The document describes exported functions from the following modules:
The following functions are exported from xmpp
- decode/1
- decode/3
- encode/1
- encode/2
- get_id/1
- set_id/2
- get_type/1
- set_type/2
- get_lang/1
- set_lang/2
- get_from/1
- set_from/2
- get_to/1
- set_to/2
- set_from_to/3
- get_els/1
- set_els/2
- get_subtag/2
- try_subtag/2
- set_subtag/2
- remove_subtag/2
- has_subtag/2
- append_subtags/2
- get_meta/1
- get_meta/2
- get_meta/3
- set_meta/2
- put_meta/3
- update_meta/3
- del_meta/2
- is_stanza/1
- is_known_tag/1
- is_known_tag/2
- get_ns/1
- get_name/1
- make_iq_result/1
- make_iq_result/2
- make_error/2
- get_error/1
- format_error/1
- io_format_error/1
- format_stanza_error/1
- format_stanza_error/2
- format_stream_error/1
- format_stream_error/2
- format_sasl_error/1
- format_sasl_error/2
- pp/1
- set_tr_callback/1
- get_text/1
- get_text/2
- mk_text/1
- mk_text/2
- err_bad_request/0
- err_bad_request/2
- err_conflict/0
- err_conflict/2
- err_feature_not_implemented/0
- err_feature_not_implemented/2
- err_forbidden/0
- err_forbidden/2
- err_gone/1
- err_gone/3
- err_internal_server_error/0
- err_internal_server_error/2
- err_item_not_found/0
- err_item_not_found/2
- err_jid_malformed/0
- err_jid_malformed/2
- err_not_acceptable/0
- err_not_acceptable/2
- err_not_allowed/0
- err_not_allowed/2
- err_not_authorized/0
- err_not_authorized/2
- err_payment_required/0
- err_payment_required/2
- err_policy_violation/0
- err_policy_violation/2
- err_recipient_unavailable/0
- err_recipient_unavailable/2
- err_redirect/1
- err_redirect/3
- err_registration_required/0
- err_registration_required/2
- err_remote_server_not_found/0
- err_remote_server_not_found/2
- err_remote_server_timeout/0
- err_remote_server_timeout/2
- err_resource_constraint/0
- err_resource_constraint/2
- err_service_unavailable/0
- err_service_unavailable/2
- err_subscription_required/0
- err_subscription_required/2
- err_undefined_condition/1
- err_undefined_condition/3
- err_unexpected_request/0
- err_unexpected_request/2
- serr_bad_format/0
- serr_bad_format/2
- serr_bad_namespace_prefix/0
- serr_bad_namespace_prefix/2
- serr_conflict/0
- serr_conflict/2
- serr_connection_timeout/0
- serr_connection_timeout/2
- serr_host_gone/0
- serr_host_gone/2
- serr_host_unknown/0
- serr_host_unknown/2
- serr_improper_addressing/0
- serr_improper_addressing/2
- serr_internal_server_error/0
- serr_internal_server_error/2
- serr_invalid_from/0
- serr_invalid_from/2
- serr_invalid_id/0
- serr_invalid_id/2
- serr_invalid_namespace/0
- serr_invalid_namespace/2
- serr_invalid_xml/0
- serr_invalid_xml/2
- serr_not_authorized/0
- serr_not_authorized/2
- serr_not_well_formed/0
- serr_not_well_formed/2
- serr_policy_violation/0
- serr_policy_violation/2
- serr_remote_connection_failed/0
- serr_remote_connection_failed/2
- serr_reset/0
- serr_reset/2
- serr_resource_constraint/0
- serr_resource_constraint/2
- serr_restricted_xml/0
- serr_restricted_xml/2
- serr_see_other_host/1
- serr_see_other_host/3
- serr_system_shutdown/0
- serr_system_shutdown/2
- serr_undefined_condition/0
- serr_undefined_condition/2
- serr_unsupported_encoding/0
- serr_unsupported_encoding/2
- serr_unsupported_feature/0
- serr_unsupported_feature/2
- serr_unsupported_stanza_type/0
- serr_unsupported_stanza_type/2
- serr_unsupported_version/0
- serr_unsupported_version/2
-spec decode(El :: xmlel() | xmpp_element()) -> xmpp_element().
Shorthand for decode(El, ?NS_CLIENT, [])
-spec decode(El :: xmlel() | xmpp_element(),
Namespace :: binary(),
[Option]) -> Pkt :: xmpp_element().
Decodes xmlel()
element into xmpp_element()
The only available value of Option
is ignore_els
if this option is set, lazy decoding is performed.
By default, full decoding is applied, i.e. all known sub-elements get
decoded. If El
doesn't possess an xmlns
attribute, it is
assumed that it is within namespace Namespace
The function might fail with {xmpp_codec, Reason}
The value of Reason
can be used to format the failure reason
into human readable description using format_error/1
or io_format_error/1 functions.
In the examples below we assume El
is obtained from the following XML:
<composing xmlns=''/>
<foo xmlns='unknown:namespace'/>
thus it is defined as:
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,attrs = [],
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"composing">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
children = []},
#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"unknown:namespace">>}],
children = []}]}
Example 1: lazy decoding
> xmpp:decode(El, <<"jabber:client">>, [ignore_els]).
#message{id = <<>>,type = normal,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,subject = [],body = [],
thread = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"composing">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
children = []},
#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"unknown:namespace">>}],
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
Note that sub-elements (a list in #message.sub_els
field) remain untouched:
during lazy decoding only top-level element is decoded.
Example 2: full decoding
> xmpp:decode(El, <<"jabber:client">>, []).
#message{id = <<>>,type = normal,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,subject = [],body = [],
thread = undefined,
sub_els = [#chatstate{type = composing},
#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"unknown:namespace">>}],
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
Note that in this case all known sub-elements were decoded, and unknown
sub-elements (<foo/>
in our case) remain untouched.
Example 3: no namespace is provided and El
doesn't possess any
> xmpp:decode(El, <<>>, []).
** exception error: {xmpp_codec,{missing_tag_xmlns,<<"message">>}}
in function xmpp_codec:decode/3 (src/xmpp_codec.erl, line 16)
It is safe to apply the function to xmpp_element()
Example 4: double decoding
> xmpp:decode(xmpp:decode(El, <<"jabber:client">>, [])).
#message{id = <<>>,type = normal,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,subject = [],body = [],
thread = undefined,
sub_els = [#chatstate{type = composing},
#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"unknown:namespace">>}],
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
-spec encode(Pkt :: xmpp_element() | xmlel()) -> El :: xmlel().
Shorthand for encode(Pkt, <<>>)
-spec encode(Pkt :: xmpp_element() | xmlel(),
Namespace :: binary()) -> El :: xmlel().
Encodes xmpp_element()
into xmlel()
is a top-level namespace: it is used to tell the codec whether
to include xmlns
attribute into resulting xmlel()
element or not -
if the Pkt
is within the same Namespace
, xmlns
attribute will be
omitted in the result.
Example 1: encoding without top-level namespace
> xmpp:encode(#message{}, <<>>).
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"jabber:client">>}],
children = []}
Example 2: encoding within 'jabber:client' namespace
> xmpp:encode(#message{}, <<"jabber:client">>).
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,attrs = [],children = []}
Note that xmlns
attribute is omitted in this case
because message()
stanza is defined within 'jabber:client' namespace.
Example 3: encoding within 'urn:xmpp:time' namespace
> xmpp:encode(#message{}, <<"urn:xmpp:time">>).
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"jabber:client">>}],
children = []}
Note that xmlns
is included in the result because
stanza is not defined within 'urn:xmpp:time' namespace.
Example 4: encoding with sub-elements
> xmpp:encode(#message{sub_els = [#chatstate{type = composing}]}).
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"jabber:client">>}],
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"composing">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
children = []}]}
It's acceptable to encode XMPP elements whose sub-elements are of
mixed content, i.e. sub_els
field contains both xmpp_element()
and xmlel()
elements as shown in the following example.
Example 5: encoding with mixed sub-elements
> xmpp:encode(#message{sub_els = [#chatstate{type = composing},
#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"unknown:namespace">>}]}]}).
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"jabber:client">>}],
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"composing">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
children = []},
#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"unknown:namespace">>}],
children = []}]}
It is safe to apply the function to xmlel()
Example 6: double encoding
> xmpp:encode(xmpp:encode(#message{})).
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"jabber:client">>}],
children = []}
NOTE: encoding would never fail as long as the provided input is a valid
with valid values of its record fields. Use Dialyzer to validate this.
-spec get_id(stanza() | xmlel()) -> binary().
Returns a value of id
field of a stanza()
or a value of id
of an xmlel()
Example 1: obtaining id
of message()
> xmpp:get_id(#message{id = <<"abcd">>}).
Example 2: obtaining id
of xmlel()
> xmpp:get_id(#xmlel{attrs = [{<<"id">>, <<"abcd">>}]}).
-spec set_id(iq(), binary()) -> iq();
(message(), binary()) -> message();
(presence(), binary()) -> presence().
Sets id
field of a stanza()
Example 1: setting id
field of iq()
xmpp:set_id(#iq{}, <<"abcd">>).
> #iq{id = <<"abcd">>,type = undefined,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec get_type(iq()) -> iq_type();
(message()) -> message_type();
(presence()) -> presence_type();
(xmlel()) -> binary().
Returns a value of type
field of a stanza()
or a value of type
of an xmlel()
Example 1: obtaining type
of presence()
> xmpp:get_type(#presence{}).
Example 2: obtaining type
of xmlel()
> xmpp:get_type(#xmlel{attrs = [{<<"type">>, <<"set">>}]}).
-spec set_type(iq(), iq_type()) -> iq();
(message(), message_type()) -> message();
(presence(), presence_type()) -> presence().
Sets type
field of a stanza()
Example 1: setting type
field of message()
> xmpp:set_type(#message{}, chat).
#message{id = <<>>,type = chat,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
to = undefined,subject = [],body = [],thread = undefined,
sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec get_lang(stanza() | xmlel()) -> binary().
Returns a value of lang
field of a stanza()
or a value of
attribute of an xmlel()
Example 1: obtaining lang
of iq()
> xmpp:get_lang(#iq{lang = <<"fr">>}).
Example 2: obtaining xml:lang
of xmlel()
> xmpp:get_lang(#xmlel{attrs = [{<<"xml:lang">>, <<"fr">>}]}).
-spec set_lang(iq(), binary()) -> iq();
(message(), binary()) -> message();
(presence(), binary()) -> presence().
Sets lang
field of a stanza()
Example 1: setting lang
field of presence()
> xmpp:set_lang(#presence{}, <<"fr">>).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<"fr">>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec get_from(stanza()) -> undefined | jid().
Returns a value of from
field of a stanza()
Example 1: obtaining from
of message()
> xmpp:get_from(#message{from = jid:decode(<<"user@server/resource">>)}).
#jid{user = <<"user">>,server = <<"server">>,
resource = <<"resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"resource">>}
Example 2: from
field is not set
> xmpp:get_from(#message{}).
-spec set_from(iq(), jid:jid() | undefined) -> iq();
(message(), jid:jid() | undefined) -> message();
(presence(), jid:jid() | undefined) -> presence().
Sets from
field of a stanza()
Example 1: setting from
field of presence()
> xmpp:set_from(#presence{}, jid:decode(<<"user@server/resource">>)).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = #jid{user = <<"user">>,server = <<"server">>,
resource = <<"resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"resource">>},
to = undefined,show = undefined,status = [],
priority = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
Example 2: removing from
value from iq()
> xmpp:set_from(#iq{from = jid:decode(<<"user@server/resource">>)}, undefined).
#iq{id = <<>>,type = undefined,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
to = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec get_to(stanza()) -> undefined | jid().
Returns a value of to
field of a stanza()
Example 1: obtaining to
of message()
> xmpp:get_to(#message{to = jid:decode(<<"user@server/resource">>)}).
#jid{user = <<"user">>,server = <<"server">>,
resource = <<"resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"resource">>}
Example 2: to
field is not set
> xmpp:get_to(#message{}).
-spec set_to(iq(), jid:jid() | undefined) -> iq();
(message(), jid:jid() | undefined) -> message();
(presence(), jid:jid() | undefined) -> presence().
Sets to
field of a stanza()
Example 1: setting to
field of presence()
> xmpp:set_to(#presence{}, jid:decode(<<"user@server/resource">>)).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,
to = #jid{user = <<"user">>,server = <<"server">>,
resource = <<"resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"resource">>},
show = undefined,status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
Example 2: removing to
value from iq()
> xmpp:set_to(#iq{to = jid:decode(<<"user@server/resource">>)}, undefined).
#iq{id = <<>>,type = undefined,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
to = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec set_from_to(iq(), undefined | jid:jid(), undefined | jid:jid()) -> iq();
(message(), undefined | jid:jid(), undefined | jid:jid()) -> message();
(presence(), undefined | jid:jid(), undefined | jid:jid()) -> presence().
Sets from
and to
fields of a stanza()
Example 1: setting from
and to
fields of message()
> xmpp:set_from_to(#message{}, jid:decode(<<"[email protected]">>), jid:decode(<<"[email protected]">>)).
#message{id = <<>>,type = normal,lang = <<>>,
from = #jid{user = <<"user1">>,server = <<"">>,
resource = <<>>,luser = <<"user1">>,
lserver = <<"">>,lresource = <<>>},
to = #jid{user = <<"user2">>,server = <<"">>,
resource = <<>>,luser = <<"user2">>,
lserver = <<"">>,lresource = <<>>},
subject = [],body = [],thread = undefined,sub_els = [],
meta = #{}}
-spec get_els(stanza()) -> [xmpp_element() | xmlel()];
(xmlel()) -> [xmlel()].
Returns a value of sub_els
field of a stanza()
child elements of an xmlel()
Example 1: obtaining sub_els
of message()
> xmpp:get_els(#message{sub_els = [#chatstate{type = composing}, #xmlel{name = <<"foo">>}]}).
[#chatstate{type = composing},
#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,attrs = [],children = []}]
Example 2: obtaining child elements of xmlel()
> xmpp:get_els(#xmlel{children = [#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>}, {xmlcdata, <<"bar">>}]}).
[#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>,attrs = [],children = []}]
Note that only xmlel()
elements are returned and xmlcdata()
is ignored.
-spec set_els(Stanza :: iq(), [xmpp_element() | xmlel()]) -> iq();
(Stanza :: message(), [xmpp_element() | xmlel()]) -> message();
(Stanza :: presence(), [xmpp_element() | xmlel()]) -> presence().
Sets sub_els
field of Stanza
Note that the function replaces all existing sub-elements of Stanza
use append_subtags/2 if you only want to add new elements.
Example 1: setting sub_els
field of iq()
> xmpp:set_els(#iq{type = get}, [#ping{}]).
#iq{id = <<>>,type = get,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
to = undefined,
sub_els = [#ping{}],
meta = #{}}
Example 2: removing sub_els
from presence()
> xmpp:set_els(#presence{sub_els = [#caps{}]}, []).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec get_subtag(Stanza :: stanza(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> xmpp_element() | false.
Returns first sub-element of Stanza
matching Tag
(i.e. xmpp_element()
or xmlel()
element with the same
tag name and namespace as Tag
) or false
if no such element found or decoding of the matched element
has failed.
Example 1: obtaining disco_info()
> IQ.
#iq{id = <<"id">>,type = result,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>,
attrs = [{<<"node">>,<<"node">>},
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"feature">>,
attrs = [{<<"var">>,<<"feature">>}],
children = []}]}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #disco_info{}).
#disco_info{node = <<"node">>,identities = [],
features = [<<"feature">>],
xdata = []}
Example 2: obtaining non-existing element
> xmpp:get_subtag(#presence{}, #caps{}).
In the example below jid
attribute is malformed, so
the function will return false
Example 3: obtaining malformed element
> IQ.
#iq{id = <<>>,type = undefined,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
to = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"item">>,
attrs = [{<<"jid">>,<<"@">>},
children = []}]}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #disco_items{}).
It is also possible to use the function to obtain already decoded elements as show in the following example.
Example 4: obtaining already decoded element
> xmpp:get_subtag(#iq{sub_els = [#ping{}]}, #ping{}).
-spec try_subtag(Stanza :: stanza(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> xmpp_element() | false.
Works exactly like get_subtag/2
, but raises {xmpp_codec, _}
if decoding of a matching subtag fails.
Example 1
> Msg = #message{sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"iq">>}]}.
#message{id = <<>>,type = normal,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,subject = [],body = [],
thread = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"iq">>,attrs = [],children = []}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:get_subtag(Msg, #iq{}).
> xmpp:try_subtag(Msg, #iq{}).
** exception error: {xmpp_codec,{missing_attr,<<"id">>,<<"iq">>, <<"jabber:client">>}}
-spec set_subtag(Stanza :: iq(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> iq();
(Stanza :: message(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> message();
(Stanza :: presence(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> presence().
Inserts Tag
into sub-elements of Stanza
If Stanza
already contains an element with the same tag name
and namespace as Tag
, the first occurrence of such element is replaced by Tag
Otherwise Tag
is appended to the end of the list of
sub-elements. Note that even malformed element will be replaced if
it is matched, because decoding is not applied during matching.
Example 1: insertion without replacement
> xmpp:set_subtag(#presence{sub_els = [#delay{stamp = now()}]}, #nick{name = <<"nick">>}).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#delay{stamp = {1489,605315,130667},
from = undefined,desc = <<>>},
#nick{name = <<"nick">>}],
meta = #{}}
Example 2: insertion with replacement
> Presence.
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"nick">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
children = [{xmlcdata,<<"old">>}]}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:set_subtag(Presence, #nick{name = <<"new">>}).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#nick{name = <<"new">>}],
meta = #{}}
In the example below existing <delay/>
tag is replaced even
though it's malformed (<delay/>
element MUST possess stamp
Example 3: replacement of malformed matching element
> Presence.
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"urn:xmpp:delay">>}],
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:set_subtag(Presence, #delay{stamp = now()}).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#delay{stamp = {1489,605957,281474},
from = undefined,desc = <<>>}],
meta = #{}}
-spec remove_subtag(Stanza :: iq(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> iq();
(Stanza :: message(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> message();
(Stanza :: presence(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> presence().
Removes all sub-elements of Stanza
matching Tag
(i.e. xmpp_element()
or xmlel()
elements with the same tag name and namespace as Tag
Note that even malformed elements will be removed
if they are matched, because decoding is not applied during matching.
Example 1: removing all matching elements
> Presence.
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"stamp">>,<<"2017-03-15T20:04:50.711597Z">>},
children = []},
#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"stamp">>,<<"2017-03-15T20:04:50.711613Z">>},
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:remove_subtag(Presence, #delay{}).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
In the example below <delay/>
tag is removed even
though it's malformed (<delay/>
element MUST possess stamp
Example 2: removing malformed matching element
> Presence.
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"urn:xmpp:delay">>}],
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:remove_subtag(Presence, #delay{}).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec has_subtag(Stanza :: stanza(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> boolean().
Returns true
if there exists a sub-element of Stanza
matching Tag
(i.e. an xmpp_element()
or xmlel()
element with the same tag name
and namespace as Tag
). Otherwise returns false
. Note that true
returned even if matched element is malformed, because decoding is not
applied during matching.
Example 1: found matching element
> Presence.
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"stamp">>,<<"2017-03-15T20:31:17.911811Z">>},
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:has_subtag(Presence, #delay{}).
Example 2: no matching elements found
> xmpp:has_subtag(#presence{}, #delay{}).
In the example below <delay/>
element is considered as being matched
even though it's malformed (<delay/>
element MUST possess stamp
Example 3: found matching malformed element
> Presence.
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"urn:xmpp:delay">>}],
children = []}],
meta = #{}}
> xmpp:has_subtag(Presence, #delay{}).
-spec append_subtags(Stanza :: iq(), Els :: [xmpp_element() | xmlel()]) -> iq();
(Stanza :: message(), Els :: [xmpp_element() | xmlel()]) -> message();
(Stanza :: presence(), Els :: [xmpp_element() | xmlel()]) -> presence().
Appends a list of elements Els
to the end of a list of sub-elements of Stanza
Example 1: appending elements
> Els.
[#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"stamp">>,<<"2017-03-15T20:39:26.339167Z">>},
children = []},
#stanza_error{type = modify,code = 400,by = <<>>,
reason = 'bad-request',text = undefined,sub_els = []}]
> xmpp:append_subtags(#presence{sub_els = [#caps{}]}, Els).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,
sub_els = [#caps{node = <<>>,version = <<>>,hash = <<>>,
exts = []},
#xmlel{name = <<"delay">>,
attrs = [{<<"stamp">>,<<"2017-03-15T20:39:26.339167Z">>},
children = []},
#stanza_error{type = modify,code = 400,by = <<>>,
reason = 'bad-request',text = undefined,sub_els = []}],
meta = #{}}
-spec get_meta(Stanza :: stanza()) -> Meta :: map().
Returns metadata associated with Stanza
(that is,
the value of its meta
Example 1: obtaining metadata
> xmpp:get_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}).
#{foo => bar}
-spec get_meta(Stanza :: stanza(), Key :: any()) -> Value :: any().
Returns value Value
associated with Key
if metadata of Stanza
contains Key
Fails with a {badkey, Key}
exception otherwise.
Example 1: obtaining a value
> xmpp:get_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, foo).
Example 2: key not found
> xmpp:get_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, bar).
** exception error: {badkey,bar}
-spec get_meta(Stanza :: stanza(), Key :: any(), Default :: any()) -> Value :: any().
Returns value Value
associated with Key
if metadata of Stanza
contains Key
If no value is associated with Key
, Default
is returned.
Example 1: obtaining a value
> xmpp:get_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, foo, undefined).
Example 2: key not found
> xmpp:get_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, bar, undefined).
-spec set_meta(Stanza :: stanza(), Meta :: map()) -> stanza().
Sets metadata of Stanza
Example 1: setting metadata
> xmpp:set_meta(#presence{}, #{foo => bar}).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],
meta = #{foo => bar}}
Example 2: removing entire metadata
> xmpp:set_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, #{}).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec put_meta(Stanza :: stanza(), Key :: any(), Value :: any()) -> stanza().
Associates Key
with value Value
and inserts the association into
metadata of Stanza
Example 1: sets new key in metadata
> xmpp:put_meta(#presence{}, foo, bar).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],
meta = #{foo => bar}}
Example 2: replacing existing key in metadata
> xmpp:put_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, foo, baz).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],
meta = #{foo => baz}}
-spec update_meta(Stanza :: stanza(), Key :: any(), Value :: any()) -> Stanza :: stanza().
If Key
exists in metadata of Stanza
, the old associated value is replaced by value Value
Fails with {badkey,Key}
exception if no value is associated with Key
Example 1: updating existing key
> xmpp:update_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, foo, baz).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],
meta = #{foo => baz}}
Example 2: updating non-existing key
> xmpp:update_meta(#presence{}, foo, bar).
** exception error: {badkey,foo}
-spec del_meta(Stanza :: stanza(), Key :: any()) -> stanza().
Removes the Key
, if it exists, and its associated value from
metadata of Stanza
Example 1: removing value by key
> xmpp:del_meta(#presence{meta = #{foo => bar}}, foo).
#presence{id = <<>>,type = available,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,show = undefined,
status = [],priority = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
-spec is_stanza(Term :: any()) -> boolean().
Returns true
if Term
is either of type stanza()
or an xmlel()
element representing stanza. Returns false
> xmpp:is_stanza(#iq{}).
> xmpp:is_stanza(#disco_info{}).
> xmpp:is_stanza(123).
> xmpp:is_stanza(#xmlel{name = <<"message">>}).
> xmpp:is_stanza(#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>}).
-spec is_known_tag(El :: xmlel()) -> boolean().
Shorthand for is_known_tag(El, ?NS_CLIENT)
-spec is_known_tag(El :: xmlel(), Namespace :: binary()) -> boolean().
Returns true
if El
has corresponding xmpp_element()
Otherwise returns false
If El
doesn't possess an xmlns
attribute it's assumed
that it is within namespace Namespace
NOTE: if
is considered known doesn't mean it's valid: decoding may still fail.
Example 1: the tag is known
> xmpp:is_known_tag(#xmlel{name = <<"x">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"">>}]}).
Example 2: the tag is unknown
> xmpp:is_known_tag(#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"bar">>}]}).
Example 3: the element lacks namespace, so it's always unknown
> xmpp:is_known_tag(#xmlel{name = <<"x">>}).
Example 4: the element lacks namespace, but we assume it's within 'jabber:server' namespace
> xmpp:is_known_tag(#xmlel{name = <<"message">>}, <<"jabber:server">>).
-spec get_ns(El :: xmpp_element() | xmlel()) -> Namespace :: binary().
Returns namespace of xmpp_element()
or xmlel()
Example 1: obtaining namespace of xmpp_element()
> xmpp:get_ns(#disco_info{}).
Example 2: obtaining namespace of xmlel()
> xmpp:get_ns(#xmlel{attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"foo:bar">>}]}).
-spec get_name(xmpp_element() | xmlel()) -> binary().
Returns tag name of xmpp_element()
or xmlel()
Example 1: obtaining tag name of xmpp_element()
> xmpp:get_name(#disco_info{}).
> xmpp:get_name(#chatstate{type = composing}).
Example 2: obtaining tag name of xmlel()
> xmpp:get_name(#xmlel{name = <<"some">>}).
-spec make_iq_result(IQ :: iq()) -> iq().
Creates from IQ
an iq()
of type result
with empty sub-elements.
of typeset
should be provided, otherwise the function will fail
Example 1: creating a result
> xmpp:make_iq_result(#iq{type = get, id = <<"1">>, sub_els = [#ping{}]}).
#iq{id = <<"1">>,type = result,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
to = undefined,sub_els = [],meta = #{}}
Example 2: trying to create a result of a result
> xmpp:make_iq_result(#iq{type = result, id = <<"1">>}).
** exception error: no function clause matching
-spec make_iq_result(IQ :: iq(), El :: xmpp_element() | xmlel()) -> iq().
Creates from IQ
an iq()
of type result
with sub-elements set to [El]
of typeset
should be provided, otherwise the function will fail
Example 1: creating a result
> xmpp:make_iq_result(#iq{type = get, id = <<"1">>}, #disco_info{features = [<<"feature">>]}).
#iq{id = <<"1">>,type = result,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
to = undefined,
sub_els = [#disco_info{node = <<>>,identities = [],
features = [<<"feature">>],
xdata = []}],
meta = #{}}
Example 2: trying to create a result of a result
> xmpp:make_iq_result(#iq{type = result, id = <<"1">>}, #disco_items{}).
** exception error: no function clause matching
-spec make_error(Stanza :: stanza(), stanza_error() | xmlel()) -> stanza();
(El :: xmlel(), stanza_error() | xmlel()) -> xmlel().
Constructs stanza()
of type error
from Stanza
should not have typeerror
, otherwise the function will fail
Example 1: creating message-error
> xmpp:make_error(#message{type = chat}, xmpp:err_bad_request()).
#message{id = <<>>,type = error,lang = <<>>,
from = undefined,to = undefined,subject = [],body = [],
thread = undefined,
sub_els = [#stanza_error{type = modify,code = 400,by = <<>>,
reason = 'bad-request',text = undefined,sub_els = []}],
meta = #{}}
Example 2: trying to create an error from an error
> xmpp:make_error(#presence{type = error}, xmpp:err_bad_request()).
** exception error: no function clause matching
-spec get_error(Stanza :: stanza()) -> undefined | stanza_error().
Returns stanza_error()
sub-element from Stanza
or undefined
if not found of if decoding has failed.
Example 1: extracting stanza_error()
> Err.
#xmlel{name = <<"error">>,
attrs = [{<<"code">>,<<"400">>},{<<"type">>,<<"modify">>}],
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"bad-request">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
children = []}]}
> xmpp:get_error(#message{sub_els = [Err]}).
#stanza_error{type = modify,code = 400,by = <<>>,
reason = 'bad-request',text = undefined,sub_els = []}
Example 2: no stanza_error()
element found
> xmpp:get_error(#message{}).
-spec format_error(_) -> binary().
Creates diagnostic text from an error generated by decode/1 or decode/3.
> try xmpp:decode(#xmlel{name = <<"foo">>})
catch _:{xmpp_codec, Reason} -> xmpp:format_error(Reason)
<<"Unknown tag <foo/> qualified by namespace 'jabber:client'">>
> try xmpp:decode(#xmlel{name = <<"iq">>})
catch _:{xmpp_codec, Reason} -> xmpp:format_error(Reason)
<<"Missing attribute 'id' in tag <iq/> qualified by namespace 'jabber:client'">>
> try xmpp:decode(#xmlel{name = <<"x">>}, <<>>, [])
catch _:{xmpp_codec, Reason} -> xmpp:format_error(Reason)
<<"Missing namespace for tag <x/>">>
-spec io_format_error(_) -> {binary(), [binary()]}.
Same as format_error/1, but result is suitable for using in formatting functions from io or io_lib modules.
> {Format, Args} = try xmpp:decode(#xmlel{name = <<"iq">>})
catch _:{xmpp_codec, Reason} -> xmpp:io_format_error(Reason)
{<<"Missing attribute '~s' in tag <~s/> qualified by namespace '~s'">>,
> io:format(Format, Args).
Missing attribute 'id' in tag <iq/> qualified by namespace 'jabber:client'
-spec format_stanza_error(Err :: stanza_error()) -> binary().
Same as format_stanza_error(Err, <<"en">>)
-spec format_stanza_error(Err :: stanza_error(), Lang :: binary()) -> binary().
Creates diagnostic text from stanza_error()
> Err.
#stanza_error{type = cancel,code = 501,by = <<>>,
reason = 'feature-not-implemented',
text = [#text{lang = <<"en">>,
data = <<"Unsupported query">>}],
sub_els = []}
> xmpp:format_stanza_error(Err, <<"en">>).
<<"Unsupported query (feature-not-implemented)">>
-spec format_stream_error(Err :: stream_error()) -> binary().
Same as format_stream_error(Err, <<"en">>)
-spec format_stream_error(Err :: stream_error(), Lang :: binary()) -> binary().
Creates diagnostic text from stream_error()
> Err.
#stream_error{reason = 'policy-violation',
text = [#text{lang = <<"en">>,
data = <<"Too many connections">>}]}
> xmpp:format_stream_error(Err, <<"en">>).
<<"Too many connections (policy-violation)">>
-spec format_sasl_error(Err :: sasl_failure()) -> binary().
Same as format_sasl_error(Err, <<"en">>)
-spec format_sasl_error(Err :: sasl_failure(), Lang :: binary()) -> binary().
Creates diagnostic text from sasl_failure()
> Err.
#sasl_failure{reason = 'not-authorized',
text = [#text{lang = <<"en">>,
data = <<"Invalid username">>}]}
> xmpp:format_sasl_error(Err, <<"en">>).
<<"Invalid username (not-authorized)">>
-spec pp(any()) -> iodata().
Pretty printer for XMPP elements.
> S = xmpp:pp(#sm_a{h = 10, xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:sm:3">>}).
[["h"," = ",49,48],
["xmlns"," = ",60,60,"\"urn:xmpp:sm:3\"",62,62]],
> io:format(S).
#sm_a{h = 10,xmlns = <<"urn:xmpp:sm:3">>}
-spec set_tr_callback({Module :: module(), Function :: atom()} | undefined) -> ok.
Installs Module:Function/2
as a callback translation function or
uninstalls the callback if undefined
is provided.
The callback function should be defined as:
-spec Module:Function(Lang :: binary(), TextIn :: binary()) -> TextOut :: binary().
where Lang
is a language tag, TextIn
is a text to be translated and
is a resulting translated text.
By default, no translation callback is set and thus translation is not performed.
Example 1: installing the callback
> xmpp:mk_text(<<"hello">>, <<"ru">>).
[#text{lang = <<"en">>,data = <<"hello">>}]
> my_trans_mod:trans(<<"ru">>, <<"hello">>).
> xmpp:set_tr_callback({my_trans_mod, trans}).
> xmpp:mk_text(<<"hello">>, <<"ru">>).
[#text{lang = <<"ru">>,data = <<"привет">>},
#text{lang = <<"en">>,data = <<"hello">>}]
Example 2: uninstalling any callback
> xmpp:mk_text(<<"hello">>, <<"ru">>).
[#text{lang = <<"ru">>,data = <<"привет">>},
#text{lang = <<"en">>,data = <<"hello">>}]
> xmpp:set_tr_callback(undefined).
> xmpp:mk_text(<<"hello">>, <<"ru">>).
[#text{lang = <<"en">>,data = <<"hello">>}]
-spec get_text(Text :: [text()]) -> binary().
Shorthand for get_text(Text, <<"en">>)
-spec get_text(Text :: [text()], Lang :: binary()) -> binary().
Extracts data from a list of text()
elements, tagged by language Lang
> Text.
[#text{lang = <<"en">>,data = <<"hello">>},
#text{lang = <<"ru">>,data = <<"привет">>}]
> xmpp:get_text(Text, <<"ru">>).
> xmpp:get_text(Text, <<"en">>).
> xmpp:get_text(Text, <<"fr">>).
-spec mk_text(Text :: binary() | {io:format(), list()}) -> [text()].
Shorthand for mk_text(Text, <<"en">>)
-spec mk_text(binary() | {io:format(), list()}, Lang :: binary()) -> [text()].
Creates a list of a single text()
element from binary()
or formatted text,
translated into language Lang
using a callback function set in
> xmpp:mk_text(<<"hello">>, <<"en">>).
[#text{lang = <<"en">>, data = <<"hello">>}]
> xmpp:mk_text({"hello, ~s!", ["Bob"]}, <<"en">>).
[#text{lang = <<"en">>, data = <<"hello, Bob!">>}]
-spec err_bad_request() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'bad-request' stanza error.
-spec err_bad_request(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'bad-request' stanza error.
-spec err_conflict() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'conflict' stanza error.
-spec err_conflict(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'conflict' stanza error.
-spec err_feature_not_implemented() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'feature-not-implemented' stanza error.
-spec err_feature_not_implemented(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'feature-not-implemented' stanza error.
-spec err_forbidden() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'forbidden' stanza error.
-spec err_forbidden(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'forbidden' stanza error.
-spec err_gone(URI :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'gone' stanza error.
is a Uniform or Internationalized Resource Identifier, typically an XMPP IRI.
-spec err_gone(
URI :: binary(),
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'gone' stanza error.
is a Uniform or Internationalized Resource Identifier, typically an XMPP IRI.
-spec err_internal_server_error() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'internal-server-error' stanza error.
-spec err_internal_server_error(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'internal-server-error' stanza error.
-spec err_item_not_found() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'item-not-found' stanza error.
-spec err_item_not_found(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'item-not-found' stanza error.
-spec err_jid_malformed() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'jid-malformed' stanza error.
-spec err_jid_malformed(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'jid-malformed' stanza error.
-spec err_not_acceptable() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'not-acceptable' stanza error.
-spec err_not_acceptable(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'not-acceptable' stanza error.
-spec err_not_allowed() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'not-allowed' stanza error.
-spec err_not_allowed(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'not-allowed' stanza error.
-spec err_not_authorized() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'not-authorized' stanza error.
-spec err_not_authorized(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'not-authorized' stanza error.
-spec err_payment_required() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'payment-required' stanza error.
-spec err_payment_required(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'payment-required' stanza error.
-spec err_policy_violation() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'policy-violation' stanza error.
-spec err_policy_violation(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'policy-violation' stanza error.
-spec err_recipient_unavailable() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'recipient-unavailable' stanza error.
-spec err_recipient_unavailable(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'recipient-unavailable' stanza error.
-spec err_redirect(URI :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'redirect' stanza error.
is a Uniform or Internationalized Resource Identifier, typically an XMPP IRI.
-spec err_redirect(
URI :: binary(),
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'redirect' stanza error.
is a Uniform or Internationalized Resource Identifier, typically an XMPP IRI.
-spec err_registration_required() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'registration-required' stanza error.
-spec err_registration_required(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'registration-required' stanza error.
-spec err_remote_server_not_found() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'remote-server-not-found' stanza error.
-spec err_remote_server_not_found(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'remote-server-not-found' stanza error.
-spec err_remote_server_timeout() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'remote-server-timeout' stanza error.
-spec err_remote_server_timeout(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'remote-server-timeout' stanza error.
-spec err_resource_constraint() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'resource-constraint' stanza error.
-spec err_resource_constraint(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'resource-constraint' stanza error.
-spec err_service_unavailable() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'service-unavailable' stanza error.
-spec err_service_unavailable(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'service-unavailable' stanza error.
-spec err_subscription_required() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'subscription-required' stanza error.
-spec err_subscription_required(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'subscription-required' stanza error.
-spec err_undefined_condition(
Type :: 'auth' | 'cancel' | 'continue' | 'modify' | 'wait') -> stanza_error()
Creates 'undefined-condition' stanza error.
-spec err_undefined_condition(
Type :: 'auth' | 'cancel' | 'continue' | 'modify' | 'wait',
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'undefined-condition' stanza error.
-spec err_unexpected_request() -> stanza_error()
Creates 'unexpected-request' stanza error.
-spec err_unexpected_request(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stanza_error()
Creates 'unexpected-request' stanza error.
-spec serr_bad_format() -> stream_error()
Creates 'bad-format' stream error.
-spec serr_bad_format(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'bad-format' stream error.
-spec serr_bad_namespace_prefix() -> stream_error()
Creates 'bad-namespace-prefix' stream error.
-spec serr_bad_namespace_prefix(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'bad-namespace-prefix' stream error.
-spec serr_conflict() -> stream_error()
Creates 'conflict' stream error.
-spec serr_conflict(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'conflict' stream error.
-spec serr_connection_timeout() -> stream_error()
Creates 'connection-timeout' stream error.
-spec serr_connection_timeout(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'connection-timeout' stream error.
-spec serr_host_gone() -> stream_error()
Creates 'host-gone' stream error.
-spec serr_host_gone(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'host-gone' stream error.
-spec serr_host_unknown() -> stream_error()
Creates 'host-unknown' stream error.
-spec serr_host_unknown(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'host-unknown' stream error.
-spec serr_improper_addressing() -> stream_error()
Creates 'improper-addressing' stream error.
-spec serr_improper_addressing(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'improper-addressing' stream error.
-spec serr_internal_server_error() -> stream_error()
Creates 'internal-server-error' stream error.
-spec serr_internal_server_error(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'internal-server-error' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_from() -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-from' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_from(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-from' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_id() -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-id' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_id(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-id' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_namespace() -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-namespace' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_namespace(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-namespace' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_xml() -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-xml' stream error.
-spec serr_invalid_xml(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'invalid-xml' stream error.
-spec serr_not_authorized() -> stream_error()
Creates 'not-authorized' stream error.
-spec serr_not_authorized(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'not-authorized' stream error.
-spec serr_not_well_formed() -> stream_error()
Creates 'not-well-formed' stream error.
-spec serr_not_well_formed(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'not-well-formed' stream error.
-spec serr_policy_violation() -> stream_error()
Creates 'policy-violation' stream error.
-spec serr_policy_violation(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'policy-violation' stream error.
-spec serr_remote_connection_failed() -> stream_error()
Creates 'remote-connection-failed' stream error.
-spec serr_remote_connection_failed(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'remote-connection-failed' stream error.
-spec serr_reset() -> stream_error()
Creates 'reset' stream error.
-spec serr_reset(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'reset' stream error.
-spec serr_resource_constraint() -> stream_error()
Creates 'resource-constraint' stream error.
-spec serr_resource_constraint(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'resource-constraint' stream error.
-spec serr_restricted_xml() -> stream_error()
Creates 'restricted-xml' stream error.
-spec serr_restricted_xml(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'restricted-xml' stream error.
-spec serr_see_other_host(HostPort :: xmpp_host()) -> stream_error()
where xmpp_host()
is defined as
-type xmpp_host() :: binary() | inet:ip_address() |
{binary() | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}.
Creates 'see-other-host' stream error.
is a hostname or IP address (with or without a port).
-spec serr_see_other_host(
HostPort :: xmpp_host(),
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
where xmpp_host()
is defined as
-type xmpp_host() :: binary() | inet:ip_address() |
{binary() | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}.
Creates 'see-other-host' stream error.
is a hostname or IP address (with or without a port).
-spec serr_system_shutdown() -> stream_error()
Creates 'system-shutdown' stream error.
-spec serr_system_shutdown(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'system-shutdown' stream error.
-spec serr_undefined_condition() -> stream_error()
Creates 'undefined-condition' stream error.
-spec serr_undefined_condition(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'undefined-condition' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_encoding() -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-encoding' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_encoding(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-encoding' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_feature() -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-feature' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_feature(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-feature' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_stanza_type() -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-stanza-type' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_stanza_type(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-stanza-type' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_version() -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-version' stream error.
-spec serr_unsupported_version(
Desc :: binary() | {io:format(), list()},
Lang :: binary()) -> stream_error()
Creates 'unsupported-version' stream error.
The following functions are exported from xmpp_util
-spec decode_timestamp(Data :: binary()) -> erlang:timestamp().
Decodes timestamp from XEP-0082
format (both DateTime
and legacy) into erlang:timestamp()
Fails with {bad_timestamp, Data}
exception if Data
doesn't represent
a valid timestamp.
Example 1: decoding from DateTime
> xmpp_util:decode_timestamp(<<"2006-12-19T17:58:35Z">>).
Example 2: decoding from legacy format
> xmpp_util:decode_timestamp(<<"20020910T17:58:35">>).
Example 3: decoding failure - not even remotely a timestamp
> xmpp_util:decode_timestamp(<<"sd324klsjdpsdf">>).
** exception error: {bad_timestamp,<<"sd324klsjdpsdf">>}
Example 4: decoding failure - month is invalid
> xmpp_util:decode_timestamp(<<"2006-13-19T17:58:35Z">>).
** exception error: {bad_timestamp,<<"2006-13-19T17:58:35Z">>}
-spec encode_timestamp(Timestamp :: erlang:timestamp()) -> binary().
Encodes Timestamp
into DateTime
format of
> xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({1166,551115,34}).
-spec get_xdata_values(Var :: binary(), Form :: xdata()) -> Values :: [binary()].
Returns Values
associated with Var
field of a data form Form
Example: obtaining values
> Form.
#xdata{type = submit,instructions = [],title = undefined,
reported = undefined,items = [],
fields = [#xdata_field{label = <<>>,type = 'text-single',
var = <<"search_request">>,required = false,desc = <<>>,
values = [<<"verona">>],
options = [],sub_els = []}]}
> xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"search_request">>, Form).
> xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"non_existent">>, Form).
-spec set_xdata_field(Field :: xdata_field(), Form :: xdata()) -> xdata().
Sets Field
in a data form Form
. If there is already field matching
exists (i.e. has the same value of #xdata_field.var
), then
it's replaced. Otherwise Field
is appended to the end of
Example 1: setting new field
> xmpp_util:set_xdata_field(#xdata_field{var = <<"var">>, values = [<<"val">>]}, #xdata{}).
#xdata{type = undefined,instructions = [],title = undefined,
reported = undefined,items = [],
fields = [#xdata_field{label = <<>>,type = undefined,
var = <<"var">>,required = false,desc = <<>>,
values = [<<"val">>],
options = [],sub_els = []}]}
Example 2: replacing existing field
> xmpp_util:set_xdata_field(#xdata_field{var = <<"var">>,
values = [<<"new">>]},
#xdata{fields = [#xdata_field{var = <<"var">>,
values = [<<"old">>]}]}).
#xdata{type = undefined,instructions = [],title = undefined,
reported = undefined,items = [],
fields = [#xdata_field{label = <<>>,type = undefined,
var = <<"var">>,required = false,desc = <<>>,
values = [<<"new">>],
options = [],sub_els = []}]}
-spec has_xdata_var(Var :: binary(), Form :: xdata()) -> boolean().
Returns true
if there is xdata_field()
exists in the Form
value of #xdata_field.var
field matching Var
. Returns false
Example 1: the field exists
> xmpp_util:has_xdata_var(<<"var">>,
#xdata{fields = [#xdata_field{var = <<"var">>,
values = [<<"old">>]}]}).
Example 2: the field doesn't exist
> xmpp_util:has_xdata_var(<<"var">>, #xdata{}).
The following functions are exported from jid
- decode/1
- encode/1
- make/1
- make/2
- make/3
- nodeprep/1
- nameprep/1
- resourceprep/1
- tolower/1
- split/1
- remove_resource/1
- replace_resource/2
-spec decode(Data :: binary()) -> jid().
Decodes Data
into JID. Fails with {bad_jid, Data}
on failure.
Example 1: successful decoding
> jid:decode(<<"User@Server/Resource">>).
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"Resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"Resource">>}
Example 2: decoding failure
> jid:decode(<<"@server">>).
** exception error: {bad_jid,<<"@server">>}
-spec encode(jid() | ljid()) -> binary().
Encodes JID.
Example 1: encoding jid()
> JID.
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"Resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"Resource">>}
> jid:encode(J).
Example 2: encoding ljid()
> jid:encode({<<"user">>, <<"server">>, <<"resource">>}).
-spec make(ljid() | binary()) -> jid() | error.
Creates jid()
from ljid()
or from namepart. Returns error
stringprep has failed.
Example 1: creating jid()
from ljid()
> jid:make({<<"User">>, <<"Server">>, <<"Resource">>}).
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"Resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"Resource">>}
Example 2: creating jid()
from namepart
> jid:make(<<"Server">>).
#jid{user = <<>>,server = <<"Server">>,resource = <<>>,
luser = <<>>,lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<>>}
Example 3: stringprep failure
> jid:make({<<"@">>, <<"server">>, <<"resource">>}).
-spec make(User :: binary(), Server :: binary()) -> jid() | error.
Shorthand for make({User, Server, <<>>})
-spec make(User :: binary(), Server :: binary(), Resource :: binary()) -> jid() | error.
Same as make({User, Server, Resource})
-spec nodeprep(binary()) -> binary() | error.
Applies Nodeprep Profile of Stringprep. Returns error
on failure.
> jid:nodeprep(<<"User">>).
> jid:nodeprep(<<"@">>).
-spec nameprep(binary()) -> binary() | error.
Applies Nameprep Profile of Stringprep. Returns error
on failure.
> jid:nameprep(<<"SerVer">>).
-spec resourceprep(binary()) -> binary() | error.
Applies Resourceprep Profile of Stringprep. Returns error
on failure.
> jid:resourceprep(<<"Resource">>).
-spec tolower(jid() | ljid()) -> ljid() | error.
Creates ljid()
with Stringprep Profile applied to its parts.
Returns error
if stringprep has failed.
Example 1: creating from jid()
> JID.
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"Resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"Resource">>}
> jid:tolower(JID).
Example 2: creating from ljid()
> jid:tolower({<<"User">>, <<"Server">>, <<"Resource">>}).
Example 3: stringprep failure
> jid:tolower({<<"@">>, <<"Server">>, <<"Resource">>}).
-spec split(jid()) -> ljid().
Creates ljid()
from jid()
Unlike tolower/1 Strinprep Profile is not applied.
> JID.
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"Resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"Resource">>}
> jid:split(JID).
-spec remove_resource(jid()) -> jid();
(ljid()) -> ljid().
Removes resource part of a JID.
Example 1: removing resource of jid()
> JID.
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"Resource">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"Resource">>}
> jid:remove_resource(JID).
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<>>,luser = <<"user">>,lserver = <<"server">>,
lresource = <<>>}
Example 2: removing resource of ljid()
> jid:remove_resource({<<"User">>, <<"Server">>, <<"Resource">>}).
-spec replace_resource(jid(), binary()) -> error | jid().
Replaces resource part of a JID.
Returns error
if resourceprep has failed.
Example: replacing resource
> JID.
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"old">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"old">>}
> jid:replace_resource(JID, <<"new">>).
#jid{user = <<"User">>,server = <<"Server">>,
resource = <<"new">>,luser = <<"user">>,
lserver = <<"server">>,lresource = <<"new">>}