English | 简体中文
- Python >= 3.x
If you use pip
to install your dependence
$ pip install alibabacloud-imagesearch20200212
Before you begin, you need to sign up for an Alibaba Cloud account and retrieve your Credentials.
from alibabacloud_imagesearch20200212.client import Client
from alibabacloud_imagesearch20200212.models import SearchImageByPicAdvanceRequest
from alibabacloud_oss_util.models import RuntimeOptions
from alibabacloud_tea_rpc.models import Config
'''ImageSearch Example'''
f = open('pic.jpg', 'rb')
# init Request
request = SearchImageByPicAdvanceRequest(
# init Config
config = Config(
# init RuntimeObject
runtime_option = RuntimeOptions()
# init Client
client = Client(config)
# call api
response = client.search_image_by_pic_advance(request, runtime_option)
class Config(TeaModel):
def __init__(self):
self.access_key_id = access_key_id # access key id
self.access_key_secret = access_key_secret # access key secret
self.security_token = security_token # Security Token
self.protocol = protocol # http|https
self.region_id = region_id # region id
self.read_timeout = read_timeout # read timeout
self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout # connect timeout
self.http_proxy = http_proxy # http proxy
self.https_proxy = https_proxy # https proxy
self.endpoint = endpoint # endpoint
self.no_proxy = no_proxy # agent whitelist
self.max_idle_conns = max_idle_conns # maximum number of connections
self.user_agent = user_agent # User-Agent
self.socks_5proxy = socks_5proxy # socks5 proxy
self.socks_5net_work = socks_5net_work # ocks5 agency agreement
self.endpoint_type = endpoint_type # ednpoint type:internal,accelerate or null
self.open_platform_endpoint = open_platform_endpoint # endpoint used when the file is uploaded(Not at the moment)
self.type = type # credential type,If you have any questions, please refer to it https://github.com/aliyun/credentials-python/blob/master/README-CN.md
class RuntimeOptions(TeaModel):
def __init__(self):
self.autoretry = autoretry # whether to enable retry
self.ignore_ssl = ignore_ssl # whether SSL validation is ignored
self.max_attempts = max_attempts # maximum number of retries
self.backoff_policy = backoff_policy # retry the sleep strategy
self.backoff_period = backoff_period # retry the sleep time
self.read_timeout = read_timeout # read timeout
self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout # connect timeout
self.local_addr = local_addr # the local network adapter ip
self.http_proxy = http_proxy # http proxy
self.https_proxy = https_proxy # httpsproxy
self.no_proxy = no_proxy # agent whitelist
self.max_idle_conns = max_idle_conns # maximum number of connections
self.socks_5proxy = socks_5proxy # socks5 proxy
self.socks_5net_work = socks_5net_work # socks5 proxy