- To use Alibaba Cloud SDK for PHP, you must have an Alibaba Cloud account as well as an
AccessKey ID
and anAccessKey Secret
. Create and view your AccessKey on the RAM console or contact your system administrator. - To use the Alibaba Cloud SDK for PHP to access the APIs of a product, you must first activate the product on the Alibaba Cloud console if required.
- The Alibaba Cloud PHP SDK requires PHP 5.6 or later.
If you use Composer
to manage PHP libraries
# require alibabacloud/imagesearch-20200212 for example
composer require alibabacloud/imagesearch-20200212
The following code example shows the three main steps to use Alibaba Cloud SDK for PHP :
Create and initialize a
instance. -
Create and initialize a
instance. -
Create and set up parameters
instance. -
Create an API request and set parameters.
Initiate the request and handle the response or exceptions.
namespace demo;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use AlibabaCloud\SDK\ImageSearch\V20200212\ImageSearch;
use AlibabaCloud\Tea\Rpc\Rpc\Config;
use AlibabaCloud\Tea\Utils\Utils\RuntimeOptions;
$config = new Config();
$config->accessKeyId = "<Access-Key-Id>";
$config->accessKeySecret = "<Access-Key-Secret>";
$config->regionId = "cn-shanghai";
$config->endpoint = "imagesearch.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com";
$client = new ImageSearch($config);
$request = new ImageSearch\SearchImageByNameRequest();
$request->picName = 'test';
$runtime = new RuntimeOptions();
$runtime->maxIdleConns = 3;
$runtime->connectTimeout = 10000;
$runtime->readTimeout = 10000;
try {
$response = $client->searchImageByName($request, $runtime);
} catch (TeaUnableRetryError $e) {
$exception = $e->getLastException();
/* @var \AlibabaCloud\Tea\Exception\TeaError $exception */