↠ Almost 5 Hours Yesterday and today 1.5 hrs total of => 6.5 hrs i have given to this Project.
2. What would you add to your solution if you had more time? If you didn't spend much time on the coding test then use this as an opportunity to explain what you would add.
↠ i Will make it more eye friendly and improve the design part
3. What was the most useful feature that was added by you in the application? Did you use any existing library for it? If yes, please share the link. Please include a snippet of code that shows how you've used it.
↠ i have use authentication in reducer.js and make in dashboard component when the user refreshes the page it will redirect to login page and user has to login again.
↠ As i mentioned in my portfolio i have implemented several features in my previous project in Masai School. i have a great experience in pair Programming and dont more then 4-5 project in groups.
↠ 1. Redux 2. React-redux 3. material UI 4. node-sass 5. react router dom 6. uuid 7. react-to-pdf 8. react-google-login 9. axios