Generate a private key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C 'andreyvit@imac+2016jun'
Rsync Dropbox from another computer:
ssh andreyvit-mbp.local
# add the new public key to authorized_keys
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:/Users/andreyvit/Dropbox/ ~/Dropbox
Install Dropbox, log in.
Open System Preferences → Keyboard → Modifier Keys, remap Caps Lock to Control
(skip configuration instructions for now)
- iA Writer
- after installation, copy this guide into iA Writer for easy updating
- 1Password
- install browser extensions in Safari and Chrome
- Evernote
- Preferences
- General → “Show note counts in sidebar”
- Shortcuts (clear the others):
- Quick Note: ⌃⇧⌘N
- Clip Rectangle or Window: ⌃⇧⌘R
- Search: ⌃⇧⌘E
- right-click Notebooks, choose “Show Notebook List”
- Preferences
- Day One
- Alinof Timer
- Tictoc
- Preferences:
- Launch at Login
- Shortcut: F18 (need to configure Seil before you can do this)
- Preferences:
- Soulver
- Stampnote
- Firehose Chat
- Preferences: disable “Play sound when visitor arrives on your site”
- Coffitivity
- CloudApp
- log in
- Shush
- Preferences:
- enable “Start Shush at login”
- enable “Double-tap hotkey toggles behavior”
- disable “Play audio cues”
- Preferences:
- Palua
- Preferences:
- enable “Launch at Startup”
- “Enable Smart Mode”
- use Function mode for these apps:
- Xcode
- Preferences:
- Moom
- Preferences → General:
- “Treat drawers as part of their parent windows”
- “Launch automatically on login”
- disable “Show settings on launch”
- Run as: “faceless application”
- Preferences → Mouse:
- “Enable Move & Zoom grid” with: 16 x 8 cells
- “Enable access to custom controls”
- Preferences → Keyboard:
- Trigger keyboard control with hot key: §
- “Repeat to show grid”
- Arrow keys: “Move & Zoom to Half Screen”
- Arrow keys with Command: “Move to Other Display”
- Auto-dismiss after: “Move & Zoom”, “Other actions”
- Preferences → Custom:
- Define window sizes using: 16 x 8 cells
- Header: "Primary + Secondary"
- Move & Zoom, hotkey 1: left side of 10:6 split (10x8)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey 2: right side of 10:6 split (6x8)
- Header: "Secondary + Primary"
- Move & Zoom, hotkey 3: left side of 6:10 split (6x8)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey 4: right side of 6:10 split (10x8)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey R: top-right (10x6) - above terminal
- Move & Zoom, hotkey F: bottom-right (10x2) - for terminal
- Header: "4 Up"
- Move & Zoom, hotkey Q: top-left quarter (8x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey A: bottom-left quarter (8x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey W: top-right quarter (8x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey S: bottom-right quarter (8x4)
- Header: "3x2"
- Move & Zoom, hotkey P: top-left (6x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey ;: bottom-left (6x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey [: top-middle (6x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey ': bottom-middle (6x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey ]: top-right (6x4)
- Move & Zoom, hotkey : bottom-right (6x4)
- Header: “Special”
- Move & Zoom, hotkey M: 12x8 centered (for messaging apps)
- Preferences → General:
- DaisyDisk
- The Unarchiver
- WiFi Explorer
- Authy Bluetooth
- Marked (no longer on sale)
- Kindle
- log in
- Pocket
- log in
- Reeder 2
- add Feedly account (log in with Google)
- GIF Brewery
- Composure
- Tweetbot
- Textual 5
- Telegram
- log in
- turn off “Notification icon”
- RB App Checker Lite
- CodeRunner
- ColorSchemer Studio
- Receigen
- Dash
- Launch Dash at login
- Shortcut: ⌥Space
- Download docsets:
- Node.js
- Grunt
- Moment.js
- Express
- Man Pages
- Perl
- Bash
- Laravel
- Symfony
- JavaScript
- Xcode
- Using Alcatraz, install Xcode plugins:
- CocoaPods
- FuzzyAutocomplete
- Peckham
- XcodeBoost
- XcodeWay
- General → Uncheck “Show live issues”
- Text Editing → Check “Show: Line numbers”
- Text Editing → Uncheck “Code folding ribbon”
- Text Editing → Fonts & Colors → select “Magnificient” color scheme
- Text Editing → Indentation → Tab key: “Indents always”
- Text Editing → Indentation → Indent wrapped lines by: 8
- Accounts: set up all accounts
- Downloads:
- download iOS simulators
- download iOS and Mac docsets
- enable automatic updating
- Behaviors:
- Disable all view actions in all standard behaviors
- Coding (⌘F1)
- Show navigator: Project navigator
- Hide debugger
- Hide utilities
- Show editor: Standard Editor
- Design (⌘F2)
- Hide navigator
- Hide debugger
- Hide utilities
- Show editor: Standard Editor
- Design Full Screen (⌘⌥F2)
- Hide navigator
- Hide debugger
- Hide utilities
- Show editor: Standard Editor
- Design + Code (⌘F3)
- Hide navigator
- Hide debugger
- Hide utilities
- Show editor: Assistant Editor
- Debugging (⌘F4)
- Show navigator: Debug navigator
- Show debugger with: Variables & Console
- Hide utilities
- Show editor: Standard Editor
- Full Screen Console (⌘⌥F4)
- Hide navigator
- Show debugger with: Console
- Hide utilities
- Hide editor
- Issues (⌘F10)
- Show navigator: Issue navigator
- Hide debugger
- Hide utilities
- Show editor: Standard Editor
- Navigate to: first new issue
- Testing (⌘F9)
- Show navigator: Test navigator
- Hide debugger
- Hide utilities
- Show editor: Standard Editor
- Key bindings:
- Refactor - Rename ⌃R
- Show Document Items ⌘O
- Jump to Next Counterpart ⌃Q
- Move Line Up ⌥P
- Move Line Down ⌥N
- Show Document Outline ⌃O
- Select Line ⌃L
- Select Word ⌃W
- Using Alcatraz, install Xcode plugins:
- Things
- log in via 1Password
- enable “Quick Entry with Autofill” shortcut
- GitHub for Mac
- start downloading repositories you’re interested in (unless you’re going to rsync them from another Mac)
- Homebrew
- triggers installation of Apple command-line tools
- Sublime Text 3
- use “Help → Enter License” to add a license from 1Password
ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ /usr/local/bin
- wait until you run
rake sublime
from env - install Package Control
System automation:
- Keyboard Maestro
- run, enable Accessibility access
- File → Start Syncing
- enter a licence from 1Password
- Preferences:
- check “Launch engine at login”
- uncheck “Include Applications in Status Menu”
- TextExpander
- run, enable Accessibility access
- enter a licence from 1Password
- enable Dropbox syncing in preferences
- Karabiner & Seil (under Additional Apps)
- System Preferences → Keyboard → Modifiers → Caps Lock: No Action
- Seil:
- change Caps Lock to F19 (keycode 80)
- Other Keys → change Escape to F18 (keycode 79)
- Other Keys → change Control_L to F17 (keycode 64)
- Other Keys → change Control_R to F17 (keycode 64)
- Keys on non-Apple keyboards --> Enable Application Key
- Karabiner:
- F17 to Control + Shift + Option
- PC Insert to §
- F13 to Fn
- Num Lock to Cmd-W in web browsers
- Change Fn Key → Fn+{letter,number,symbol} to Hyper (⇧⌃⌥⌘)
- Change F1..F19 → Functional Keys to F1..F12 → (F1 .. F9)
- Change F1..F19 → Fn+F1..F12 to Functional Keys → (F1 .. F9)
- Custom Shortcuts → Change F19 to Escape and Control
- For PC Users → Change Application Key to Option_R
- For Russian → Command_L for English; Command_R for Russian
- Shortcat
- Hazel
- enter a licence from 1Password
- Desktop:
- Downloads:
- Trash:
- XXAttic: move to XAttic (options: copy folder structure from monitored folder)
- XXPermanent: move to XPermanent (options: copy folder structure from monitored folder)
- Turn off all Hazel notifications in Notification Center preferences
Web browsers:
- Google Chrome
- log in
- Chrome → Hide Notifications Icon
- Google Chrome Canary
- log in
- Chrome → Hide Notifications Icon
- Firefox
- Firefox Beta
- Opera
- Opera beta
- WebKit Nightly
- f.lux
- run and let it use the current location
- Transmit
- enter a licence code from 1Password
- enable favorites sync via Dropbox (see pw in 1Password)
- Files
- Double click: Edit in External Editor
- Custom Editors
- Add Sublime Text for *
- Clarify
- You Need A Budget
- open the Family Budget
- OmniOutliner
- AirServer
- iStat Menus
- Arq
- disable “Show notification after each successful backup”
- configure backups to h1
- dev
- Documents
- Pictures
- Dropbox
- XAttic
- XPermanent
- XXAttic
- XXPermanent
- Bartender
- hide all items, except:
- Tictoc
- Shush
- Volume
- Wi-Fi
- Input Source
- Battery
- Clock
- hide all items, except:
Web services:
- Skype
- Preferences → General:
- disable “Show status in menu bar”
- move read conversation to History after: One week
- Automatically accept incoming files
- Open safe files after receiving
- Preferences → Messaging:
- Emoticons: Don't show
- Preferences → Notifications:
- disable “Play sounds related to messages”
- disable “Play sounds related to contact availability
- in Notification preferences, set alert style to None
- Preferences → Audio/Video:
- disable “Automatically adjust microphone settings”
- Preferences → Advanced:
- “Display technical call information”
- Preferences → General:
- MPlayerX
- Tranmission (BitTorrent client)
- Alcatraz (Xcode plugin manager)
- Postgres app
- then
ln -s /Applications/{psql,pg_dump,pg_restore} /usr/local/bin/
- then
- Install JDK 8
- Install iBank 2 USB token drivers
- run the banking applet once
- enable Unsafe java execution for the banking applet in Security preferences of Safari
- Minecraft
- Steam
- Parallels Desktop
- ScreenFlow — unzip from Dropbox → Downloaded Apps (cannot find a download link on the site)
- enter license code from 1Password
- Sidebar icon size: Small
- Show scroll bars: When scrolling
- uncheck: “Close windows when quitting an app”
- Recent items: 50
Desktop & Screen Saver:
- Desktop background
- add folder “Dropbox → Documents → Desktop Backgrounds”
- use the current vision board image
- mode: “Center”
- Screen saver
- Arabesque
- enable “Show with clock”
- Start after: Never
- Hot Corners...
- bottom left: “Start Screen Saver”
- bottom right: “Put Display to Sleep”
- top right: “Disable Screen Saver”
Mission Control:
- disable all shortcuts
Language & Region:
- Add “English (U.S.)” as a primary language
- Add Russian as a secondary language at the bottom of the list, pick “Russian - PC” keyboard layout when asked
- The list of preferred languages should read: English (US), English, Russian
- Region: United States
- First day of week: Monday
- Advanced...
- Measurement units: Metric
- Dates:
- Short: set to “2015-01-05” (aka ISO)
Security & Privacy:
- General:
- Require password: “5 seconds” after sleep or screen saver begins
- Firewall
- Turn On
- Spotlight
- disable “Finder search window keyboard shortcut”
- “Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menu bar”
- Spelling → Set up... → only English (US) and Russian
- Uncheck “Use smart quotes and dashes”
- Shortcuts
- Full Keyboard Access: “All controls”
- Mission Control
- Move left a space: ⌃⌘,
- Move right a space: ⌃⌘.
- Switch to Desktop 1: ⌥D
- Services
- disable Text → “Convert Text to Simplified/Traditional Chinese”
- disable Internet → “MPlayerX: Open URL”
- Accessibility
- disable all checkboxes
- App Shortcuts
- Xcode
- “Copy Method and Function Declarations”: ⌃C
- “Duplicate Lines”: ⌘D
- Things
- “File...”: ⌘S
- Xcode
- enable “Tap to click”
- enable secondary click
- enable smart zoom
- enable swipe between pages
- disable mission control
- enable “Show volume in menu bar”
- check all except for “Mail”
Internet Accounts:
- set up FastMail email, CalDAV and CardDAV (once it's available)
- set up client email accounts
- set up Twitter for @andreyvit, @livereload
- set up Facebook
- set up LinkedIn
- enable Screen Sharing
- enable File Sharing
- enable Remote Login
App Store:
- automatically download and install all updates (should be already checked)
- enable “Automatically download apps purchased on other Macs”
Dictation & Speech:
- Dictionary → Shortcut: Off
- View → Show Status Bar
- New Finder windows show: home folder
- Preferences → Sidebar
- uncheck All My Files
- check the home folder (andreyvit)
- Preferences → Advanced
- “When performing a search:” → “Search the Current Folder”
- Add Jabber account
- disable “Play sound effects”
- Preferences → Advanced:
- Show full website address
- Show Develop menu
- disable “Notifications: When song changes”
Reorder dock icons:
Firehose Chat
Google Chrome
YNAB (You Need A Budget)
- enter license from 1Password
iA Writer
Sublime Text
iPhone Simulator
Configure apps using instructions above while waiting for the items below to complete. Start with Keyboard Maestro, Seil and Karabiner.
Change sudoers (sudo visudo
) to:
Override umask:
Defaults umask_override Defaults umask=022
Symlink env from iCloud Drive:
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:~/env/ ~/env
Clone Oh My Zsh:
git clone --depth=1 ~/.oh-my-zsh
Wait for Dropbox to finish syncing Dropbox/env, then:
ln -s ~/Dropbox/env ~/env
cd ~/Dropbox/env
rake config
rake xcode_user_data
rake sublime
make karabiner
Rsync the rest of the data:
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:~/dev/ ~/dev
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:~/dev/neo/r300lafayette/ ~/dev/neo/r300lafayette
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:/Volumes/JetDrive/ ~/JetDrive
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:/Volumes/JetDrive/Images.sparsebundle ~/JetDrive
After command-line tools and Homebrew installation finishes, install packages:
make brew
make gems
make npm
make cask
make python
Tweak notification settings (System Preferences → Notifications) — may need to wait until the first notification comes:
- FaceTime: disable “Play sound”
- Mail: disable “Badge app icon”
- Messages: alert style “None”, disable “Show in notification server”, disable “Play sound”
- Telegram: alert style “None”, disable “Show in notification server”, disable “Play sound”
- HazelHelper: alert style “None”, disable all checkboxes
Enable FileVault.
Enable Time Machine.
- BitTorrent Sync
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- ScreenHero