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EFS edited this page Oct 2, 2019 · 22 revisions

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How to create a public download directory?

You can use nginx fancyindex to create a read-only download link:

sudo su -
cd /etc/nginx/apps
touch $username.public.conf
cat > $username.public.conf << EOF
location /$username.public {
  alias /home/$username/public;
  include /etc/nginx/snippets/fancyindex.conf;
  location ~* \.php$ {

nginx -s reload

please change the $username as well as alias /home/$username/public . You will be able to access your folder via https://YOURDOMAIN/$username.public

How to enable the share link of File Browser?

Due to the default setting, the auth function of File Browser. You have to reenable it, and the nginx basic auth should also be disabled. Here is the manual

  • Stop File Browser 服务 service

    sudo su -
    systemctl stop filebrowser@$username
  • reconfigure filebrowser

    filebrowser -d /home/$username/.config/filebrowser/filebrowser.db config set --address --auth.method=json
  • disable nginx basic auth, commit following line in /etc/nginx/apps/filebrowser.conf

    #auth_basic "Password Required";
    #auth_basic_user_file /etc/htpasswd.d/htpasswd.$remote_user;
  • restart service

    nginx -s reload
    systemctl start filebrowser@$username
How to connect Flood to rTorrent?

When you initialize Flood, choose Unix, and fill with the following info, $username needs to be replaced.

Why the auth popup windows keeping asking your auth info after login Flood?

The Flood also use Basic auth, so the Cookies will be changed after successfully authenticated. For now, there is currently no fundamental solution.

Why my torrents being rechecked after restart the BT client?

BT clients record resume data periodically. When these data didn't save into its database when closing the client, it will cause the recheck action to ensure data integrity. When you need to shut down the client (as well as halt your server), please pause all the active torrents and wait about 5 min.

How to connect my application WebUI with IP:Port?

The most applications in QuickBox Lite are using Nginx reverse proxy to protect them. If you want to access your application directly, you have to modify the application configuration. e.g. In qBittorrent, you need to find Web User Interface (Remote control) > IP address, change default to The software will be able to connect directly after saving your config.

Why it fails to add a bunch of torrents to BT Client via WebUI?

QuickBox Lite has a limit in reverse proxy. The upload file size is limited to 32MB per session. It may crash or failed when the limit is exceeded. You can modify Nginx configure to resolve: enlarge client_max_body_size in /etc/nginx/snippets/proxy.conf and restart Nginx.

Where is the flexget execute file?

The FlexGet is installed under user privilege. So the execution located in /home/${username}/.local/bin. Recommend to run crontab under user privilege. e.g.

# min hout  day month week  command
  *   *     *   *     *     /home/${username}/.local/bin/flexget -c /home/${username}/.config/flexget/config.yml COMMAND
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