A view from the serpentine
habitats at Sedgwick
This is an R data package with environmental characteristics of 24 study sites located across the University of California Sedgwick Reserve in Santa Barbara County, California. Data were collected by Nathan Kraft, Gaurav Kandlikar, Andrew Kleinhesselink and the Kraft Lab at UCLA.
Map: A) Map of all 24 sites across the reserve–only the lower sites
are labeled. Sites labeled 740 to 763. B) Inset showing locations of
upper sites.
You can install this package from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
will load the following datasets:
- sedgwick_env: dataframe with average environmental conditions at all 24 sites
- sedgwick_ibutton: daily Tmax, Tmin and Tavg spring temperatures at 24 sites
- sedgwick_soil_moisture: spring soil moisture recorded at each of the 24 sites
- sedgwick_boundary: SpatialPolygon file showing boundaries of Sedgwick for maps
- sedgwick_DEM: raster showing elevation across Sedgwick at roughly 10 m resolution
- sedgwick_soil_depth: soil depth recorded at each plot at each site
- sedgwick_veg_height: vegetation height recorded at each plot at each site