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hipSOLVER Cholesky Decomposition and linear system solver


This example illustrates the functionality to perform Cholesky decomposition, potrf, and to solve a linear system using the resulting Cholesky factor, potrs. The potrf functions decompose a Hermitian positive-definite matrix $A$ into $L\cdot L^H$ (or $U^H\cdot U$), where $L$ and $U$ are a lower- and upper-triangular matrix, respectively. The potrs functions solve a linear system $A\times X=B$ for $X$.

Application flow

  1. Declare several constants for the sizes of the matrices.
  2. Allocate the input- and output-matrices on the host and device, initialize the input data. Matrix $A_0$ is not Hermitian positive semi-definite, matrix $A_1$ is Hermitian positive semi-definite.
  3. Create a hipSOLVER handle.
  4. Query the size of the working space of the potrf and potrs functions and allocate the required amount of device memory.
  5. Call the potrf function to decompose $A_0$ and assert that it failed since $A_0$ does not meet the requirements.
  6. Call the potrf function to decompose $A_1$ and assert that it succeeds.
  7. Call the potrs function to solve the system $A_1\times X=B$.
  8. Copy the device result back to the host.
  9. Free device resources and the hipSOLVER handle.
  10. Validate that the result found is correct by calculating $A_1\times X$, and print the result.

Key APIs and Concepts


  • hipSOLVER is initialized by calling hipsolverCreate(hipsolverHandle_t*) and it is terminated by calling hipsolverDestroy(hipsolverHandle_t).
  • hipsolver[SDCZ]potrf performs Cholesky decomposition on Hermitian positive semi-definite matrix $A$. The correct function signature should be chosen based on the datatype of the input matrix:
    • S (single-precision: float).
    • D (double-precision: double).
    • C (single-precision complex: hipFloatComplex).
    • Z (double-precision complex: hipDoubleComplex).
  • hipsolver[SDCZ]potrf_bufferSize obtains the size needed for the working space for the hipsolver[SDCZ]potrf function.
  • hipsolver[SDCZ]potrs solves the system of linear equations defined by $A\times X=B$, where $A$ is a Cholesky-decomposed Hermitian positive semi-definite n-by-n matrix, $X$ is an n-by-nrhs matrix, and $B$ is an n-by-nrhs matrix.
  • The potrf and potrs functions require the specification of a hipsolverFillMode_t, which indicates which triangular part of the matrix is processed and replaced by the functions. The legal values are HIPSOLVER_FILL_MODE_LOWER and HIPSOLVER_FILL_MODE_UPPER.
  • The potrf and potrs functions also require the specification of the leading dimension of all matrices. The leading dimension specifies the number of elements between the beginnings of successive matrix vectors. In other fields, this may be referred to as the stride. This concept allows the matrix used in the potrf and potrs functions to be a sub-matrix of a larger one. Since hipSOLVER matrices are stored in column-major order, the leading dimension must be greater than or equal to the number of rows of the matrix.

Used API surface


  • hipsolverCreate
  • hipsolverDestroy
  • hipsolverDpotrf
  • hipsolverDpotrf_bufferSize
  • hipsolverDpotrs
  • hipsolverFillMode_t
  • hipsolverHandle_t

HIP runtime

  • hipFree
  • hipMalloc
  • hipMemcpy
  • hipMemcpyHostToDevice
  • hipMemcpyDeviceToHost