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Resnet50 on Graphcore

Go to direcotry with Resnet50 example

cd ~/graphcore/examples/vision/cnns/pytorch

Create a new PopTorch Environment


virtualenv ~/Graphcore/workspace/poptorch33_resnet50_env
source ~/Graphcore/workspace/poptorch33_resnet50_env/bin/activate
pip install $POPLAR_SDK_ROOT/poptorch-3.3.0+113432_960e9c294b_ubuntu_20_04-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Install Requirements

cd ~/graphcore/examples/vision/cnns/pytorch
make install 
make install-turbojpeg

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Update Configuration

Change following line in configs.yml

use_bbox_info: false

Run Resnet50

Create a script called with following

poprun -vv --vipu-partition=slurm_${SLURM_JOBID} --num-instances=1 --num-replicas=4 --executable-cache-path=$PYTORCH_CACHE_DIR python3 /home/$USER/graphcore/examples/vision/cnns/pytorch/train/ --config resnet50-pod4 --imagenet-data-path /mnt/localdata/datasets/imagenet-raw-dataset --epoch 2 --validation-mode none --dataloader-worker 14 --dataloader-rebatch-size 256

submit a job

chmod +x
/opt/slurm/bin/srun --ipus=4
Sample Output
  srun: job 10675 queued and waiting for resources
  srun: job 10675 has been allocated resources
  23:48:29.160 3555537 POPRUN [I] V-IPU server address picked up from 'vipu':
  23:48:29.160 3555537 POPRUN [D] Connecting to
  23:48:29.162 3555537 POPRUN [D] Status for partition slurm_10673: OK (error 0)
  23:48:29.162 3555537 POPRUN [I] Partition slurm_10673 already exists and is in state: PS_ACTIVE
  23:48:29.163 3555537 POPRUN [D] The reconfigurable partition slurm_10673 is OK
  |      poprun topology      |
  | hosts     | gc-poplar-02  |
  | ILDs      |       0       |
  | instances |       0       |
  | replicas  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
  23:48:29.163 3555537 POPRUN [D] Target options from environment: {}
  23:48:29.163 3555537 POPRUN [D] Target options from V-IPU partition: {"ipuLinkDomainSize":"4","ipuLinkConfiguration":"default","ipuLinkTopology":"mesh","gatewayMode":"true","instanceSize":"4"}
  23:48:29.207 3555537 POPRUN [D] Found 1 devices with 4 IPUs
  23:48:29.777 3555537 POPRUN [D] Attached to device 6
  23:48:29.777 3555537 POPRUN [I] Preparing parent device 6
  23:48:29.777 3555537 POPRUN [D] Device 6 ipuLinkDomainSize=64, ipuLinkConfiguration=Default, ipuLinkTopology=Mesh, gatewayMode=true, instanceSize=4
  23:48:33.631 3555537 POPRUN [D] Target options from Poplar device: {"ipuLinkDomainSize":"64","ipuLinkConfiguration":"default","ipuLinkTopology":"mesh","gatewayMode":"true","instanceSize":"4"}
  23:48:33.631 3555537 POPRUN [D] Using target options: {"ipuLinkDomainSize":"4","ipuLinkConfiguration":"default","ipuLinkTopology":"mesh","gatewayMode":"true","instanceSize":"4"}

  Graph compilation: 100%|██████████| 100/100 [00:04<00:00][1,0]<stderr>:2023-08-22T23:49:40.103248Z PO:ENGINE   3556102.3556102 W: WARNING: The compile time engine option debug.branchRecordTile is set to "5887" when creating the Engine. (At compile time it was set to 1471)
  Loss:6.7539 [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] Epoch 1████▌| 75/78 [02:42<00:06,  2.05s/it][1,0]<stderr>:
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] loss: 6.7462,
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] accuracy: 0.62 %
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] throughput: 7599.7 samples/sec
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] Epoch 2/2
  Loss:6.7462 | Accuracy:0.62%: 100%|██████████| 78/78 [02:48<00:00,  2.16s/it][1,0]<stderr>:
  Loss:6.2821 | Accuracy:2.42%:  96%|█████████▌| 75/7[1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] Epoch 2,0]<stderr>:
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] loss: 6.2720,
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] accuracy: 2.48 %
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] throughput: 8125.8 samples/sec
  [1,0]<stdout>:[INFO] Finished training. Time: 2023-08-22 23:54:57.853508. It took: 0:05:26.090631
  Loss:6.2720 | Accuracy:2.48%: 100%|██████████| 78/78 [02:37<00:00,  2.02s/it][1,0]<stderr>:
  [1,0]<stderr>:/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 14 leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown
  [1,0]<stderr>:  warnings.warn('resource_tracker: There appear to be %d '
  23:55:02.722 3555537 POPRUN [I] mpirun (PID 3556098) terminated with exit code 0