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SARS-CoV-2 open government datasets


The aim of this repository is to provide open government datasets for SARS-CoV-2 related data reported by the Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Since Jun 8, 2020 most cantons report case numbers once or twice a week. Updates of cantonal case numbers during weekends are infrequent.

If you have any questions, please don't hestitate to contact us: (follow us, we send you a private Direct Message, thanks!)
[email protected]

List of open government datasets published in this repository

Swiss Cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein

Conton Zürich

Don't forget to take a look at the community contributions.

Swiss Cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein: Unified dataset

General description
This data is generated and validated daily at 6pm using manual and automated procedures. Note that we only publish data that are reported by the Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Thus, gaps result if Swiss Cantons or the Principality of Liechtenstein do not report data for the specific date.

Description: Case numbers for each spatial unit separately.
Spatial unit: Swiss cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein
Format: csv
??? Additional remark: In contrast to
Description: Case numbers for all spatial units in one single file.
Spatial unit: Swiss cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein
Format: csv
??? Additional remark: In contrast to ...


Field Name Description Format Note
date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD
time Time of notification HH:MM
abbreviation_canton_and_fl Abbreviation of the reporting canton Text
ncumul_tested Reported number of tests performed as of date Number Irrespective of canton of residence
ncumul_conf Reported number of confirmed cases as of date Number Only cases that reside in the current canton
new_hosp new hospitalisations since last date Number Irrespective of canton of residence
current_hosp Reported number of hospitalised patients on date Number Irrespective of canton of residence
current_icu Reported number of hospitalised patients in ICUs on date Number Irrespective of canton of residence
current_vent Reported number of patients requiring invasive ventilation on date Number Irrespective of canton of residence
ncumul_released Reported number of patients released from hospitals or reported recovered as of date Number Irrespective of canton of residence
ncumul_deceased Reported number of deceased as of date Number Only cases that reside in the current canton
source Source of the information href
current_isolated Reported number of isolated persons on date Number Infected persons, who are not hospitalised
current_quarantined Reported number of quarantined persons on date Number Persons, who were in 'close contact' with an infected person, while that person was infectious, and are not hospitalised themselves

Empty values vs. 0

Value Meaning
0 Zero cases are reported.
empty No value is reported.

Data collection

This list provides an overview of how the data is collected:

Canton / FL updated by data historized
FL scraping yes
AG scraping yes
AI scraping yes
AR scraping yes
BE scraping yes
BL scraping yes
BS manually yes
FR scraping yes
GE scraping yes
GL scraping yes
GR scraping yes
JU scraping yes
LU scraping yes
NE scraping yes
NW scraping yes
OW scraping yes
SG scraping yes
SH scraping yes
SO scraping yes
SZ scraping yes
TG scraping yes
TI scraping yes
UR scraping yes
VD scraping yes
VS scraping yes
ZG scraping yes
ZH scraping yes

Latest updates
The latest updates are visualized here. Note that this images is updated every 20 minutes.

Dashboard of data updates

Swiss Cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein: More detailed dataset

Description: Selected cantons publish more detailed datasets.
Spatial unit: Swiss cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein
Format: csv
Additional remark: Not all datasets are maintained.

Maintained datasets

Unmaintained datasets

Metadata for unmaintained datasets

Field Name Description Format Reporting Cantons
Date ZH = Date of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths)
BL = Date of death
BS = Date of notification
Area Abbreviation of the reporting canton
AgeYear Number ZH,BS,BL
Gender Text ZH,BS,BL
NewConfCases Number of Confirmed Cases Number ZH
NewDeaths Number of Deceased Number ZH,BS,BL
PreExistingCond Pre-Existing Conditions Text BL,BS

Conton Zürich: Unified dataset


Conton Zürich: More detailed dataset

Description: open data swiss: COVID_19 Verteilung der Fälle im Kanton Zürich nach Altersklasse, Geschlecht und Kalenderwoche
Spatial unit: Conton Zürich
Format: csv
Additional remark: Comparable data for the canton of Thurgau is published at


Spaltenname / Fieldname Beschreibung (DE) Description (EN) Format
Week Kalenderwoche des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) Calendar week of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) Zahl
Year Jahr des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) Year of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) Zahl
Area Kanton Abbreviation of the reporting canton Text
AgeYearCat 10-Jahres Altersklassen Age groups (10 year steps) Text
Gender Geschlecht Gender Text
NewConfCases Neue bestätigte Fälle Newly confirmed number of cases Zahl
NewDeaths Neue Todesfälle Newly confirmed number of deaths Zahl

Description: Inhabitants per age category and gender.
Spatial unit: Conton Zürich
Format: csv


Spaltenname / Fieldname Beschreibung (DE) Description (EN) Format
Year Stichtag ist jeweils der 31.12 des angegebenen Jahres The reporting date is the 31.12 of the indicated year Zahl
Area Kanton Abbreviation of the reporting canton Text
AgeYearCat 10-Jahres Altersklassen Age groups (10 year steps) Text
Gender Geschlecht Gender Text
Inhabitants Anzahl Einwohner Number of inhabitants Zahl

Conton Zürich: Postal codes (Postleitzahl)

Description: COVID_19 Fallzahlen Kanton Zürich nach Bezirk und Kalenderwoche
Spatial unit: Conton Zürich
Format: csv
Additional remark:


Fieldname Beschreibung (DE) Description (EN) Format
PLZ Postleitzahl* Postalcode* Zahl
Date Datum des Befundes Date of test result (NewConfCases) Zahl
Population Einwohner mit Hauptwohnsitz Inhabitants with main residency Zahl
NewConfCases_7days Neue bestätigte Fälle in den letzten sieben Tagen (Kategorien) Newly confirmed cases (Categories) Text


Conton Zürich: Districts (Bezirk)

Description: COVID_19 Verteilung der Fälle im Kanton Zürich nach Postleitzahl
Spatial unit: Conton Zürich
Format: csv


Fieldname Beschreibung (DE) Description (EN) Format
DistrictId Bezirks-ID (BFS-Nummer)* District (BFS-Id)* Zahl
District Bezirksname* District name* Text
Population Wohnbevölkerung Population Zahl
Week Kalenderwoche des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) Calendar week of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) Zahl
Year Jahr des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) Year of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) Zahl
NewConfCases Neue bestätigte Fälle Newly confirmed number of cases Zahl
NewDeaths Neue Todesfälle Newly confirmed number of deaths Zahl
TotalConfCases Total der bestätigten Fälle (kumuliert) Total of confirmed cases (cumulated) Zahl
TotalDeaths Total der Todesfälle (kumuliert) Total of confirmed deaths (cumulated) Zahl


Community Contributions

Visualization of Swiss and Cantonal Case Numbers over Time

ArcGIS Dashboard

Interactive Small Multiples of Case Numbers by Canton


Estimated reproduction number by Canton

Data for Basel-Stadt

COVID-19 Data Hub

Many thanks for the great work!