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SPICE Overview

SPICE is an industry standard circuit file format. It is a textual schematic representation of a circuit. It is used by many circuit simulators to simulate the circuit.

For full information on the how to run and use Ngspice, see the Ngspice Usage tutorial.

Installing Sky130 PDK

You should install the PDK using volare which you can install with Python pip. For example,

pip install volare
volare enable --pdk sky130 0fe599b2afb6708d281543108caf8310912f54af

You should now see the PDK installed:

ls ~/.volare
sky130A  sky130B  volare

How are SPICE netlists created

SPICE files are text files and can be edited with any text editor. Suffixes for SPICE files can have many variations including:

  • .sp
  • .spi
  • .spice
  • .cdl
  • .cir
  • .ckt
  • probably others too

SPICE netlists can be created in a number of ways:

  1. By hand: You can write a SPICE netlist by hand. This is often done for simple circuits or for testing a simulator.
  2. By exporting from a schematic capture tool: Many schematic capture tools can export a SPICE netlist. This is often done for more complex circuits.
  3. Layout extraction: Layout extraction tools can extract a SPICE netlist from a layout.

Standard cell libraries will often come with SPICE netlists for the cells. Sometimes these will be individual files, or sometimes they might all be in a single large file. The Sky130 library has its cells in:


There are also CDL versions in:


SPICE syntax

It's easiest to talk about SPICE netlists with an example. Here's the spice netlist (actually, a CDL netlist) of an inverter:

* Inverter example
.SUBCKT sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 A VGND VNB VPB VPWR Y
MMIN1 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 m=1 w=0.65u l=0.15u mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 area=0.063 perim=1.14
MMIP1 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt m=1 w=1.1u l=0.15u mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 area=0.063 perim=1.14
.ENDS sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1

The first line of a SPICE file is always ignored! In this case, it is a comment.


Subcircuits are specified with the .SUBCKT/.ENDS pair. In this case, the second line says that the subcircuit is named sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 and has the following pins: A, VGND, VNB, VPB, VPWR, and Y. In general, SPICE is case insensitive, but it is good practice to use all caps for the subcircuit pins.

The third line is technically a comment, but it is a special comment called a pragma that tells a tool about the types of pins. By default, pins have no direction in SPICE, but CDL (Cadence Design Language) netlists can have directions: I for input and O for output. This pragma is ignored by SPICE simulators that don't understand it.

Passives (R, C, and L cards)

This section describes passive elements: resistors, inductors, and capacitors. Assorted magnetic elements are supported by spice but they are not presented.

Resistors, inductors, and capacitors come in two types:

  • a simple, linear element with a value and some dependence on temperature, initialization, and scaling
  • an element that refers to a more complicated model statement

Using the set of passive elements and model statements available, you can construct a wide range of board and integrated circuit designs. To use a particular element, an element statement is needed. It specifies the type of element used and has fields for the element name, the connecting nodes, a component value and optional parameters. The

name node1 node2 ... nodeN [model reference] value [optional parameters]

Element parameters within the element statement describes the device type, device terminal connections, associated model reference, element value, DC initialization voltage or current, element temperature, and parasitic.

We can specify these three passive devices merely by using the first letter of the device name such as:

  • Rxxx for resistor
  • Lxxx for inductor
  • Cxxx for capacitor

To specify the device in the circuit file, we include the name of the device, how it is connected into the circuit, and its value. Ngspice uses the basic electrical units for voltage (volts) and current (amperes) and uses the basic electrical units for device values: ohms, farads, and henries. You will find that common prefixes also work such as m for milli-, u for micro-, p for pico-, n for nano-, f for femto-, etc.

Here are some example devices:

R12 A B 5k *a 5-kiloohm resistor connected between node A and node B
C7 OUT GND 3u *a 3-microfarad capacitor connected between node OUT and node GND
L5 6 8 1m *a 1-milihenry inductor connected between node 6 and node 8

Nodes are essentially ideal wires that connect a circuit by sharing a name. Often these are given numbers because of very old spice standards, but they can also be given names such as in'', a'', etc. Some spice simulators have a limit on how long the names can be and whether they are case sensitive. Node 0 is always considered ground. In "old school" SPICE, nets were often just numbers, but it is easier to give them names.

Transistors (M cards)

A MOS transistor is described by use of an element statement and a .MODEL statement. These are usually provided to you by a foundry using characterized data from their fabrication technology. In this case, it will be included as a library like this:

.lib "/software/PDKs/sky130A/" tt 

where the second parameter specifies the process corner. In this case, it is typical PMOS and typial NMOS devices. Other options are slow or fast in all combinations: ss, ff, fs, sf.

The element statement defines the connectivity of the transistor and references the .MODEL statement. The .MODEL statement specifies either an n- or p-channel device, the level of the model, and a number of user-selectable model parameters.

The following example specifies a PMOS MOSFET with a model reference name, PCH. The parameters are selected from the model parameters. The most common are the width (W) and length (L) of the transistor.

M3 3 2 1 0 PCH <parameters such as L=50n W=180n>

Note that the connections in the MOSFET are given in the order: drain, gate, source, and body. Since MOSFETs are generally symmetric, you can usually swap the drain and source. So in this case, you can swap 3 and 1.

Instances (X cards)

Instances are special SPICE cards that begin with an X. They are used to instantiate subcircuit copies like this:

X0 in 0 0 vdd vdd out sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1

which creates an instance of the sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 subcircuit with the name X0. The connections to this instance are in the order of the SUBCKT definition at the start of this tutorial. Inside the SUBCKT, they have the name of the SUBCKT pins, and outside they have these names. The VPWR and VNB pins are both connected externally to the vdd net. The VGND and VPB pins are both connected to the 0 net.

SPICE hierarchy and scope

You can declare instances in a SUBCKT. For example, I can make a BUFFER subcircuit from the inverter like this:

X0 IN 0 0 VDD VDD n10 sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1
X1 n10 0 0 VDD VDD OUT sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1

SPICE has only one level of scope for SUBCKTs. This means you cannot have duplicate names. If you repeat names, most often it will silently overwrite the previous definition.

The scope inside of each SUBCKT is separate from the global scope.

Given the above buffer SUBCKT, I can declare an instance of the buffer like this:

X2 bufin vdd 0 bufout BUFFER

You can refer to nets in a SUBCKT from the global scope, but you cannot refer to nets in the global scope from a SUBCKT. For example, if you have an instance X2 of the BUFFER, I can refer to X2.n10 which is the signal between the two inverters. Similarly, X2.X0.A is the input of the first inverter in the buffer. At the top level, it is called "bufin". Inside the BUFFER, it is called X2.IN.

Voltage/Current Sources

To simulate your circuits you will need some way to tell Ngspice what is stimulating or supplying electrical power to the circuit. We specify these sources in a way similar to the passive devices described earlier: name, connecting nodes, and value. As you might have expected

  • Vxxx is a voltage source
  • Ixxx is a current source

Using basic electrical units, the following examples are easy to understand:

Vin 1 0 3 *a 3V independent voltage supply between node 1 and node 0
Iin 2 0 5m * a 5mA independent current between node 2 and node 0

A voltage source is like a battery power supply. Using positive current convention, current flows out from the first node, through the circuit and then into the second node. A current source provides a fixed value of current to the circuit. However, its current flows into the first node, through the source, and then out of the second node. This is the opposite direction of the voltage source.

A more complete representation of the source statement is

name node node [DC_value] [AC_value] [transient_value]

The DC value will be used for the operating point analysis and DC sweeps. The AC value may combine with DC value to set the operating point for the small-signal analysis. The transient value will override the other specifications only during the transient analysis. If a transient value is not specified, the DC value will be used and the source is assumed to remain constant during the simulation.

The transient value portion of the statement has several forms, one for each type of waveform. The most commonly used forms are:

  • EXP - exponential waveform
  • PULSE - pulse waveform
  • PWL - piecewise linear waveform
  • SIN - sinusoidal waveform During the transient analysis, all of the independent voltage sources having a transient specification will be activated. The remaining independent sources will maintain the value of the DC specification, or zero if there is no DC specification.

Piecewise Linear Waveform (PWL)

The PWL form describes a piecewise linear waveform. Each pair of time-voltage value pairs specifies a corner of the waveform. The voltage at times between corners is the linear interpolation of the voltage at the corners. If the first pair's time is not zero, then the source's DC voltage will be used as the initial value. If the simulation continues beyond the last pair's time, then that pair's voltage will be maintained for the remainder of the simulation.

General form

PWL (T1 V1 T2 V2 T3 V3 ... Tn Vn ... )


V3 10 5 PWL(0us 0V 1us 0V 1.3us 2V 2us 2.5V 3us 0.5V 3.4us 0.5V)
V3 10 5 PWL(0us,0V 1us,0V 1.3us,2V 2us,2.5V 3us,0.5V 3.4us,0.5V)

Pulse Waveform (PULSE)

The PULSE form causes the voltage to start at V1 and stay there for Td seconds (the offset). Then, the voltage goes linearly from V1 to V2 in Tr seconds (the slew time). Then, it stays at V2 for Pw seconds (the pulse time). After this, the voltage goes linearly from V2 back to V1 during the next Tf seconds (the slew time). The voltage stays at V1 for the remainder of the period (technically, Period-Tr-Pw-Tf seconds), and the cycle is repeated starting with another pulse. The second pulse, however, does not use the initial offset value.

General form

PULSE (V1 V2 Td Tr Tf Pw Period)


VSW 10 5 PULSE (0V 5V 5us 0.5us 0.5us 4.5us 10us)

Including Files

During the course of the quarter, you will often have to use models that we provide on the course website. Instead of copying and pasting the models, you can just include the model file in your circuit. To do this, place the model file in the same directory as your netlist. Then, in your netlist, include the following line:

.inc '<filename>'

You can also give a full path to the file.


Sometimes electronic circuits are often designed iteratively. In creating a design, you may not want to commit to particular component values because you have only general constraits for the circuit when you are getting started. These design values you want to specify will be parameters, which can be defined by the following form:

.PARAM name=value ...

You may define more than one parameter on the same line. This is useful for defining a supply voltage, for example, which may later change.


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