CipherChat - A Secure Messaging Mobile Application
Developed using React Native and Firebase
End to End Encryption
Implemented cryptographic algorithms (RSA, AES, SHA-256)
Used Hashing for password saving
Used react-native-gifted-chat for Implementing Chat UI
Every user gets his/her own Public Keys
Accounts Login/Registration
Real-time chatting
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of User's Data
User-freindly Interface
Dynamic and Optimized Code
Configured for Android devices
npm and yarn compatible
Clone the repo git clone
cd react-native-chat-app
run npm install
run npm android
for npm
run yarn android
for yarn
You are good to go now
"react" : " 18.2.0" ,
"react-native" : " 0.73.4" ,
"react-native-screens" : " ^3.31.1" ,
"@react-navigation/native" : " ^6.1.17" ,
"@react-navigation/native-stack" : " ^6.9.26" ,
"@react-native-firebase/app" : " ^20.0.0" ,
"@react-native-firebase/firestore" : " ^20.0.0" ,
"react-native-asset" : " ^2.1.1" ,
"react-native-date-picker" : " ^5.0.2" ,
"react-native-gifted-chat" : " ^2.4.0" ,
"react-native-safe-area-context" : " ^4.10.1" ,
"react-native-crypto-js" : " ^1.0.0" ,
"react-native-rsa-native" : " ^2.0.5" ,
"react-native-sha256" : " ^1.4.10" ,
"react-native-uuid" : " ^2.0.2"
"@react-native-async-storage/async-storage" : " ^1.23.1" ,