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File metadata and controls

627 lines (506 loc) · 16.5 KB

Setting Up A New Mac

Step 1. Get Started

Generate a private key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C 'andreyvit@imac+2016jun'

Rsync Dropbox from another computer:

ssh andreyvit-mbp.local
# add the new public key to authorized_keys
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:/Users/andreyvit/Dropbox/ ~/Dropbox

Install Dropbox, log in.

Open System Preferences → Keyboard → Modifier Keys, remap Caps Lock to Control

Step 2. Install Mac App Store apps

(skip configuration instructions for now)

Most important

  • iA Writer
    • after installation, copy this guide into iA Writer for easy updating
  • 1Password 
    • install browser extensions in Safari and Chrome
  • Evernote
    • Preferences
      • General → “Show note counts in sidebar”
      • Shortcuts (clear the others):
        • Quick Note: ⌃⇧⌘N
        • Clip Rectangle or Window: ⌃⇧⌘R
        • Search: ⌃⇧⌘E
    • right-click Notebooks, choose “Show Notebook List”
  • Day One


  • Alinof Timer
  • Tictoc
    • Preferences:
      • Launch at Login
      • Shortcut: F18 (need to configure Seil before you can do this)
  • Soulver
  • Stampnote
  • Firehose Chat
    • Preferences: disable “Play sound when visitor arrives on your site”
  • Coffitivity
  • CloudApp
    • log in

System Utilities

  • Shush
    • Preferences:
      • enable “Start Shush at login”
      • enable “Double-tap hotkey toggles behavior”
      • disable “Play audio cues”
  • Palua
    • Preferences:
      • enable “Launch at Startup”
      • “Enable Smart Mode”
      • use Function mode for these apps:
        • Xcode
  • Moom
    • Preferences → General:
      • “Treat drawers as part of their parent windows”
      • “Launch automatically on login”
      • disable “Show settings on launch”
      • Run as: “faceless application”
    • Preferences → Mouse:
      • “Enable Move & Zoom grid” with: 16 x 8 cells
      • “Enable access to custom controls”
    • Preferences → Keyboard:
      • Trigger keyboard control with hot key: §
      • “Repeat to show grid”
      • Arrow keys: “Move & Zoom to Half Screen”
      • Arrow keys with Command: “Move to Other Display”
      • Auto-dismiss after: “Move & Zoom”, “Other actions”
    • Preferences → Custom:
      • Define window sizes using: 16 x 8 cells
      • Header: "Primary + Secondary"
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey 1: left side of 10:6 split (10x8)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey 2: right side of 10:6 split (6x8)
      • Header: "Secondary + Primary"
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey 3: left side of 6:10 split (6x8)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey 4: right side of 6:10 split (10x8)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey R: top-right (10x6) - above terminal
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey F: bottom-right (10x2) - for terminal
      • Header: "4 Up"
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey Q: top-left quarter (8x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey A: bottom-left quarter (8x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey W: top-right quarter (8x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey S: bottom-right quarter (8x4)
      • Header: "3x2"
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey P: top-left (6x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey ;: bottom-left (6x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey [: top-middle (6x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey ': bottom-middle (6x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey ]: top-right (6x4)
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey : bottom-right (6x4)
      • Header: “Special”
        • Move & Zoom, hotkey M: 12x8 centered (for messaging apps)
  • DaisyDisk
  • The Unarchiver
  • WiFi Explorer
  • Authy Bluetooth


  • Marked (no longer on sale)


  • Kindle
    • log in
  • Pocket
    • log in
  • Reeder 2
    • add Feedly account (log in with Google)


  • GIF Brewery
  • Composure


  • Tweetbot
  • Twitter
  • Textual 5
  • Telegram
    • log in
    • turn off “Notification icon”

Development Tools

  • RB App Checker Lite
  • CodeRunner
  • ColorSchemer Studio
  • Receigen
  • Dash
    • Launch Dash at login
    • Shortcut: ⌥Space
    • Download docsets:
      • Node.js
      • Grunt
      • Moment.js
      • Express
      • Man Pages
      • Perl
      • Bash
      • Laravel
      • Symfony
      • JavaScript
  • Xcode
    • Using Alcatraz, install Xcode plugins:
      • CocoaPods
      • FuzzyAutocomplete
      • Peckham
      • XcodeBoost
      • XcodeWay
    • General → Uncheck “Show live issues”
    • Text Editing → Check “Show: Line numbers”
    • Text Editing → Uncheck “Code folding ribbon”
    • Text Editing → Fonts & Colors → select “Magnificient” color scheme
    • Text Editing → Indentation → Tab key: “Indents always”
    • Text Editing → Indentation → Indent wrapped lines by: 8
    • Accounts: set up all accounts
    • Downloads:
      • download iOS simulators
      • download iOS and Mac docsets
      • enable automatic updating
    • Behaviors:
      • Disable all view actions in all standard behaviors
      • Coding (⌘F1)
        • Show navigator: Project navigator
        • Hide debugger
        • Hide utilities
        • Show editor: Standard Editor
      • Design (⌘F2)
        • Hide navigator
        • Hide debugger
        • Hide utilities
        • Show editor: Standard Editor
      • Design Full Screen (⌘⌥F2)
        • Hide navigator
        • Hide debugger
        • Hide utilities
        • Show editor: Standard Editor
      • Design + Code (⌘F3)
        • Hide navigator
        • Hide debugger
        • Hide utilities
        • Show editor: Assistant Editor
      • Debugging (⌘F4)
        • Show navigator: Debug navigator
        • Show debugger with: Variables & Console
        • Hide utilities
        • Show editor: Standard Editor
      • Full Screen Console (⌘⌥F4)
        • Hide navigator
        • Show debugger with: Console
        • Hide utilities
        • Hide editor
      • Issues (⌘F10)
        • Show navigator: Issue navigator
        • Hide debugger
        • Hide utilities
        • Show editor: Standard Editor
        • Navigate to: first new issue
      • Testing (⌘F9)
        • Show navigator: Test navigator
        • Hide debugger
        • Hide utilities
        • Show editor: Standard Editor
    • Key bindings:
      • Refactor - Rename ⌃R
      • Show Document Items ⌘O
      • Jump to Next Counterpart ⌃Q
      • Move Line Up ⌥P
      • Move Line Down ⌥N
      • Show Document Outline ⌃O
      • Select Line ⌃L
      • Select Word ⌃W


  • Things
    • log in via 1Password
    • enable “Quick Entry with Autofill” shortcut

Step 3. Install Other Apps

  • GitHub for Mac
    • start downloading repositories you’re interested in (unless you’re going to rsync them from another Mac)
  • Homebrew
    • triggers installation of Apple command-line tools
  • Sublime Text 3
    • use “Help → Enter License” to add a license from 1Password
    • ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ /usr/local/bin
    • wait until you run rake sublime from env
    • install Package Control

System automation:

  • Keyboard Maestro
    • run, enable Accessibility access
    • File → Start Syncing
    • enter a licence from 1Password
    • Preferences:
      • check “Launch engine at login”
      • uncheck “Include Applications in Status Menu”
  • TextExpander
    • run, enable Accessibility access
    • enter a licence from 1Password
    • enable Dropbox syncing in preferences
  • Karabiner & Seil (under Additional Apps)
    • System Preferences → Keyboard → Modifiers → Caps Lock: No Action
    • Seil:
      • change Caps Lock to F19 (keycode 80)
      • Other Keys → change Escape to F18 (keycode 79)
      • Other Keys → change Control_L to F17 (keycode 64)
      • Other Keys → change Control_R to F17 (keycode 64)
      • Keys on non-Apple keyboards --> Enable Application Key
    • Karabiner:
      • F17 to Control + Shift + Option
      • PC Insert to §
      • F13 to Fn
      • Num Lock to Cmd-W in web browsers
      • Change Fn Key → Fn+{letter,number,symbol} to Hyper (⇧⌃⌥⌘)
      • Change F1..F19 → Functional Keys to F1..F12 → (F1 .. F9)
      • Change F1..F19 → Fn+F1..F12 to Functional Keys → (F1 .. F9)
      • Custom Shortcuts → Change F19 to Escape and Control
      • For PC Users → Change Application Key to Option_R
      • For Russian → Command_L for English; Command_R for Russian
  • Shortcat
  • Hazel

Web browsers:


  • f.lux
    • run and let it use the current location
  • Transmit
    • enter a licence code from 1Password
    • enable favorites sync via Dropbox (see pw in 1Password)
    • Files
      • Double click: Edit in External Editor
      • Custom Editors
        • Add Sublime Text for *
  • Clarify
  • You Need A Budget
    • open the Family Budget
  • OmniOutliner


  • AirServer
  • iStat Menus
  • Arq
    • disable “Show notification after each successful backup”
    • configure backups to h1
      • dev
      • Documents
      • Pictures
      • Dropbox
      • XAttic
      • XPermanent
      • XXAttic
      • XXPermanent
  • Bartender
    • hide all items, except:
      • Tictoc
      • Shush
      • Volume
      • Wi-Fi
      • Input Source
      • Battery
      • Clock

Web services:

  • Skype
    • Preferences → General:
      • disable “Show status in menu bar”
      • move read conversation to History after: One week
      • Automatically accept incoming files
      • Open safe files after receiving
    • Preferences → Messaging:
      • Emoticons: Don't show
    • Preferences → Notifications:
      • disable “Play sounds related to messages”
      • disable “Play sounds related to contact availability
      • in Notification preferences, set alert style to None
    • Preferences → Audio/Video:
      • disable “Automatically adjust microphone settings”
    • Preferences → Advanced:
      • “Display technical call information”



  • Alcatraz (Xcode plugin manager)
  • Postgres app
    • then ln -s /Applications/{psql,pg_dump,pg_restore} /usr/local/bin/


  • Install JDK 8
  • Install iBank 2 USB token drivers
    • run the banking applet once
    • enable Unsafe java execution for the banking applet in Security preferences of Safari
  • Minecraft
  • Steam
  • Parallels Desktop
  • ScreenFlow — unzip from Dropbox → Downloaded Apps (cannot find a download link on the site)
    • enter license code from 1Password

Step 4. Configure System Preferences


  • Sidebar icon size: Small
  • Show scroll bars: When scrolling
  • uncheck: “Close windows when quitting an app”
  • Recent items: 50

Desktop & Screen Saver:

  • Desktop background
    • add folder “Dropbox → Documents → Desktop Backgrounds”
    • use the current vision board image
    • mode: “Center”
  • Screen saver
    • Arabesque
    • enable “Show with clock”
    • Start after: Never
    • Hot Corners...
      • bottom left: “Start Screen Saver”
      • bottom right: “Put Display to Sleep”
      • top right: “Disable Screen Saver”

Mission Control:

  • disable all shortcuts

Language & Region:

  • Add “English (U.S.)” as a primary language
  • Add Russian as a secondary language at the bottom of the list, pick “Russian - PC” keyboard layout when asked
  • The list of preferred languages should read: English (US), English, Russian
  • Region: United States
  • First day of week: Monday
  • Advanced...
    • Measurement units: Metric
    • Dates:
      • Short: set to “2015-01-05” (aka ISO)

Security & Privacy:

  • General:
    • Require password: “5 seconds” after sleep or screen saver begins
  • Firewall
    • Turn On
  • Spotlight
    • disable “Finder search window keyboard shortcut”


  • “Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menu bar”
  • Spelling → Set up... → only English (US) and Russian
  • Uncheck “Use smart quotes and dashes”
  • Shortcuts
    • Full Keyboard Access: “All controls”
    • Mission Control
      • Move left a space: ⌃⌘,
      • Move right a space: ⌃⌘.
      • Switch to Desktop 1: ⌥D
    • Services
      • disable Text → “Convert Text to Simplified/Traditional Chinese”
      • disable Internet → “MPlayerX: Open URL”
    • Accessibility
      • disable all checkboxes
    • App Shortcuts
      • Xcode
        • “Copy Method and Function Declarations”: ⌃C
        • “Duplicate Lines”: ⌘D
      • Things
        • “File...”: ⌘S


  • enable “Tap to click”


  • enable secondary click
  • enable smart zoom
  • enable swipe between pages
  • disable mission control


  • enable “Show volume in menu bar”


  • check all except for “Mail”

Internet Accounts:

  • set up FastMail email, CalDAV and CardDAV (once it's available)
  • set up client email accounts
  • set up Twitter for @andreyvit, @livereload
  • set up Facebook
  • set up LinkedIn


  • enable Screen Sharing
  • enable File Sharing
  • enable Remote Login

App Store:

  • automatically download and install all updates (should be already checked)
  • enable “Automatically download apps purchased on other Macs”

Dictation & Speech:

  • Dictionary → Shortcut: Off

Step 5. Configure System Apps


  • View → Show Status Bar
  • New Finder windows show: home folder
  • Preferences → Sidebar
    • uncheck All My Files
    • check the home folder (andreyvit)
  • Preferences → Advanced
    • “When performing a search:” → “Search the Current Folder”


  • Add Jabber account
  • disable “Play sound effects”


  • Preferences → Advanced:
    • Show full website address
    • Show Develop menu


  • disable “Notifications: When song changes”

Step 6. Configure Third-Party Apps

Reorder dock icons:

  • Finder

  • Terminal

  • Messages

  • Telegram

  • Firehose Chat

  • Skype

  • iTunes

  • Safari

  • Google Chrome

  • Mail

  • YNAB (You Need A Budget)

    • enter license from 1Password
  • Evernote

  • iA Writer

  • Things

  • GitHub

  • Sublime Text

  • Xcode

  • iPhone Simulator

Configure apps using instructions above while waiting for the items below to complete. Start with Keyboard Maestro, Seil and Karabiner.

Step 7. Install & Configure Command-Line Tools

Change sudoers (sudo visudo) to:

  1. Add NOPASSWD: to %admin:

     %admin  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  2. Override umask:

     Defaults        umask_override
     Defaults        umask=022

Symlink env from iCloud Drive:

rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:~/env/ ~/env

Clone Oh My Zsh:

git clone --depth=1 ~/.oh-my-zsh

Wait for Dropbox to finish syncing Dropbox/env, then:

ln -s ~/Dropbox/env ~/env
cd ~/Dropbox/env
rake config
rake xcode_user_data
rake sublime
make karabiner

Rsync the rest of the data:

rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:~/dev/ ~/dev
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:~/dev/neo/r300lafayette/ ~/dev/neo/r300lafayette
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:/Volumes/JetDrive/ ~/JetDrive
rsync -azrv andreyvit-mbp.local:/Volumes/JetDrive/Images.sparsebundle ~/JetDrive

After command-line tools and Homebrew installation finishes, install packages:

make brew
make gems
make npm
make cask
make python

Step 8. Final Configuration

Tweak notification settings (System Preferences → Notifications) — may need to wait until the first notification comes:

  • FaceTime: disable “Play sound”
  • Mail: disable “Badge app icon”
  • Messages: alert style “None”, disable “Show in notification server”, disable “Play sound”
  • Telegram: alert style “None”, disable “Show in notification server”, disable “Play sound”
  • HazelHelper: alert style “None”, disable all checkboxes

Enable FileVault.

Enable Time Machine.


  • BitTorrent Sync
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • ScreenHero