AvoRed Product Attribute is a specific attribute of an Product which can be customized or user can tell Store Owner that i want to buy a Product with this specific attributes of an product. For example if store owner selling a T-shirt. In that case store owner can set the attriute of an T-shirt e.g: Color and Sizes. From user point of view user can select which color and size he/she want to buy a t-shirt.
To create a product attribute login to admin area of Avored.
Shop=>Attribute=>Create Attribute
Fill out the attribute fields as shown in Image.
- Name
- Identifier
- Display Text (as an Option 1 for that Attribute)
- Display Text (as an Option 2 for that Attribute)
To Edit a product attribute login to admin area of Avored.
Just change the field that wanted to changed it.
- Name
- Slug
- If you want you can add and remove Options for that attribute as well.
To Destroy a product attribute login to admin area of Avored.