Why would we like to avoid Exceptions?
"Exception handling is the process of responding to the occurrence of exceptions – anomalous or exceptional conditions requiring special processing – during the execution of a program." - Wikipedia
Exceptions and errors are not the same thing:
- Exceptions: exceptional situations, which by definition can not be many
- Should not leave the system boundaries in their original form
- If the thrown exception is processed by our application,
should we really use an exception mechanism?
- Error/Result explicitly declares the possibility of an error and allows
Once again we need to adapt our Article
The problem if we use an Error
here is that we need to be able to express that the method addComment
can return:
- an
in case ofsuccess
- an
in case offailure
The good news is that we can do it really easily by using existing mechanism: monadic container Either<L, R>
. It is already defined in vavr
More explanations on this concept here.
🔴 We start by describing our new expectation from a test
- We design a new method
- That will return
Either<blog.Error, Article>
- By convention the
case is thefailure
- That will return
void should_add_comment_in_an_article_without_exception() {
Either<blog.Error, Article> result = anArticle().build().addCommentWithoutException(COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);
assertComment(result.get().getComments().get(0), COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);
- We have a skeleton like this
- We are now able to compile
public record Error(String message) {
public Either<Error, Article> addCommentWithoutException(String text, String author) {
return null;
🟢 Make it green by simply returning what is expected from our assumption (hypothesis / test)
public Either<Error, Article> addCommentWithoutException(String text, String author) {
return Either.right(addComment(text, author));
🔵 Anything to refactor?
- We can refactor the other
test and theDSL
class ArticleTests {
private Either<Error, Article> result;
void should_add_comment_in_an_article() {
when(article -> article.addCommentWithoutException(COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR));
then(result -> {
assertComment(result.get().getComments().get(0), COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);
void should_add_comment_in_an_article_containing_already_a_comment() {
final var newComment = create(String.class);
final var newAuthor = create(String.class);
when(ArticleBuilder::commented, article -> article.addCommentWithoutException(newComment, newAuthor));
then(result -> {
var article = result.get();
assertComment(article.getComments().last(), newComment, newAuthor);
private static void assertComment(Comment comment, String commentText, String author) {
private void when(ArticleBuilder articleBuilder, Function<Article, Either<Error, Article>> act) throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
result = act.apply(
private void when(Function<Article, Either<Error, Article>> act) {
when(anArticle(), act);
private void when(Function<ArticleBuilder, ArticleBuilder> options, Function<Article, Either<Error, Article>> act) {
when(options.apply(anArticle()), act);
private void then(Consumer<Either<Error, Article>> act) {
🔴 Let's use this new method from the non passing
- We will triangulate the remaining of the implementation like this
void when__adding_an_existing_comment() {
when(ArticleBuilder::commented, article -> article.addCommentWithoutException(article.getComments().get(0).text(), article.getComments().get(0).author()));
then(result -> {
assertThat(result.getLeft()).isEqualTo(new Error("This comment already exists in this article"));
- It is failing because we still throw the
🟢 Let's implement the missing check in Article
public Either<Error, Article> addCommentWithoutException(String text, String author) {
var comment = new Comment(text, author, LocalDate.now());
return comments.contains(comment)
? left(new Error("This comment already exists in this article"))
: right(new Article(name, content, comments.append(comment)));
🔵 There is plenty of improvement opportunity
- Adapt the Builder to use the new method
public class ArticleBuilder {
public static final String AUTHOR = "Pablo Escobar";
public static final String COMMENT_TEXT = "Amazing article !!!";
private Map<String, String> comments;
public ArticleBuilder() {
comments = HashMap.empty();
public static ArticleBuilder anArticle() {
return new ArticleBuilder();
public ArticleBuilder commented() {
this.comments = comments.put(COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);
return this;
public Article build() {
var article = new Article(
return comments.foldLeft(article, (a, c) -> a.addCommentWithoutException(c._1, c._2).get());
- Delete the exception
- Our IDE detects some usages that we need to clean 🥳
- We can now delete the previous
(no more caller)
- We rename
and end up with
public class Article {
private final String name;
private final String content;
private final Seq<Comment> comments;
public Article(String name, String content) {
this(name, content, of());
private Article(String name, String content, Seq<Comment> comments) {
this.name = name;
this.content = content;
this.comments = comments;
public Either<Error, Article> addComment(String text, String author) {
var comment = new Comment(text, author, LocalDate.now());
return comments.contains(comment)
? left(new Error("This comment already exists in this article"))
: right(new Article(name, content, comments.append(comment)));
public Seq<Comment> getComments() {
return comments;
- Regarding the tests, we can simplify assertions by using
- It simplifies assertions of monadic containers
void should_add_comment_in_an_article() {
when(article -> article.addComment(COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR));
then(result -> VavrAssertions.assertThat(result).hasRightValueSatisfying(article -> {
assertComment(article.getComments().last(), COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);
void should_add_comment_in_an_article_containing_already_a_comment() {
final var newComment = create(String.class);
final var newAuthor = create(String.class);
when(ArticleBuilder::commented, article -> article.addComment(newComment, newAuthor));
then(result -> VavrAssertions.assertThat(result).hasRightValueSatisfying(article -> {
assertComment(article.getComments().last(), newComment, newAuthor);
class Fail {
void when_adding_an_existing_comment() {
when(ArticleBuilder::commented, article -> article.addComment(article.getComments().get(0).text(), article.getComments().get(0).author()));
then(result -> VavrAssertions.assertThat(result)
.containsOnLeft(new Error("This comment already exists in this article")))