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PgOSM-Flex Standard Import

These instructions show how to manually run the PgOSM-Flex process. This is the best option for scaling to larger regions (North America, Europe, etc.) due to the need to customize a number of configurations. Review the python3 docker/ for a starting point to automating the process.

This basic working example uses Washington D.C. for a small, fast test of the process.

Ubuntu Pre-reqs

This section covers installation of prerequisites required to install Postgres, osm2pgsql, and PgOSM-Flex on Ubuntu 20.04.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y \
        sqitch wget curl ca-certificates \
        git make cmake g++ \
        libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
        libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev \
        libbz2-dev libpq-dev libproj-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev

Install osm2pgsql from source.

git clone git://
mkdir osm2pgsql/build
cd osm2pgsql/build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Add PGDG repo and install Postgres. More on Postgres Wiki.

curl | sudo apt-key add - 
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-13 \
    postgresql-13-postgis-3 \

See the osm2pgsql documentation for advice on tuning Postgres configuration for running osm2pgsql and Postgres on the same host.

Download data

Download the PBF file and MD5 from Geofabrik.

mkdir ~/pgosm-data
cd ~/pgosm-data

Verify integrity of the downloaded PBF file using md5sum -c.

md5sum -c district-of-columbia-latest.osm.pbf
district-of-columbia-latest.osm.pbf: OK

Prepare database

The typical use case is to run osm2pgsql and Postgres/PostGIS on the same node. When using Postgres locally, only add the database name to the connection strings.

export PGOSM_CONN_PG="postgres"
export PGOSM_CONN="pgosm"

To run with a non-local Postgres connection, use a connection string such as:

export PGOSM_CONN_PG="postgresql://your_user:password@your_postgres_host/postgres"
export PGOSM_CONN="postgresql://your_user:password@your_postgres_host/pgosm"

Create the pgosm database.

psql -d $PGOSM_CONN_PG -c "CREATE DATABASE pgosm;"

Create the postgis extension and the osm schema.


Prepare PgOSM-Flex

The PgOSM-Flex styles from this project are required to run the following. Clone the repo and change into the directory containing the .lua and .sql scripts.

mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
cd pgosm-flex/flex-config

Set PgOSM variables


Set the PGOSM_DATE and PGOSM_REGION env vars to indicate the date and region of the downloaded OpenStreetMap data. This data is saved in the osm.pgosm_flex table to allow end users in the resulting data to know what each dataset should contain.

export PGOSM_DATE='2021-03-14'
export PGOSM_REGION='north-america/us--district-of-columbia'

These values show up in the osm.pgosm_flex table.

SELECT osm_date, region FROM osm.pgosm_flex;
│  osm_date  │                 region                 │
│ 2021-03-14 │ north-america/us--district-of-columbia │

Note: See the Customize PgOSM on the main for all runtime customization options.

Run osm2pgsql w/ PgOSM-Flex

The run-all.lua script provides the most complete set of OpenStreetMap data. The list of main tables in PgOSM-Flex will continue to grow and evolve.

cd pgosm-flex/flex-config

osm2pgsql --slim --drop \
    --output=flex --style=./run-all.lua \
    -d $PGOSM_CONN \

Run post-processing SQL

Each .lua script as an associated .sql script to create primary keys, indexes, comments, views and more.

psql -d $PGOSM_CONN -f ./run-all.sql

Note: The run-all scripts exclude unitable and road_major.

Generated nested place polygons


The post-processing SQL scripts create a procedure to calculate the nested place polygon data. It does not run by default in the previous step because it can be expensive (slow) on large regions.

psql -d $PGOSM_CONN -c "CALL osm.build_nested_admin_polygons();"

More options

Load main tables, No Tags

As seen above, the run_all.lua style includes the tags table and then includes run-no-tags to load the rest of the data. If you want the main data without the full tags table, use the run-no-tags.lua and .sql scripts instead.

osm2pgsql --slim --drop \
    --output=flex --style=./run-no-tags.lua \
    -d $PGOSM_CONN \

psql -d $PGOSM_CONN -f ./run-no-tags.sql

Load individual layers

One layer at a time can be added with commands such as this. This example includes the road_major style followed by the pgosm-meta style to track osm2pgsql and PgOSM-Flex versions used to load the data.

osm2pgsql --slim --drop \
    --output=flex --style=./style/road_major.lua \
    -d $PGOSM_CONN \

psql -d $PGOSM_CONN -f ./sql/road_major.sql

WARNING: Running multiple osm2pgsql commands requires processing the source PBF multiple times. This can waste considerable time on larger imports. Further, attempting to define multiple styles with additional --style=style.lua switches results in only the last style being processed. To mix and match multiple styles, create a custom Lua script similar to run-all.lua or run-no-tags.lua.

Additional structure and helper data


Deploying the additional table structure is done via sqitch.

Assumes this repo is cloned under ~/git/pgosm-flex/ and a local Postgres DB named pgosm has been created with the postgis extension installed.

cd ~/git/pgosm-flex/db
sqitch deploy db:pg:pgosm

With the structures created, load helper road data.

cd ~/git/pgosm-flex/db
psql -d pgosm -f data/roads-us.sql

Currently only U.S. region drafted, more regions with local maxspeed are welcome via PR!

Customize PgOSM Flex

Track additional details in the osm.pgosm_meta table (see more below) and customize behavior with the use of environment variables.


Custom SRID

To use SRID 4326 instead of the default SRID 3857, set the PGOSM_SRID environment variable before running osm2pgsql.

export PGOSM_SRID=4326

Changes to the SRID are reflected in output printed.

2021-01-08 15:01:15  osm2pgsql version 1.4.0 (1.4.0-72-gc3eb0fb6)
2021-01-08 15:01:15  Database version: 13.1 (Ubuntu 13.1-1.pgdg20.10+1)
2021-01-08 15:01:15  Node-cache: cache=800MB, maxblocks=12800*65536, allocation method=11
Custom SRID: 4326

Preferred Language

The name column throughout PgOSM-Flex defaults to using the highest priority name tag according to the OSM Wiki. Setting PGOSM_LANGUAGE allows giving preference to name tags with the given language. The value of PGOSM_LANGUAGE should match the codes used by OSM:

where code is a lowercase language's ISO 639-1 alpha2 code, or a lowercase ISO 639-2 code if an ISO 639-1 code doesn't exist." -- Multilingual names on OSM Wiki