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150 lines (125 loc) · 4.57 KB

File metadata and controls

150 lines (125 loc) · 4.57 KB


This plugin has been created to assist with exporting post types, along with their metadata and the use of custom hooks for custom columns.


It is intended to add the support for taxonomies.


This plugin is divided into two segments. First is the folder structure as a whole which includes files that are not required within the plugin. Second are the files within the plugins/post-type-csv-exporter/ which is the directory used as a plugin.

Folder Layout

Below is the basic layout / structure of the theme:

  • asset-src/ - Raw asset files that are built and packaged into the plugin.
  • build/ - The build tools and libraries for npm and composer.
  • plugins/post-type-csv-exporter/ - The directory that is used as a plugin.
  • scripts/ - Helper scripts to run the build process.


The build should be run before packaging and using the plugin. simply run the following command;

cd /path/to/this/dir/


The build should be run before packaging and using the plugin. simply run the follwong command

# CLI variables available $1, $2, $3, $4
# - composer - will build the composer assets before dev start.
# - install - will build the package.json assets before dev start.
# - yarn - will use yarn instead of npm.
# - dashboard - will use the dev dashboard.

Basic and using NPM

cd /path/to/this/dir/

Using Yarn and Dev Dashboard

cd /path/to/this/dir/
./scripts/ yarn dashboard



  1. Copy this plugins directory into your WordPress install
  2. Use a class or function to add the settings page. simple, replacing <post_type> with your post type;
add_action( 'init', 'add_csv_exporter_admin_page', 100 );
function add_csv_exporter_admin_page() {
    if ( class_exists( '\\PostTypeCSVExporter\\Library\\CSVExporter' ) ) {
        new \PostTypeCSVExporter\Library\CSVExporter( '<post_type>' );


Adding custom columns and data related to your post type.

add_filter( 'post_type_csv_exporter_post_keys_<post_type>', 'csv_exporter_post_keys' );
 * Filter the post keys for selection on the export page.
 * @param array $post_keys The post keys as an array.
 * @return mixed
function csv_exporter_post_keys( $post_keys ) {

    // Remove meta keys that we know are not required.
    unset( $post_keys['post_date_gmt'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_content'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_excerpt'] );
    unset( $post_keys['comment_status'] );
    unset( $post_keys['ping_status'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_password'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_name'] );
    unset( $post_keys['to_ping'] );
    unset( $post_keys['pinged'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_modified_gmt'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_content_filtered'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_parent'] );
    unset( $post_keys['guid'] );
    unset( $post_keys['menu_order'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_type'] );
    unset( $post_keys['post_mime_type'] );
    unset( $post_keys['comment_count'] );
    unset( $post_keys['filter'] );

    return $post_keys;

add_filter( 'post_type_csv_exporter_post_meta_keys_<post_type>','csv_exporter_post_meta_keys' );
 * Filter the post meta keys for selection on the export page.
 * @param array $post_meta_keys The post meta keys as an array.
 * @return mixed
 function csv_exporter_post_meta_keys( $post_meta_keys ) {

    // Remove post meta keys that we know are not required.
    unset( $post_meta_keys['blank_page_template_enabled'] );
    unset( $post_meta_keys['blank_page_template_tracking_code'] );
    unset( $post_meta_keys['disable_feature_image'] );
    unset( $post_meta_keys['exclude_from_partner_feed'] );
    unset( $post_meta_keys['_edit_lock'] );

    return $post_meta_keys;

add_filter( 'post_type_csv_exporter_post_extra_keys_and_callbacks_<post_type>', 'csv_exporter_post_extra_keys_and_callbacks'  );
 * Add additional keys for the post type exporter.
 * The values are gathered with callbacks.
 * @param array $post_extra_keys An array of extra keys.
 * @return array
function csv_exporter_post_extra_keys_and_callbacks( $post_extra_keys ) {

    $post_extra_keys = [
        'product_type' => 'get_product_type_callback',

    return array_merge( $post_extra_keys, $post_extra_keys );

function get_product_type_callback( $post_id ) {
     * This is just an example.
     * With the $post_id if it had the product id stored as meta we could get the product
     * then get the product type from that products meta, returning that as the value.