For Ubuntu or Debian users, run
sudo apt-get install ruby-sass python python3 python-pip python3-pip git python-virtualenv python-dev python3-dev gcc
sudo yum install rubygem-sass python python3 python-pip python3-pip git python-virtualenv python-devel python3-devel gcc
Prepare an empty folder for mailman:
sudo mkdir /opt/mailman
cd /opt/mailman
Clone Mailman Bundler:
sudo git clone
Now switch to a dedicated Mailman user.
sudo useradd mailman --no-user-group --create-home
sudo usermod mailman --append --groups sudo
sudo chown mailman ./ -R
sudo su mailman
Setup a virtualenv for the Mailman suite and activate it with the following commands:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
In the bundler directory, open the mailman_web/ file, look for the SECRET_KEY parameter and set something random.
nano mailman-bundler/mailman_web/
Go into mailman-bundler folder, install and run buildout:
cd mailman-bundler
pip install zc.buildout
Now initialize Django's database:
Now create an initial superuser to login as, this is the user you'll use to login to Mailman's web interface (Postorius):
./bin/mailman-web-django-admin createsuperuser
Install falcon 0.3.0
source /opt/mailman/mailman-bundler/venv-3.4/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade falcon==0.3.0
The deployment/ contains a few lines that you must add to your main Postfix configuration file (usually /etc/postfix/
Exit mailman user and return to default user first.
cat mailman-bundler/deployment/ # Copy all lines shown
The return should look like
# Support the default VERP delimiter.
recipient_delimiter = +
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
owner_request_special = no
# Maps
transport_maps =
local_recipient_maps =
relay_domains =
Copy them. Then paste it to the postfix config file:
sudo nano /etc/postfix/
sudo postfix reload
Make sure postfix has read access to the *.db files in var/data (it won't have access by default). You can change the permissions of those files to world-readable:
sudo chmod 777 mailman-bundler/var/data/
Change back to mailman user:
sudo su mailman
Start mailman:
./bin/mailman start
Run Django (the web interfaces server):
./bin/mailman-web-django-admin runserver
Now, the web interface are available at:
- http://[IP OR DOMAIN}:8000/mailman3 for Postorius
- http://[IP OR DOMAIN}:8000/archives for HyperKitty
You should be able to see something but no error. Do some test here.
- Open your browser and navigate to Postorius (
- Go to Settings -> "New domain"
- Enter a mail host:
- Enter a web host:
- In Postorius, go to "Lists" and click "New list"
- Enter list name, e.g. test
- Choose the mailhost
- Define the list owner (defaults to domain contact)
- Choose whether to advertise list
- Enter description
- Save list.
On the lists' front page, add a moderator in the corresponding category.
To subscribe, send an email to [email protected] with subject subscribe. To unsubscribe, send an email to [email protected] with subject unsubscribe.