This article walks you through the steps to use Azure Live Video Analytics on IoT Edge for motion detect and use Azure Face API to recognize face. It uses a Linux VM in Azure as an IoT Edge device and a simulated live video stream. This video stream is analyzed for the presence of moving human. When motion is detected, will call face API to recognize person. All of events are sent to Azure IOT Hub along with notification to Microsoft Teams by Azure Logic App, and the relevant part of the video stream is recorded as an asset in Azure Media Services.
E2E Architect for Motion Face Detect with Azure LVA and Azure Face API
(current only support x86/AMD devices)
Download this lab folder as Zip and Unzip to your local folder.
An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
Visual Studio Code on your machine with Azure IoT Tools extension.
Completed the Getting Started quickstart
go through the following steps:
When you complete the steps above, the service would list in azure portal as below.
You can download sample video and copy to Linux VM in Azure being used as the IoT Edge device. This video file will be used to simulate a live stream for this tutorial.
scp {local folder}/lvatest2.mkv [email protected]:/home/lvaadmin/samples/input
When you complete the steps below, you will have used Live Video Analytics on IoT Edge to detect motion and do facial recognition of the human in RTSP source.
Setup azure face cognitive service
Create a new face cognitive service under lva-sample-resources resource group on azure portal.
Train face api with provided person image names Anne.jpg under images folder, regards Quickstarts -> Using the client library link
Setup azure function app to call Face API to detect and recognize person.
Login azure portal to create an azure function
- resources group lva-sample-resources
- region EAST US
- Runtime Python
- Version 3.6
- Function Name is flexible
Open VS code and click open downloaded lab file folder, and Unzip facefunnew to current folder
{your local folder}/func/facefunnew
Modify with created face services' {Face API Name} and {Face API Key} in below section
Click F1 and entry Sign In to sign in your azure account
Right click sub folder facefunnew and select Deploy to Funciton App
Select Function App you just created from output panel
Click Deploy from output window and wait for deploy complete notification.
Invoke GraphTopologyList
Right click lvaEdge from Azure IOT Edge you generated by initial scripts under AZURE IOT HUB section in VS code, and click Invoke Module Direct Method
Entry GraphTopologySet and click Enter
Copy all of content of InferencingFaceApi.json from scripts folder and paste to output panel and click Enter
Wait until get status 200 from output terminal window.
Invoke GraphInstanceSet
Right click lvaEdge from Azure IOT Edge you generated by initial scripts under AZURE IOT HUB section in VS code, and click Invoke Module Direct Method
Entry GraphInstanceSet and click Enter
Entry scripts below into output panel and click Enter
{ "@apiVersion": "1.0", "name": "Sample-Graph-FaceApi", "properties": { "topologyName": "InferencingWithFaceAPI", "description": "Sample graph description", "parameters": [ { "name": "rtspUrl", "value": "rtsp://rtspsim:554/media/lvatest2.mkv" } ] } }
Wait until get status 200 from output terminal window.
Invoke GraphInstanceActivate
Right click lvaEdge from Azure IOT Edge you generated by initial scripts under AZURE IOT HUB section in VS code, and click Invoke Module Direct Method
Entry GraphInstanceActivate and click Enter
Entry scripts below into output panel and click Enter
{ "@apiVersion" : "1.0", "name" : "Sample-Graph-FaceApi" }
Wait until get status 200 from output terminal window.
Right click your edge device lva-sample-device and click Start Monitoring Built-in Event Endpoint to start monitor motion detect and facial recognition telemetry data send to Azure IOT HUB.
you would get payload like below
{"personId":"90a1192d-f784-4c73-bd58-5f33dc802ede","persistedFaceIds":["2edd580b-8feb-462b-b3e3-8b04502e0dbb","62b929a8-b0ea-4df2-b621-e0e9c5bd0d94","f28187e2-5343-4d63-9ad9-cfdf209fdbda"],"name":"Anne","userData":"User-provided data attached to the person."}
Open Azure Media Service which generated by initial script on Azure portal and click Assets (new) in left panel.
Verify split video stream in Azure Media Service, which should have person included.
When you complete the steps below, you will get notification from Microsoft Teams once person detect by live video analysis.
Click Create a resource in Azure portal left panel
Search and create a new Event Hubs with name lvaeventhubs under lva-sample-resources created at previous step
From lvaeventhubs left panel, create a new Event Hub with name lvaeventhub
Config IOT HUB to route telemetry message to pervious created event hub lvaeventhub
Config Logic App to trigger events from event hub lvaeventhub and send to Microsoft Teams
Create a new Logic App names lvalogicapp under resources group lva-sample-resources from Azure portal
Create a Blank Logic App at output design panel.
Select input trigger with action When events are available in Event Hub, and select event hub lvaeventhub you created in pervious step
Select next action with Microsoft Teams and select method Post a message (V3) (Preview)
You might need sign in teams with your azure account from output window
Select Microsoft Teams Channel you want to post and select Content into Message panel.
Verify telemetry message coming into Microsoft Teams
Invoke GraphInstanceDeactivate
Right click lvaEdge from Azure IOT Edge you generated by initial scripts under AZURE IOT HUB section in VS code, and click Invoke Module Direct Method
Entry GraphInstanceDeactivate and click Enter
Entry scripts below into output panel and click Enter
{ "@apiVersion" : "1.0", "name" : "Sample-Graph-FaceApi" }
Wait until get status 200 from output terminal window.