- Update bundled QuickJS-NG engine to v0.9.0 (see https://github.com/quickjs-ng/quickjs/releases for release notes)
- Sync bundled QuickJS-NG engine to 9d6e372 to address gcc-ubsan error
- Patch bundled cpp11 headers for whitespace in literal operator declarations
- Fix conversions of NULL/NA/undefined values between R and JS
- Fix compilation under emscripten/WASM
- Update bundled QuickJS-NG engine to v0.8.0 (see https://github.com/quickjs-ng/quickjs/releases for release notes)
- Update vendored cpp11 headers to 0.5.1
- Update bundled QuickJS-NG engine to v0.6.1 (see https://github.com/quickjs-ng/quickjs/releases for release notes)
- Fix installation under R < 4.2
- Bundled QuickJS engine updated to the QuickJS-NG fork, which is under more active development than the original QuickJS engine
- Several Non-API R calls fixed
- Unity/jumbo build implemented for QuickJS sources, allowing for faster compilation and improved compiler optimisations
- Bugfixes for feature detection when system
differs fromR CMD config CC
- Fix non-canonical CRAN URL in READMEE
- Fix installation under C++11
- Fix installation for FreeBSD
- Fix detection of atomics support under Windows and ARM64
- Fix module loading
- Add
methods toJSContext
- Support passing R environments, getting and setting values
- Add global R object with access to package environments
dependency replaced with vendoredcpp11
dependency removedR
interoperability added, removingjsonlite
dependency- Fixes for libatomic linking on 32-bit systems
- Added
functions for testingR
- Fixed UBSAN error in
- Fixed compilation errors with older GCC & Clang (
stdatomic.h not found
- Bundled QuickJS engine updated to the 2024-01-13 release:
- top-level-await support in modules
- allow 'await' in the REPL
- added Array.prototype.{with,toReversed,toSpliced,toSorted} and TypedArray.prototype.{with,toReversed,toSorted}
- added String.prototype.isWellFormed and String.prototype.toWellFormed
- added Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy
- added Promise.withResolvers
- class static block
- 'in' operator support for private fields
- optional chaining fixes
- added RegExp 'd' flag
- fixed RegExp zero length match logic
- fixed RegExp case insensitive flag
- added os.sleepAsync(), os.getpid() and os.now()
- added cosmopolitan build
- misc bug fixes
- Bundled QuickJS engine updated to the 2023-12-09 release:
- added Object.hasOwn, {String|Array|TypedArray}.prototype.at, {Array|TypedArray}.prototype.findLast{Index}
- BigInt support is enabled even if CONFIG_BIGNUM disabled
- updated to Unicode 15.0.0
- misc bug fixes