# Set screen resolution
xrandr -s 1920x1080
# See what Windows Manager you are using
# See what option you selected from the lightdm greeter to login.
# Read compressed log-files
zcat /var/log/syslog.2.gz
# Grep for pattern and highlight, but don't omit no-match lines
cat /var/log/syslog | grep -E '^|rsnapshot'
# Grep for patterns and highlight, but don't omit no-match lines
cat /var/log/syslog | grep -E '^|rsnapshot|rsync'
# Set timezone
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Vienna
# Disable automatic updates
sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades
# set values to zero and save
sudo -s
apt-get update
apt-get install parted
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 (check the device letter)
parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt
parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary ext4 4M 100%
partprobe /dev/sda
# Now we format:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda
# Change drive label:
# ext2,3,4
tune2fs -L label /dev/sdb2
# btrfs
sudo btrfs filesystem label <device or mountpoint> <newlabel>
# Change the drives reserved space to zero:
# ext2,3,4
sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sda
# And you're done. If you unplug and replug, XBMC will auto mount it, with a full 3TB available. This is verifiable with:
parted -s /dev/sda print
# Change UUID:
sudo tune2fs /dev/sde5 -U <uuid>
# get a list of attached drives
df -h
# get info about attached drives with moundpoints, UUIDs and dev-name:
sudo blkid
# get info about device-events like connecting one:
# get a list of connected usb devices:
# get a verbose list:
lsusb -v
# display the list as tree (overrides v):
lsusb -t
# get drive info sorted by UUID like so:
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 7 14:25 00dd0a12-a0a6-4322-aff4-f0365294138d -> ../../dm-1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 7 14:25 38c7f7c5-2e2b-4983-bead-6a4062a3146f -> ../../sdc1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 7 14:25 5F52-8B64 -> ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 7 14:25 92b6a434-8ccd-4eef-888f-0e5b85df199c -> ../../dm-0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 7 14:25 b22cc427-1747-4a43-a13c-9a63e74cfc51 -> ../../sda2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Jan 7 14:25 c2023b82-aa2e-4e88-855a-f976966efa92 -> ../../sdb
sudo mount -a
# (mounts everything in fstab)
sudo fdisk -l
# (gets info about connected devices)
sudo mkdir /media/usbstick
# (tail -f /var/log/messages while plugging in to get the right dev)
sudo mount -t ext4 /var/sda1 /media/usbstick
sudo blkid /dev/sda
sudo nano -Bw /etc/fstab
# Change permissions:
sudo chmod 775 /mnt/usbdrive
# Change ownership:
sudo chown root:root /mnt/usbdrive
sudo blkid
/dev/fd0: UUID="E0B4-1F9A" SEC_TYPE="msdos" TYPE="vfat"
/dev/sda1: UUID="10BF-F2D6" SEC_TYPE="msdos" TYPE="vfat"
/dev/sdb1: UUID="0000-0000" SEC_TYPE="msdos" TYPE="vfat"
# The floppy-disk has an UUID as well. Additionally the drive at /dev/sdb1 doesn't have a valid ID, so it is displayed as 0000-0000. You shouldn't mount these using the ID, use the label instead. An entry in /etc/fstab for /dev/sda1 could look like this:
UUID=10BF-F2D6 /media/usb1 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0
# other examples:
UUID=85dc9154-54dd-4e3a-b888-ad17125486a9 /media/Backup1B1 ext4 defaults 0 0
UUID=38c7f7c5-2e2b-4983-bead-6a4062a3146f /media/Backup1 ext4 defaults 0 0
sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server
# ...then make local dir you want to share...
sudo mkdir /mnt/share
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/share
sudo chown nobody:nogroup /mnt/share
# (important for nfs permission downgrading)
sudo nano /etc/exports
# Add a new share. Example:
# (whereas the ip/mask combination are the allowed clients!)
# and no_root_squash enables the target to call chown again.
sudo exportfs -a
# (really exports the nfs settings)
# if your firewall isn't off, you'll have to punch a hole through it for this service :)
sudo ufw status
sudo apt install nfs-common
# ...then make a local dir as mountpoint...
sudo mkdir /mnt/localshare
sudo mount <ip_or_name>:/mnt/share /mnt/localshare
# Example:
sudo mount radagast.zebra-servers:/mnt/Backup1 /mnt/rada
# Example NFS mount in fstab (intr is deprecated and don't mount write-vols with soft):
radagast.zebra-servers:/mnt/Backup1 /mnt/backup nfs auto 0 0
sudo apt install samba -y
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
# or
sudo service smb restart
# add new samba user...
# first add it to the system with strong passwd
useradd <username>
# this is better since adduser will add a home-directory and useradd will not
# now add the user to the samba-list
# here you can add the samba-passwd
smbpasswd -a <username>
# SMB 4 and up...
# no need to create a local user any longer...
# but only if you use AD services and not standalone-samba-server.
# just do
sudo samba-tool user create USERNAME-HERE
# restart
sudo service smbd restart
sudo apt install -y smbclient
e2fsck -p -C 0 /dev/<device>
df -h
# for directories
du -h -d 1 *
sudo rpi-update
sudo ps fuxwa
# (process representation with parent-indicator)
sudo ps aux
# (list of processes)
sudo ps aux | grep rsync
# (list of all processes containing 'rsync')
# (graphical representation of all running tasks with CPU and MEM bars)
# (graphical representation of all running docker containers)
# To fully disconnect a program from the terminal where you launched it, use
nohup myprogram </dev/null >myprogram.log 2>&1 &
# also disconnect but close if parent (this terminal) closes:
myprogram &
# disconnect and also disconnect from parent process (front):
setsid myprogram
# same but back:
myprogram & disown
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
# Add the next line to allow the user 'pi' to sudo all commands without a password.
# Get the number of files in each sub-directory in the directory you're currently in.
find . -xdev -type d -print0 |
while IFS= read -d '' dir; do
echo "$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -print0 | grep -zc .) $dir"
done |
sort -rn |
head -50
#Get the number of files and directories
ls -1 | wc -l
# Get the number of files and directories in a nice tree representation.
tree .
# Find similar files in different directories (name may vary).
fdupes --recurse dir1 dir2
# View schedule of installed srnapshot configs.
cat /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot
# Add the 'link-local' line at the position like in the example below.
link-local: []
# Then restart netplan.
sudo netplan apply
# The shebang.
# Parameter checking.
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Illegal number of parameters. Use <param1> <param2>"
# Setting variables for this script.
# Run other script.
. read_config.sh
# Build variables out of variables.
# This is a function.
# Functions have to be declared before they can be called.
function this_is_a_function {
echo "first parameter of function: $1"
echo "first parameter of function: $2"
# If branch exists (pipe output to dev/null) then delete it and push the deleted branch (to delete it from upstream).
(git show-branch $1 &>/dev/null) && (git branch -D $1 && git push origin -d $1)
# If a succeeds (exit 0), then b, else c (a exits with >0).
(a) && (b) || (c)
# Call rotate.sh and pass all parameters passed to this script here.
/var/lib/mysqlbu/rotate.sh "$@"
# Exit with error.
exit 1
# Exit with success.
exit 0
# Lock via file (handle 200, can be any number) and exit if already locked.
exec 200>/tmp/rsync-to-unterrainer.lockfile
flock -n 200 || exit 1
# Retry rsync until there is no error any longer.
while [[ $RC -ne 0 ]]
if [[ $RC -ne 0 ]]; then
_echo_i "Transfer disrupted (return code ${RC}), retrying in 10 seconds..."
sleep 10
# Embed lodash (own library) from GitLab static link and open new script.
source <(curl -s http://git.zebra-servers/dev-ops/scripts/raw/master/lobash.sh?private_token=Ki4mWMtvyaKJgNcnun4U)
_echo_h "rsyncBackupToBackup1WeeklyLocked.sh"
# Configuration file parser.
# Load with . <filename_of_this> <filename_of_your_config> in the script you're gonna use it in.
shopt -s extglob
configfile="${1}" # set the actual path name of your (DOS or Unix) config file
tr -d '\r' < $configfile > .$configfile.unix
while IFS='= ' read lhs rhs
if [[ ! $lhs =~ ^\ *# && -n $lhs ]]; then
rhs="${rhs%%\#*}" # Del in line right comments
rhs="${rhs%%*( )}" # Del trailing spaces
rhs="${rhs%\"*}" # Del opening string quotes
rhs="${rhs#\"*}" # Del closing string quotes
if [[ $rhs == \(* && $rhs == *\) ]]; then # if opening and closing parenthesis...
declare -a $lhs="${rhs}" # Declare as array
declare $lhs="$rhs" # Declare as variable
done < .$configfile.unix
# The dir where mysqlbu will be installed
dir = /data/backup/mysqlbu
# The name of the repository containing the backup-data
repo = mysql-backup
# The upstream repository
upstream =ssh://[email protected]:2222/dev-ops/backup/mysql-backup.git
# The commit message for the dumps
message="Daily backup."
# The file name of the dumps
# This is an actual array (which is treated as such after parsing)
arr1=(1 2 3)
arr2 = ('one' 'two' '3')
usermod -u <NEWUID> <LOGIN>
groupmod -g <NEWGID> <GROUP>
find / -user <OLDUID> -exec chown -h <NEWUID> {} \;
find / -group <OLDGID> -exec chgrp -h <NEWGID> {} \;
usermod -g <NEWGID> <LOGIN>
cat /etc/passwd
...use the id command. To find a specific user's UID, at the Unix prompt, enter:
id -u username
Replace username with the appropriate user's username. To find a user's GID, at the Unix prompt, enter:
id -g username
If you wish to find out all the groups a user belongs to, instead enter:
id -G username
If you wish to see the UID and all groups associated with a user, enter id without any options, as follows:
id username
# first install Ubuntu Desktop on the server without recommendations
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop
# download the latest version of chrome-remote-desktop on the server
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb
# install it
sudo dpkg -i chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt -f install
# now we have to authorize the new installation...
# follow the steps being displayed if you follow the next link on a computer
# running a viable installation of crome-remote-desktop with authentication...
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt -f install
# docker...
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y docker.io
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker
docker run hello-world
sudo systemctl enable docker
# docker-compose...
sudo apt install -y docker-compose
# ctop...
sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/ctop https://github.com/bcicen/ctop/releases/download/0.7.6/ctop-0.7.6-linux-amd64
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ctop
# useful programs...
sudo apt install -y net-tools pv bc ack mtr tree mc ncdu
sudo apt upgrade -y
# post-install to run prune periodically
sudo crontab -e
0 2 * * * /usr/bin/docker system prune -f 2>&1
dd if=/mnt/test/mycorruptedfile.txt of=/mnt/someotherdisk/newfilename.txt conv=noerror,sync
find . -depth -type f -name "*${1}*" -exec rename -v "s/${1}/${2}/" {} +