AIR Native Extension for ZBar Bar Code Reader library
This ANE allows to asynchronously scan BitmapData
for barcodes, under the hood it uses ZBar a well known Bar Code reader.
It uses ANXBridge
extension for asynchronous calls.
Download zbar.ane and anx-bridge.ane ANEs and add them as dependencies to your project.
Edit your Application Descriptor file with registering two native extensions like this:
Set iOS minimum version to 8.0 in iPhone InfoAdditions:
<!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Info.plist -->
Note: In fact iOS 8.0 is not required, but Objective-C files are compiled targeting it, if you really need to support lower versions of iOS you could recompile and repackage this ANE and it will work.
- You probably want to use it to scan barcodes using Camera, if so let Android to understand that by registering Camera permission in Android Manifest additoins, like this:
<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
it seems to be final step, but before to use it you check if ZBar extension is available on the current platform:
if (ZBar.isSupported()) {
// we're set
The interface is prety straightforward, it contains one scan(bmd: BitmapData, callback: Function):void
method that performs scan and notify about result in callback:
if (ZBar.isSupported()) {
var bmd: BitmapData = drawCameraToBitmapData();
ZBar.sharedInstance().scan(bmd, function(error: Error, results: Array):void {
if (error) {
trace("Error:", error);
} else if (results.lenght > 0) {
trace("Barcodes found:", results);