaults to "i18n";
  • "dest" defaults to ".elm-i18n";
  • "namespace" defaults to "I18n";
  • "generateDecoders" defaults to false;
  • "generateMockLanguage" defaults to false.
  • "languages" defaults to [] (when empty, it'll search for ${source}/*.json instead);
  • "emptyFallback" defaults to null (when null, don't try falling back);
  • "rootType" defaults to "Root".

Optional features

  • "generateDecoders" generates a Decoders.elm with JSON decoders;
  • "generateMockLanguage" generates a MockLanguage.elm where the value of each terms reflects their own context.key.
  • "languages" chooses what files to transform; helps when using with "generateDecoders" for loading non-specified languages during runtime.
  • "emptyFallback" replaces empty translation terms (e.g.: "yes": "") with references for another language's translation.
  • "rootType" customize the type for the root entry of the langages (e.g: "Root" will generate English.root.someDialog.title).



Just run npx i18n-json-to-elm.


This is how a valid "i18n/English.json" would look like:

  "common": {
    "retry": "Retry",
    "loading": "Loading...",
    "username": "Username/Email",
    "password": "Password"
  "dialogs": {
    "rename": {
      "title": "Renaming",
      "body": "From {{oldName}} to {{newName}}"
  "errors": {
    "httpFailure": "Network error.",
    "credInvalid": "Invalid credentials, please try again."

This is how the resulting "src/I18n/Types.elm" will look like:

module I18n.Types exposing (..)

type alias Common =
    { retry : String
    , loading : String
    , username : String
    , password : String

type alias DialogsRename =
    { title : String
    , body : { oldName : String, newName : String } -> String

type alias Dialogs =
    { rename : DialogsRename

type alias Errors =
    { httpFailure : String
    , credInvalid : String

type alias Root =
    { common : Common
    , dialogs : Dialogs
    , errors : Errors

This is how the resulting "src/I18n/English.elm will look like:

module I18n.Dummy exposing (..)

import I18n.Types exposing (..)

common : Common
common =
    { retry = "Retry"
    , loading = "Loading..."
    , username = "Username/Email"
    , password = "Password"

dialogsRename : DialogsRename
dialogsRename =
    { title = "Renaming"
    , body = \{ oldName, newName } -> "From " ++ oldName ++ " to " ++ newName

dialogs : Dialogs
dialogs =
    { rename = dialogsRename

-- [...]

The src/I18n/MockLanguage.elm looks like this:

common : Types.Common
common =
    { retry = "common.retry"
    , loading = "common.loading"
    , username = "common.username"
    , password = "common.password"

While the src/I18n/Decoders.elm will look like this:

type alias I18nTranslator =
    List ( String, String ) -> String -> String

common : I18nTranslator -> Types.Common -> Decoder Types.Common
common curlyTranslator fallback = -- [...]

dialogsRename : I18nTranslator -> Types.DialogsRename -> Decoder Types.DialogsRename
dialogsRename curlyTranslator fallback = -- [...]

dialogs : I18nTranslator -> Types.Dialogs -> Decoder Types.Dialogs
dialogs curlyTranslator fallback = -- [...]

errors : I18nTranslator -> Types.Dialogs -> Decoder Types.Dialogs
errors curlyTranslator fallback = -- [...]

root : I18nTranslator -> Types.Dialogs -> Decoder Types.Dialogs
root curlyTranslator fallback = -- [...]