Hardware tester based on GRLIB library and GDB debug concept. This is co-project to perform hardware testing through UART debug interface for those project who doesn't have debug interface by themselves.
- ahbuart0 Cobham Gaisler AHB Debug UART
- AHB Master 0
- APB: 80000300 - 80000400
- Baudrate 115200, AHB frequency 20,00 MHz
- spi2ahb0 Cobham Gaisler SPI to AHB Bridge
- AHB Master 1
- apbmst0 Cobham Gaisler AHB/APB Bridge
- AHB: 80000000 - 90000000
- gpio0 Cobham Gaisler General Purpose I/O port
- APB: 80000000 - 80000100
- uart0 Cobham Gaisler Generic UART
- APB: 80000100 - 80000200
- IRQ: 1
- Baudrate 38461, FIFO debug mode available
- irqmp0 Cobham Gaisler Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl.
- APB: 80000200 - 80000300 More info about IP-cores above in grip.pdf
Design was checked via DE0-nano board, because repo's author has it. To perform synthesis
cd altera
To do things above Quartus/Intel FPGA software is needed
This project has the same interfaces as target project (the one you want to test) + debug UART. Just connect projects inside one wrap through interfaces one to another. Non-interface pins of you target project could be read/configured using GPIO pins (you can read/write those GPIO pins through APB address space).
To connect via debug UART one can use GRMON2/GRMON3. More info about those GRMON2 & GRMON3