Let's look at the steps needed to read better code
9 Steps to improve code readibility
Object Calisthenics are a set of principles intended to help developers write cleaner, more maintainable code. They were introduced by Jeff Bay in his book "The ThoughtWorks Anthology". The rules focus on maintaining simplicity and clarity in code design. They are as stated below:
- Only One Level Of Indentation Per Method
- Don’t Use The ELSE Keyword
- Wrap All Primitives And Strings
- First Class Collections
- One Dot Per Line
- Don’t Abbreviate
- Keep All Entities Small
- No Classes With More Than 2 Instance Variables
- No Getters/Setters/Properties
As illustrated in this article
Which one do you agree and disagree and why? Write down your observation about the steps above by your own experience
Exercise => Head to the /exercise folder to the week 2 - exercise 1 to get the code version
Solution => Head to the /solution folder to the week 2 - exercise 1 to get the code version
Exercise => Head to the /exercise folder to the week 2 - exercise 2 to get the code version
Solution => Head to the /solution folder to the week 2 - exercise 2 to get the code version