Aerospike::createIndex - creates a secondary index on a bin
public int Aerospike::createIndex ( string $ns, string $set, string $bin, int $type, string $name )
Aerospike::createIndex() will create a secondary index of a given type on a namespace, set and bin with a specified name.
ns the namespace
set the set
bin the bin on which the secondary index is to be created
type one of Aerospike::INDEX_TYPE_*
name the name of the index
Returns an integer status code. Compare to the Aerospike class status constants. When non-zero the Aerospike::error() and Aerospike::errorno() methods can be used.
$config = array("hosts"=>array(array("addr"=>"localhost", "port"=>3000)));
$db = new Aerospike($config);
if (!$db->isConnected()) {
echo "Aerospike failed to connect[{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}\n";
$res = $db->createIndex("test", "user", "email", Aerospike::INDEX_TYPE_STRING, "user_email_idx");
if ($res == Aerospike::OK) {
echo "Index user_email_idx created on\n";
else if ($res == Aerospike::ERR_INDEX_FOUND) {
echo "This index has already been created.\n";
} else {
echo "[{$db->errorno()}] ".$db->error();
We expect to see:
Index user_email_id created on